『徳島大学 教育・研究者情報データベース (EDB)』---[学外] /
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EID=193043EID:193043, Map:0, LastModified:2012年8月28日(火) 20:31:37, Operator:[大家 隆弘], Avail:TRUE, Censor:0, Owner:[[副研究部長]/[徳島大学.大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部]], Read:継承, Write:継承, Delete:継承.
種別 (必須): 学術論文 (審査論文) [継承]
言語 (必須): 英語 [継承]
招待 (推奨):
審査 (推奨): Peer Review [継承]
カテゴリ (推奨):
共著種別 (推奨):
学究種別 (推奨):
組織 (推奨):
著者 (必須): 1. (英) Iwanaga Y (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
2. (英) Ueno M (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
3. (英) Ueki M (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
4. (英) Huang C-L (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
5.冨田 修平
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
6. (英) Okamoto Y (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
7. (英) Ogawa T (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
8. (英) Ueda N (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
9. (英) Maekawa N (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
10. (英) Sakamoto H (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
題名 (必須): (英) The expression of osteopontin is increased in vessels with blood-brain barrier impairment.  (日)    [継承]
副題 (任意):
要約 (任意): (英) We previously reported that the blood-brain barrier (BBB) function was deteriorated in vessels located along hippocampal fissures in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP). In this study, we examined changes of gene expression in the BBB-damaged vessels of SHRSP. Vascular samples were microdissected from the hippocampi of SHRSP and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) as a control and the difference in gene expression between the BBB-damaged vessels in SHRSP and vessels without BBB damage in WKY was examined by a microarray. The differences in gene and protein expression between brain tissues in the two strains of rats were examined using real-time quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. The microarray assay revealed that the ratio of osteopontin gene expression in the vascular tissue of the hippocampi of SHRSP to that of WKY was the highest among 8435 genes. Real-time RT-PCR analysis revealed that the gene expression of osteopontin was significantly increased in the hippocampal samples of SHRSP compared with that in the hippocampal samples of WKY rats or with that in the cortical samples of SHRSP. Immunohistochemical and Western blot analyses showed that the osteopontin protein expression was seen in perivascular ED1-positive macrophages/microglial cells located around hippocampal fissures and significantly increased in the hippocampi of SHRSP compared with that of WKY. These findings indicate that the expression of osteopontin is increased in BBB-damaged vessels in hypertensive SHRSP compared with that in vessels without BBB impairment in WKY rats, suggesting a role for osteopontin in BBB function.  (日)    [継承]
キーワード (推奨): 1. (英) Animals (日) (読) [継承]
2.血液脳関門 (blood-brain barrier) [継承]
3. (英) Blotting, Western (日) (読) [継承]
4.遺伝子発現 (gene expression) [継承]
5. (英) Hippocampus (日) (読) [継承]
6. (英) Hypertension (日) (読) [継承]
7.免疫組織化学 (immunohistochemistry) [継承]
8. (英) Male (日) (読) [継承]
9. (英) Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis (日) (読) [継承]
10.オステオポンティン (osteopontin) [継承]
11. (英) Protein Array Analysis (日) (読) [継承]
12. (英) Rats (日) (読) [継承]
13. (英) Rats, Inbred SHR (日) (読) [継承]
14. (英) Rats, Wistar (日) (読) [継承]
15. (英) Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (日) (読) [継承]
発行所 (推奨):
誌名 (必須): Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology (British Neuropathological Society)
(pISSN: 0305-1846, eISSN: 1365-2990)

ISSN (任意): 1365-2990
ISSN: 0305-1846 (pISSN: 0305-1846, eISSN: 1365-2990)
Title: Neuropathology and applied neurobiology
Title(ISO): Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol
Supplier: British Neuropathological Society
Publisher: Blackwell
 (NLM Catalog  (Wiley  (Scopus  (CrossRef (Scopus information is found. [need login])
(必須): 34 [継承]
(必須): 2 [継承]
(必須): 145 154 [継承]
都市 (任意):
年月日 (必須): 西暦 2007年 10月 31日 (平成 19年 10月 31日) [継承]
URL (任意):
DOI (任意): 10.1111/j.1365-2990.2007.00877.x    (→Scopusで検索) [継承]
PMID (任意): 17973907    (→Scopusで検索) [継承]
CRID (任意):
WOS (任意):
Scopus (任意):
評価値 (任意):
被引用数 (任意):
指導教員 (推奨):
備考 (任意): 1.(英) Article.Affiliation: Department of Anaesthesiology and Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University, Kagawa, Japan.  (日)    [継承]
2.(英) Article.PublicationTypeList.PublicationType: Journal Article  (日)    [継承]
3.(英) Article.PublicationTypeList.PublicationType: Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't  (日)    [継承]


和文冊子 ● Y Iwanaga, M Ueno, M Ueki, C-L Huang, Shuhei Tomita, Y Okamoto, T Ogawa, N Ueda, N Maekawa and H Sakamoto : The expression of osteopontin is increased in vessels with blood-brain barrier impairment., Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, Vol.34, No.2, 145-154, 2007.
欧文冊子 ● Y Iwanaga, M Ueno, M Ueki, C-L Huang, Shuhei Tomita, Y Okamoto, T Ogawa, N Ueda, N Maekawa and H Sakamoto : The expression of osteopontin is increased in vessels with blood-brain barrier impairment., Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, Vol.34, No.2, 145-154, 2007.


Number of session users = 2, LA = 0.49, Max(EID) = 415544, Max(EOID) = 1123707.