〔閲覧〕【著作】([岡 博之]/Kouno Hiroshi/[田中 均]/Synthesis and Through-Bond Spin Interaction of Stable 1,3-Phenylene-Linked Polyradical Carrying Aminoxyls in the pi-Conjugated Main Chain/[Journal of Materials Chemistry])
ISSN: 0959-9428
(pISSN: 0959-9428, eISSN: 1364-5501) Title: Journal of materials chemistry Title(ISO): J Mater Chem Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry (NLM Catalog) (Scopus) (CrossRef)
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Hiroyuki Oka, Hiroshi KounoandHitoshi Tanaka : Synthesis and Through-Bond Spin Interaction of Stable 1,3-Phenylene-Linked Polyradical Carrying Aminoxyls in the pi-Conjugated Main Chain, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Vol.17, No.12, 1209-1215, 2007.
欧文冊子 ●
Hiroyuki Oka, Hiroshi KounoandHitoshi Tanaka : Synthesis and Through-Bond Spin Interaction of Stable 1,3-Phenylene-Linked Polyradical Carrying Aminoxyls in the pi-Conjugated Main Chain, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Vol.17, No.12, 1209-1215, 2007.
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