和文冊子 ● |
[氏名] 寺尾 博充, Hiromitsu Terao,
[Email] (電子メール),
[職名・学位] (肩書)・理学博士, 広島大学,
[専門分野] 無機固体化学,
[所属学会] 社団法人 日本化学会,
[社会活動] ,
[研究テーマ] ハロゲノ錯体の構造と物性,
[キーワード] 化学結合, 結晶構造, 分子運動, 相転移, 核四極共鳴,
[共同研究可能テーマ] 無機固体物質の合成と物性測定
欧文冊子 ● |
[Name] Hiromitsu Terao,
[Email] (電子メール),
[Title, Degree] (肩書)・Dr. of Science, 広島大学,
[Field of Study] Inorganic Solid State Chemistry,
[Academic Society] The Chemical Society of Japan,
[Social Activity] ,
[Theme of Study] Structure and Physical Properties of Halogeno Complexes,
[Keyword] chemical bond, crystal structure, molecular motion, phase transition, nuclear quadrupole resonance,
[Collaboratible] Preparations and Measurements of Physical Properties for Inorganic Solid-state Materials