〔閲覧〕【著作】(Lucas B/Stefanova I/[安友 康二]/Dautigny N/Germain RN/Divergent changes in the sensitivity of maturing T cell to structurally related ligands underlies formation of a useful T cell repertoire/Immunity)
(英) Divergent changes in the sensitivity of maturing T cell to structurally related ligands underlies formation of a useful T cell repertoire (日)
(英) Immunity (日)(読)
367 376
西暦 1999年 0月 初日 (平成 11年 0月 初日)
和文冊子 ●
B Lucas, I Stefanova, Koji Yasutomo, N DautignyandRN Germain : Divergent changes in the sensitivity of maturing T cell to structurally related ligands underlies formation of a useful T cell repertoire, Immunity, Vol.10, (号), 367-376, 1999.
欧文冊子 ●
B Lucas, I Stefanova, Koji Yasutomo, N DautignyandRN Germain : Divergent changes in the sensitivity of maturing T cell to structurally related ligands underlies formation of a useful T cell repertoire, Immunity, Vol.10, (号), 367-376, 1999.
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