『徳島大学 教育・研究者情報データベース (EDB)』---[学外] /
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EID=101462EID:101462, Map:0, LastModified:2017年12月5日(火) 13:58:11, Operator:[三木 ちひろ], Avail:TRUE, Censor:0, Owner:[安友 康二], Read:継承, Write:継承, Delete:継承.
種別 (必須): 学術論文 (審査論文) [継承]
言語 (必須): 英語 [継承]
招待 (推奨):
審査 (推奨): Peer Review [継承]
カテゴリ (推奨):
共著種別 (推奨): 国内共著 (徳島大学内研究者と国内(学外)研究者との共同研究 (国外研究者を含まない)) [継承]
学究種別 (推奨):
組織 (推奨):
著者 (必須): 1. (英) Zhang Tianqian (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
2. (英) Maekawa Yoichi (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
3.安友 康二 ([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.医科学部門.病理系.生体防御医学])
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
4. (英) Ishikawa Hiroyuki (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
5. (英) Fawzy Baher Nashed (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
6. (英) Dainichi Teruki (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
7. (英) Hisaeda Hajime (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
8. (英) Sakai Tohru (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
9. (英) Kasai Michiyuki (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
10. (英) Mizuochi Toshiaki (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
11. (英) Asao Tetsuji (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
12. (英) Katunuma Nobuhiko (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
13. (英) Himeno Kunisuke (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
題名 (必須): (英) Pepstatin A sensitive aspartic proteases in lysosome are involved in degradation of the invariant chain and antigen-processing in antigen presenting cells of mice infected with leishmania major  (日)    [継承]
副題 (任意):
要約 (任意): (英) We previously reported that CA074, a specific inhibitor of cathepsin B, significantly deviated immune responses from the disease-promoting Th2 type to the protective Th1 type in BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania major. Herein, we found that pepstatin A-sensitive aspartic proteases (PSAP) in lysosomes seem to play a different role from that of cathepsin B in antigen-processing and Ii-degradation. That is, cathepsin B appears to digest 16-, 28-, and 31-kDa peptides of soluble leishmania antigen (SLA), whereas PSAP seems to process mainly 28-kDa peptides. Furthermore, the latter protease contributed to the degradation of Ii but cathepsin B did not. Following treatment with pepstatin A, both Th1 and Th2 responses were profoundly suppressed in resistant DBA/2 mice (H-2(d)) and in susceptible BALB/c mice (H-2(d)), and both strains of mice became markedly susceptible compared with the untreated groups, probably owing to failure in degradation of Ii and partly to failure in digestion of 28-kDa peptide.  (日)    [継承]
キーワード (推奨): 1. (英) Animals (日) (読) [継承]
2. (英) Antibody Formation (日) (読) [継承]
3. (英) Antigen Presentation (日) (読) [継承]
4. (英) Antigen-Presenting Cells (日) (読) [継承]
5. (英) Antigens, Differentiation, B-Lymphocyte (日) (読) [継承]
6. (英) Antigens, Protozoan (日) (読) [継承]
7. (英) Aspartic Acid Endopeptidases (日) (読) [継承]
8. (英) CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes (日) (読) [継承]
9. (英) Cathepsin B (日) (読) [継承]
10.細胞分裂 (cell division) [継承]
11. (英) Cysteine Proteinase Inhibitors (日) (読) [継承]
12.細胞質分裂 (cytokinesis) [継承]
13. (英) Dipeptides (日) (読) [継承]
14. (英) Disease Models, Animal (日) (読) [継承]
15. (英) Female (日) (読) [継承]
16. (英) Histocompatibility Antigens Class II (日) (読) [継承]
17. (英) Leishmania major (日) (読) [継承]
18. (英) Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous (日) (読) [継承]
19. (英) Lymphocytes (日) (読) [継承]
20. (英) Lysosomes (日) (読) [継承]
21. (英) Mice (日) (読) [継承]
22. (英) Mice, Inbred BALB C (日) (読) [継承]
23. (英) Mice, Inbred DBA (日) (読) [継承]
24. (英) Pepstatins (日) (読) [継承]
25. (英) Th1 Cells (日) (読) [継承]
26. (英) Th2 Cells (日) (読) [継承]
発行所 (推奨):
誌名 (必須): Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications ([Elsevier])
(pISSN: 0006-291X, eISSN: 1090-2104)

ISSN (任意): 0006-291X
ISSN: 0006-291X (pISSN: 0006-291X, eISSN: 1090-2104)
Title: Biochemical and biophysical research communications
Title(ISO): Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Publisher: Elsevier B.V.
 (NLM Catalog  (Scopus  (CrossRef (Scopus information is found. [need login])
(必須): 276 [継承]
(必須): 2 [継承]
(必須): 693 701 [継承]
都市 (任意):
年月日 (必須): 西暦 2000年 9月 24日 (平成 12年 9月 24日) [継承]
URL (任意):
DOI (任意): 10.1006/bbrc.2000.3538    (→Scopusで検索) [継承]
PMID (任意): 11027533    (→Scopusで検索) [継承]
CRID (任意):
WOS (任意): 000089558600048 [継承]
Scopus (任意): 2-s2.0-0034710836 [継承]
評価値 (任意):
被引用数 (任意):
指導教員 (推奨):
備考 (任意): 1.(英) Article.PublicationTypeList.PublicationType: Journal Article  (日)    [継承]
2.(英) Article.PublicationTypeList.PublicationType: Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't  (日)    [継承]


和文冊子 ● Tianqian Zhang, Yoichi Maekawa, Koji Yasutomo, Hiroyuki Ishikawa, Nashed Baher Fawzy, Teruki Dainichi, Hajime Hisaeda, Tohru Sakai, Michiyuki Kasai, Toshiaki Mizuochi, Tetsuji Asao, Nobuhiko Katunuma and Kunisuke Himeno : Pepstatin A sensitive aspartic proteases in lysosome are involved in degradation of the invariant chain and antigen-processing in antigen presenting cells of mice infected with leishmania major, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.276, No.2, 693-701, 2000.
欧文冊子 ● Tianqian Zhang, Yoichi Maekawa, Koji Yasutomo, Hiroyuki Ishikawa, Nashed Baher Fawzy, Teruki Dainichi, Hajime Hisaeda, Tohru Sakai, Michiyuki Kasai, Toshiaki Mizuochi, Tetsuji Asao, Nobuhiko Katunuma and Kunisuke Himeno : Pepstatin A sensitive aspartic proteases in lysosome are involved in degradation of the invariant chain and antigen-processing in antigen presenting cells of mice infected with leishmania major, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.276, No.2, 693-701, 2000.


Number of session users = 0, LA = 0.33, Max(EID) = 414350, Max(EOID) = 1117924.