『徳島大学 教育・研究者情報データベース (EDB)』---[学外] /
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[組織]=閲覧 岡山県立大学
PERM=閲覧 徳島大学.工学部.機械工学科.生産システム講座 (〜2023年3月31日)


有効な情報: 6件 + 無効な情報: 0件 = 全ての情報: 6件

全ての有効な情報 (6件)


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閲覧 閲覧 岡山県立大学
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排列順: 項目表示:
閲覧 Teruaki Ito and Tomio Watanabe : ARM-COMS: Arm-supported embodied communication monitor system, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.HIMI/HCII 2013, Part III, No.LNCS 8018, 307-316, Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A., July 2013..[組織] ...
閲覧 Teruaki Ito and Tomio Watanabe : Three Key Challenges in ARM-COMS for Entrainment Effect Acceleration in Remote Communication, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.HIMI 2014, Part I, No.LNCS 8521, 177-186, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 2014..[組織] ...
閲覧 Teruaki Ito and Tomio Watanabe : Motion control algorithm of ARMCOMS for entrainment enhancement, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (巻), No.LNCS 9734, 339-346, Toronto, July 2016..[組織] ...
閲覧 Teruaki Ito and Tomio Watanabe : Emotional entrainment enhancement using an active display interface, Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design, Vol.483, (号), 563-569, Orlando, July 2016..[組織] ...
閲覧 Teruaki Ito and Tomio Watanabe : Image-based active control for AEM function of ARM-COMS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (巻), No.LNCS 10273, 529-538, Vancouver, July 2017..[組織] ...
閲覧 Teruaki Ito and Tomio Watanabe : Eye-Tracking Analysis of User Behavior with an Active Display Interface, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol.585, (号), 72-77, Los Angeles, July 2017..[組織] ...






Number of session users = 0, LA = 1.45, Max(EID) = 415419, Max(EOID) = 1123127.