『徳島大学 教育・研究者情報データベース (EDB)』---[学外] /
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排列順: 項目表示:
閲覧 Masamichi Ogasawara, A. S. Macgregor, W.E. Streib, K. Folting, O. Eisenstein and G. K. Caulton : Isolable, Unsaturated Ru(0) in Ru(CO)2(PtBu2Me)2; Not Isostructural with Rh(I) in Rh(CO)2(PR3)2+, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol.117, 8869-8870, 1995..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Masamichi Ogasawara, F. Maseras, N. Gallego-Planas, E. W. Streib, O. Eisenstein and G. K. Caulton : Unexpected Coexistence of Isomeric Forms and Unusual Structures of Ru(CO)2L3, Inorganic Chemistry, Vol.35, 7468-7469, 1996..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 C. Li, Masamichi Ogasawara, P. S. Nolan and G. K. Caulton : Estimating the Effective Steric Impact of PtBu2Me, PiPr3, and PCy3, Organometallics, Vol.15, 4900-4903, 1996..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Masamichi Ogasawara, A. S. Macgregor, W.E. Streib, K. Folting, O. Eisenstein and G. K. Caulton : Characterization and Reactivity of an Unprecedented Unsaturated, Zerovalent Ruthenium Species: Isolable, Yet Highly Reactive, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol.118, 10189-10199, 1996..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Masamichi Ogasawara, D. Huang, E. W. Streib, C. J. Huffman, N. Gallego-Planas, F. Maseras, O. Eisenstein and G. K. Caulton : RuX(CO)(NO)L2 and Ru(CO)(NO)L2+: Ru(0) or Ru(II) or In Between?, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol.119, 8642-8651, 1997..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Masamichi Ogasawara, F. Maseras, N. Gallego-Planas, K. Kawamura, K. Ito, K. Toyota, E. W. Streib, S. Komiya, O. Eisenstein and G. K. Caulton : Competition between Steric and Electronic Control of Structure in Ru(CO)2L2L' Complexes, Organometallics, Vol.16, 1979-1993, 1997..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 H. R. Heyn, A. S. Macgregor, T. T. Nadasdi, Masamichi Ogasawara, O. Eisenstein and G. K. Caulton : Is pi-Donation the Only Way ? Unprecedented Unsaturated Ru(II) Species Devoid of pi-Donor Ligands, Inorg. Chim. Acta, Vol.259, 5-26, 1997..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 金子 慶之, 片山 郁夫, 山内 一弘, 真砂 秀樹, 小笠原 義秀, 丸山 茂徳, 寺林 優, 山本 啓司, 石川 正弘, 安間 了, C.B Parkinson, 太田 努, 中島 洋一 : カザフ共和国北部・コクチェタフ超高圧変成帯の地質と地質構造(1), 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 431, 1998年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 B. K. Renkema, Masamichi Ogasawara, E. W. Streib, C. J. Huffman and G. K. Caulton : Synthetic Approaches to Fe(II) Complexes of the Bulky Phosphine PtBu2Me, Inorg. Chim. Acta, Vol.291, 226-230, 1999..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 D. Brown, P. Spadea and Ryo Anma : Processes of arc-continent collision, Tectonophysics, Vol.325, vii-viii, (month)2000..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Naoyuki Haba and Naotoshi Okamura : STABILITY OF THE LEPTON-FLAVOR MIXING MATRIX AGAINST QUANTUM CORRECTIONS., The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields, Vol.14, No.2, 347-365, 2000..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Ray S. Furuya, Yoshimi Kitamura, H. Alwyn Wootten, J. Mark Claussen, Masao Saito, B. Kevin Marvel and Ryohei Kawabe : A Microjet: A Protostar's Cry at Birth, The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.542, No.2, L135-L138, 2000..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Hirokazu Tamamura, Akane Omagari, Shinya Oishi, Taisei Kanamoto, Naoki Yamamoto, Stephen C. Peiper, Hideki Nakashima, Akira Otaka and Nobutaka Fujii : Pharmacophore identification of a specific CXCR4 inhibitor, T140, leads to development of effective anti-HIV agents with very high selectivity indexes, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Vol.10, No.23, 2633-2637, 2000..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Yoshiki Kashiwada, J. Chiyo, Y. Ikeshiro, T. Nagao, H. Okabe, L.M. Cosentino, K. Fowke, S.M. Morris-Natschke and S.M. Morris-Natschke : 3,28-Di-O-(Dimethylsuccinyl)-Betulin Isomers as Anti-HIV Agents, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Vol.11, No.2, 183-185, 2001..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Hirokazu Tamamura, Makiko Sugioka, Yoshihiko Odagaki, Akane Omagari, Yukiko Kan, Shinya Oishi, Hideki Nakashima, Naoki Yamamoto, Stephen C. Peiper, Nobuyuki Hamanaka, Akira Otaka and Nobutaka Fujii : Conformational study of a highly specific CXCR4 inhibitor, T140, disclosing the close proximity of its intrinsic pharmacophores associated with strong anti-HIV activity, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Vol.11, No.3, 359-362, 2001..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Reiko Hirasawa, Kumio Yokoigawa, Yuka Isobe and Hiroyasu Kawai : Improving the Freeze-tolerance of Bakers' Yeast by Loading with Trehalose., Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, Vol.65, No.3, 522-526, 2001..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Terrence R Burke-Jr, Jun-Zhu Yao, Bin Ye, Kengo Miyoshi, Akira Otaka, Li Wu and Zhong-Yin Zhang : Phospho-azatyrosine, a less effective protein-tyrosine phosphatase substrate than phosphotyrosine, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Vol.11, No.10, 1265-1268, 2001..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 M García-Rocha, A Roca, N La Iglesia De, Otto Baba, M J Fernández-Novell, C J Ferrer and J J Guinovart : Intracellular distribution of glycogen synthase and glycogen in primary cultured rat hepatocytes., The Biochemical Journal, Vol.357, No.Pt 1, 17-24, 2001..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 N Suda, Otto Baba, N Udagawa, T Terashima, Y Kitahara, Y Takano, T Kuroda, V P Senior, F Beck and E V Hammond : Parathyroid hormone-related protein is required for normal intramembranous bone development., Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Vol.16, No.12, 2182-2191, 2001..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 R. M. Douglass, Masamichi Ogasawara, S. Hong, V. M. Metz and J. T. Marks : Widening the Roof: Synthesis and Characterization of New Chiral C1-Symmetric Octahydrofluorenyl Organolanthanide Catalysts and Their Implementation in the Stereoselective Cyclizations of Aminoalkenes and Phosphinoalkenes, Organometallics, Vol.21, No.2, 283-292, 2002..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 折橋 裕二, 元木 昭寿, 平田 大二, 太田 努, ミジェール ハラー, 吉田 英人, 安間 了 : パタゴニア南部,中期中新世アダカイトに含まれるジルコンの地球化学, 日本地球化学会年会要旨集, 77, 2002年(0月)..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Otto Baba, Nobuyuki Takahashi, Tatsuo Terashima, Wu Li, K Pamela DenBesten and Yoshiro Takano : Expression of alternatively spliced RNA transcripts of amelogenin gene exons 8 and 9 and its end products in the rat incisor., The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Vol.50, No.9, 1229-1236, 2002..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 安間 了, A. Veloso, 金子 慶之, 寺林 優, 太田 努, 小宮 剛, 片山 郁夫, 丸山 茂徳, F. Herve : チリ海嶺沈み込み帯東部のタイタオ半島に露出する鮮新世オフィオライトの地質-予報-, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 7, 2002年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 安間 了, 松田 高明, Armstrong Richard, Ferre Eric : 屋久島花崗岩のマグマ貫入プロセスとその継続期間, 日本岩石鉱物鉱床学会 学術講演会 講演要旨集, 216, 2002年10月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 F. Herve, C. M. Fanning, N. S. Thomson, J. R. Pankhurst, Ryo Anma, A. Veloso and C. Herrera : SHRIMP U-Pb and FT Pliocene ages of near-trench granites in Taitao peninsula, southern Chile, Short papers of IV South America Symposium on Isotope Geology, 190-193, (都市), (month)2003..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 A. Motoki, Y. Orihashi, D. Hirata, M.J. Haller, V.A. Ramos, M. Schilling, H. Iwano, F.D. Cario and Ryo Anma : U-Pb dating for single grain zircon using laser ablation ICP massspectrometer and fission track ages of zircon for back-arc adakitic bodies, the Cerro Pampa and the Puesto Nuevo, Argentine Ptagonia, Short papers of IV South America Symposium on Isotope Geology, 219-220, (都市), (month)2003..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 A. Motoki, Y. Orihashi, A. J. Naranjo, D. Hirata, T. Hosono, D. F. Cario and Ryo Anma : Geologic occurrence and recent eruptive materials of the Lautaro Volcano, Chilean Patagonia, Journal of Geological Society of Japan (frontispiece), Vol.109, No.5, IX-X, (month)2003..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 A. Motoki, Y. Orihashi, D. Hirata, J. M. Haller, T. Hosono, D. F. Cario, M. Schilling and Ryo Anma : Monogenic volcanoes of Patagonian back-arc province, southern Argentina, Journal of Geological Society of Japan (frontispiece), Vol.109, No.7, XIII-XIV, (month)2003..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 R Emma Hudson, A David Pan, John James, M John Lucocq, A Simon Hawley, A Kevin Green, Otto Baba, Tatsuo Terashima and Grahame D Hardie : A novel domain in AMP-activated protein kinase causes glycogen storage bodies similar to those seen in hereditary cardiac arrhythmias., Current Biology, Vol.13, No.10, 861-866, 2003..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Tadashi Kondo and A. S. Pandya : Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems 2003 (Eds.V.Palade et al.), pp.849-855, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Sep. 2003..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Y. Orihashi, A. Motoki, D. Hirata, J. M. Haller, A. V. Ramos, T. Ota, H. Yoshida and Ryo Anma : Zircon geochemistry of Mid-Miocene adakites in the southern Patagonian province, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta Spec. Suppl., A364, Kurashiki, Japan, Sep. 2003..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Y. Orihashi, J.A. Naranjo, A. Motoki, H. Sumino, D. Hirata, Ryo Anma and K. Nagao : The Quaternary volcanic activity of Hudson and Lautaro volcanoes, Chilean Patagonia: new constraints from K-Ar ages, Revista Geologica de Chile, Vol.31, 207-224, 2004..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Tadashi Kondo and A.S. Pandya : Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems 2004 (Eds.Mircea Gh. Negoita et al.), pp.1015-1059, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Sep. 2004..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 馬場 麻人, Qin Chunlin, T William Butler : Dentin matrix protein 1(DMP1)およびDentin sialoprotein(DSP)のラット臼歯成長過程におけるco-localization, Journal of Oral Biosciences, Vol.46, No.5, 377, 2004年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Y Kitahara, N Suda, T Terashima, Otto Baba, K Mekaapiruk, E V Hammond, Y Takano and K Ohyama : Accelerated bone formation and increased osteoblast number contribute to the abnormal tooth germ development in parathyroid hormone-related protein knockout mice., Bone, Vol.35, No.5, 1100-1106, 2004..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Oh-Sung Kwon, Narutoshi Nakata, Amr Elnashai and Bill Spencer : A Framework for Multi-Site Distributed Simulation and Application to Complex Structural Systems, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol.9, No.5, 741-753, 2005..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 M. Terabayashi, K. Okamoto, H. Yamamoto, Y. Kaneko, T. Ota, S. Maruyama, I. Katayama, T. Komiya, A. Ishikawa, Ryo Anma, H. Ozawa, F. B. Windley and G. J. Liou : Accretionary complex origin of the Mafic-Ultramafic bodies of the Sanbagawa belt, central Shikoku, Japan., International Geology Review, Vol.47, 1058-1073, 2005..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Katrina MacAulay, S Anne Blair, Eric Hajduch, Tatsuo Terashima, Otto Baba, Calum Sutherland and S Harinder Hundal : Constitutive activation of GSK3 down-regulates glycogen synthase abundance and glycogen deposition in rat skeletal muscle cells., The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol.280, No.10, 9509-9518, 2005..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Masamu ANIYA, Kazuhide SATOW, Pedro SKVARCA, Ryo Anma, Tatsuto AOKI, Takanobu SAWAGAKI, Tomonori TANIKAWA, Renji NARUSE, Neil GLASSER and Stephan HARRISON : Overview of Glaciological Research Project in Patagonia 2003, Bulletin of Glaciological Research, Vol.22, 109-119, 2005..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 安間 了, Veloso-Espinosa Eugenio Andres, CHRISTMASSY研究プロジェクトタイタオ班 : タイタオ・オフィオライトから読みとる海嶺衝突によるオフィオライトの形成プロセス, 月刊地球, Vol.27, No.6, 428-437, 2005年..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Hidekazu Okamura, M. Matsubara, T. Nanba, T. Tayagaki, S. Mouri, K. Tanaka, Y. Ikemoto, T. Moriwaki, H. Kimura and G. Juhasz : Photoinduced spin crossover in Fe-picolylamine complex: A far-infrared study on single crystals, Physical Review B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol.72, 073108, 2005..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 A. Hu, Masamichi Ogasawara, T. Sakamoto, A. Okada, K. Nakajima, T. Takahashi and W. Lin : Pd-Catalyzed Intermolecular Asymmetric Hydroamination with 4,4'-Disubstituted BINAP and SEGPHOS, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, Vol.348, 2051-2056, 2006..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Rei Okada, Narutoshi Nakata, Bill Spencer, Kazuhiko Kasai and S. Kim : Rational Polynomial Approximation Modeling for Analysis of Structures with VE Dampers, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol.10, No.1, 97-125, 2006..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Ryo Anma, R. Armstrong, T. Danhara, Y. Orihashi and H. Iwano : Zircon sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe U-Pb and fission-track ages for gabbros and sheeted dykes of the Taitao ophiolite, Southern Chile, and their tectonic implications, The Island Arc, Vol.15, 130-142, 2006..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 A. Motoki, Y. Orihashi, A. J. Naranjo, D. Hirata, P. Skvarca and Ryo Anma : Geologic reconnaissance of Lautaro volcano, Chilean Patagonia, Revista Geologica de Chile, Vol.33, 177-187, 2006..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 安間 了, IODP Exp. 312 乗船研究者 : 海洋底熱年代学への展望:深海掘削孔およびオフィオライトのウラン含有鉱物・年代・地温勾配, フィッション・トラック ニュースレター, Vol.19, 1-8, 2006年..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Hidekazu Okamura, M. Matsubara, K. Tanaka, K. Fukui, M. Terakami, H. Nakagawa, Y. Ikemoto, T. Moriwaki, H. Kimura and G. Juhasz : Photogenerated Carriers in SrTiO3 Probed by Mid-Infrared Absorption, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.75, No.2, 023703, 2006..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 小川 勇二郎, ほか2航海(YKO5-08 Leg2 YKO6-02)乗船および陸上研究者, 川村 喜一郎, 安間 了, 川上 俊介, 横山 俊治, Yildirim Dilek, Greg Moore, 平野 聡, 原 英俊 : 南海付加体の二大海底谷での断面観察,付加物質の上昇,流体の染み出し : 最近の潜水結果の総括, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 14, 2006年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 安間 了, 小川 勇二郎, Gregory Moore, 川村 喜一郎, 川上 俊介, 佐々木 智之, YKO5-08 Leg 2およぴYKO6-02乗船研究者 : 潮岬海底谷に沿って露出する南海付加体の地質断面, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 2, 2006年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 川村 喜一郎, 小川 勇二郎, 安間 了, Yildirim Dilek, 横山 俊治, 川上 俊介, F. Gregory Moore, YKO5-08Leg2乗船研究者 : 潜水船で明らかになった天竜海底谷沿いの南海付加体の地質構造,変形組織,物性,力学特性, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 2, 2006年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Yung-Che Tseng, Chang-Jen Huang, Chia-Hsi Joshua Chang, Wen-Yuan Teng, Otto Baba, Ming-Ji Fann and Pung-Pung Hwang : Glycogen phosphorylase in glycogen-rich cells is involved in the energy supply for ion regulation in fish gill epithelia., American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, Vol.293, No.1, R482-91, 2007..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Masakazu Daidai, Fumihisa Kobayashi, Godliving Mtui and Yoshitoshi Nakamura : Degradation of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) by Ozonation and TiO2/UV treatment, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.40, No.4, 378-384, 2007..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 (種別) : Tsutomu Yamazaki, Shinya Goto, Hiroshi Shigematsu, Kazuyuki Shimada, Shinichiro Uchiyama, Ryozo Nagai, Nobuhiro Yamada, Masayasu Matsumoto, Hideki Origasa, Deepak L. Bhatt, P. Gabriel Steg and Yasuo Ikeda : Prevalence, awareness and treatment of cardiovascular risk factors in patients at high risk of atherothrombosis in Japan, --- Result from domestic baseline date of the REduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health (REACH)Registry ---, Circulation Journal, Vol.71, No.7, 995-1003, (発行所), (都市), July 2007..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Chia-Hsi Joshua Chang, Su-Mei Wu, Yung-Che Tseng, Yi-Chun Lee, Otto Baba and Pung-Pung Hwang : Regulation of glycogen metabolism in gills and liver of the euryhaline tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) during acclimation to seawater., The Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.210, No.Pt 19, 3494-3504, 2007..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Carmen M Louzao, Begoña Espiña, R Mercedes Vieytes, V Felix Vega, A Juan Rubiolo, Otto Baba, Tatsuo Terashima and M Luis Botana : "Fluorescent glycogen" formation with sensibility for in vivo and in vitro detection., Glycoconjugate Journal, Vol.25, No.6, 503-510, 2007..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Shunichi Shibata, Otto Baba, Tsuyoshi Oda, Tamaki Yokohama-Tamaki, Chunlin Qin, T William Butler, Yasunori Sakakura and Yoshiro Takano : An immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study of the pericellular matrix of uneroded hypertrophic chondrocytes in the mandibular condyle of aged c-src-deficient mice., Archives of Oral Biology, Vol.53, No.3, 220-230, 2007..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Giannantonio Panza, Jan Stöhr, Eva Birkmann, Detlev Riesner, Dieter Willbold, Otto Baba, Tatsuo Terashima and Christian Dumpitak : Aggregation and amyloid fibril formation of the prion protein is accelerated in the presence of glycogen., Rejuvenation Research, Vol.11, No.2, 365-369, 2008..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Kazunori Higuchi, Peerapong Santiwong, Hitoshi Tamaki, Tatsuo Terashima, Hiroto Nakayama, Takuya Notani, Hachiro Iseki, Otto Baba and Yoshiro Takano : Development and terminal differentiation of pulp and periodontal nerve elements in subcutaneous transplants of molar tooth germs and incisors of the rat., European Journal of Oral Sciences, Vol.116, No.4, 324-333, 2008..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 元木 昭寿, 折橋 裕二, ハラー ミゲール, ラモス ビクター, 平田 大二, 安間 了 : LA-ICP-MSを用いたアルゼンチン南パタゴニアのCerro Pampaアダカイトに含まれる地殻ジルコン結晶のU-Pbスポット年代と,それから構築される地殻年代発達史, 日本地球化学会年会要旨集, Vol.55, No.0, 239, 2008年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Ryo Anma, R. Armstrong, Y. Orihashi, S. Ike, K-C. Shin, Y. Kon, T. Komiya, T. Ota, S. Kagashima, T. Shibuya, S. Yamamoto, E. E. Veloso, M. Fannin and F. Herve : Are the Taitao granites formed due to subduction of the Chile ridge?, Lithos, Vol.113, 246-258, 2009..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 K. Kawamura, Y. Ogawa, Ryo Anma, S. Yokoyama, S. Kawakami, Y. Dilek, F. G. Moore, S. Hirano, A. Yamaguchi, T. Sasaki and Parties Leg 2 and YK06-02 Shipboard Scientific YK05-08 : Structural architecture and active deformation of the Nankai accretionary Accretionary Prism, Japan: submersible survey results from the Tenryu Submarine Canyon, Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol.121, 1629-1646, 2009..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 F. R. Schulte, M. Schilling, Ryo Anma, J. Farquhar, M. Horan, T. Komiya, M. P. Piccoli, L. Pitcher and R. Walker : Chemical and chronologic complexity in the convecting upper mantle: Evidence from the Taitao ophiolite, southern Chile, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol.73, 5793-5819, 2009..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 E. E. Veloso, Ryo Anma and A. Yamaji : Ophiolite emplacement and the effects of the subduction of the Chile Ridge System: Heterogeneous paleostress regimes recorded in the Taitao Ophiolite (Southern Chile), Andean Geology, Vol.36, 3-16, 2009..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 霜田 直宏, 菊地 隆司, Kajornsak Faungnawakij, 福永 哲也, 江口 浩一 : Cu-Feスピネル-アルミナ複合触媒の熱処理による構造変化とジメチルエーテル水蒸気改質活性, 第103回触媒討論会, 2009年3月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Naohiro Shimoda, Kajornsak Faungnawakij, Ryuji Kikuchi, Tetsuya Fukunaga and Koichi Eguchi : Catalytic performance enhancement by heat treatment of CuFe2O4 spinel and γ-alumina composite catalysts for steam reforming of dimethyl ether, Applied Catalysis A: General, Vol.365, No.1, 71-78, 2009..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Jeroen Geurtsen, Sunita Chedammi, Joram Mesters, Marlène Cot, N Nicole Driessen, Tounkang Sambou, Ryo Kakutani, Roy Ummels, Janneke Maaskant, Hiroki Takata, Otto Baba, Tatsuo Terashima, Nicolai Bovin, E Christina M J Vandenbroucke-Grauls, Jérôme Nigou, Germain Puzo, Anne Lemassu, Mamadou Daffé and J Ben Appelmelk : Identification of mycobacterial alpha-glucan as a novel ligand for DC-SIGN: involvement of mycobacterial capsular polysaccharides in host immune modulation., The Journal of Immunology, Vol.183, No.8, 5221-5231, 2009..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Kajornsak Faungnawakij, Naohiro Shimoda, Tetsuya Fukunaga, Ryuji Kikuchi and Koichi Eguchi : Crystal structure and surface species of CuFe2O4 spinel catalysts in steam reforming of dimethyl ether, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Vol.92, No.3-4, 341-350, 2009..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Narutoshi Nakata, B. Spencer and A. Elnashai : Sensitivity-Based External Calibration Method for Multi-Axial Loading Systems, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol.136, No.2, 189-198, 2010..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Hiroto Nakayama, Kazuo Takakuda, N Hiroko Matsumoto, Atsushi Miyata, Otto Baba, J Makoto Tabata, Tatsuo Ushiki, Tsuyoshi Oda, D Marc McKee and Yoshiro Takano : Effects of altered bone remodeling and retention of cement lines on bone quality in osteopetrotic aged c-Src-deficient mice., Calcified Tissue International, Vol.86, No.2, 172-183, 2010..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 C. Kobayashi, Y. Orihashi, D. Hirata, A. J. Naranjo, M. Kobayashi and Ryo Anma : Spaceborne ASTER image analysis revealed compositional variation of the Viedma volcano in Andean Austral Volcanic Zone, Andean Geology, Vol.37, No.2, 433-442, 2010..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Kajornsak Faungnawakij, Naohiro Shimoda, Nawin Viriya-empikul, Ryuji Kikuchi and Koichi Eguchi : Limiting mechanisms in catalytic steam reforming of dimethyl ether, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Vol.97, No.1-2, 21-27, 2010..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Naohiro Shimoda, Kajornsak Faungnawakij, Ryuji Kikuchi and Koichi Eguchi : Steam reforming of dimethyl ether over the composite catalyst of Cu-Fe spinel and alumina: effect of heat treatment and mixing method on catalytic activity, TOCAT6/APCAT5, Sapporo, July 2010..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 角野 浩史, 折橋 裕二, 元木 昭寿, 平田 大二, ハラー ミジェール, コンセション ロムロ, 安間 了, 長尾 敬介 : 南米パタゴニア溶岩台地のアルカリ玄武岩とマントル捕獲岩の希ガス同位体比, 日本地球化学会年会要旨集, Vol.57, 155, 2010年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 小林 千明, 折橋 裕二, 平田 大二, ナランホ ホセ, 小林 淳, 安間 了 : 人工衛星搭載ASTER センサを用いたチリ共和国Viedma 火山におけるSiO<sub>2</sub> 量推定, 日本地球化学会年会要旨集, Vol.57, 156, 2010年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 折橋 裕二, 元木 昭寿, ハラー ミゲール, 角野 浩史, 長尾 敬介, 安間 了 : パタゴニア北部,超背弧域に分布するソムンクラ台地玄武岩の成因:ウォズリアイトの脱水溶融起因説, 日本地球化学会年会要旨集, Vol.57, 188, 2010年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 折橋 裕二, 新正 裕尚, ナランホ ホセ, 元木 昭寿, 安間 了 : 定常的な沈み込み帯から中央海嶺沈み込みに至る 南部アンデス弧(SVZ)火山岩類の化学組成の変遷, 日本地球化学会年会要旨集, Vol.57, 157, 2010年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 原田 尚美, 阿部 なつ江, Lange Carina, 安間 了, 折橋 裕二, 岩森 光 : 南太平洋及び沈み込み帯における地質学・地球物理学的研究 ならびにチリ沖における古海洋環境変動復元研究 「みらい」MR08-06航海概要, 日本地球化学会年会要旨集, Vol.57, 151, 2010年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 安間 了, 小川 勇二郎, 川村 喜一郎, モア グレッグ, 佐々木 智之 : 潮岬海底谷に露出する南海トラフ付加体の構造・組織・物性と流体移動, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 453, 2010年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 安間 了, 道口 陽子, YK05-08 Leg 2乗船研究者, 小川 勇二郎, 川村 喜一郎, Gregory Moore, 佐々木 智之, 川上 俊介, 平野 聡, 太田 哲平, 遠藤 良太 : 潮岬海底谷に露出する南海トラフ分岐断層付近の付加体堆積物の構造・組織・物性と流体移動, 地質学雑誌, Vol.116, No.12, 637-660, 2010年..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Ryo Anma, Y. Ogawa, G. Moore, K. Kawamura, T. Sasaki, S. Kawakami, Y. Dilek, Y. Michiguchi, R. Endo, S. Akaiwa, S. Hirano and Parties YK00-08 YK05-08 and YK06-02 Shipboard Science YK99-09 : Structural profile and development of the accretionary complex in the Nankai trough, Southwest Japan: Results of submersible studies, Accretionary Prisms and Convergent Margin Tectonics in the Northwest Pacific Basin Y. Ogawa, R. Anma and Y. Dilek (eds.), Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences, Vol.8, 169-196, 2011..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 W. N. Hayman, K. Burmeister, K. Kawamura, Ryo Anma and Y. Yamada : Submarine outcrop evidence for transpressional deformation within the Nankai accretionary prism, Tenryu canyon, Japan, Accretionary Prisms and Convergent Margin Tectonics in the Northwest Pacific Basin Y. Ogawa, R. Anma and Y. Dilek (eds.), Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences, Vol.8, 197-214, 2011..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 K. Kawamura, Y. Ogawa, H. Hara, Ryo Anma, Y. Dilek, S. Kawakami, S. Chiyonobu, H. Mukoyoshi, S. Hirano and I. Motoyama : Rapid exhumation of subducted sediments along an out-of-sequence thrust due to seamount subduction followed by gravitational collapse in the active eastern Nankai accretionary prism, Accretionary Prisms and Convergent Margin Tectonics in the Northwest Pacific Basin Y. Ogawa, R. Anma and Y. Dilek (eds.), Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences, Vol.8, 215-227, 2011..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Y. Ogawa, Ryo Anma and Y. Dilek : Preface to Accretionary Prisms and Convergent Margin Tectonics in the Northwest Pacific Basin, Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Science, (month)2011..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Scientists 335 Expedition and Ryo Anma : Superfast spreading rate crust 4: drilling gabbro in intact ocean crust formed at a superfast spreading rate, IODP Preliminary Report, Vol.335, (都市), (month)2011..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Sungwon Song, Claude Chew, Benjamin M. Dale, Daniel Traum, James Peacock, Tetsuo Yamazaki, Raphael Clynes, Tomohiro Kurosaki and Steven Greenberg : A Requirement for the p85 PI3K Adapter Protein BCAP in the Protection of Macrophages from Apoptosis Induced by Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress., The Journal of Immunology, Vol.187, No.2, 619-625, 2011..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 小川 勇二郎, 川村 喜一郎, 安間 了, 道口 陽子, 村岡 諭, 乗船および陸上研究者 YK05-08 Leg 2 and YK08-04 : Submarine and on land comparison between Nankai Trough and Miura-Boso prisms: Results of submersible study, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 114, 2011年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Masamu ANIYA, Sebasti&aacute;n MARINSEK, Keiko KONYA, Takayuki NUIMURA, Shun TSUTAKI, Kenta TONE, Gonzalo BARCAZA, Pedro SKVARCA, Shin SUGIYAMA, Tatsuto AOKI, Takane MATSUMOTO, Ryo Anma, Nozomu NAITO, Hiroyuki ENOMOTO and Kazuaki HORI : Glaciological Research Project in Patagonia 2006-2009 Studies at Glaciar Perito Moreno, Hielo Patagonico Sur, in area of Hielo Patagonico Norte, and along the Pacific Coast:Studies at Glaciar Perito Moreno, Hielo Patag&oacute;nico Sur, in area of Hielo Patag&oacute;nico Norte, and along the Pacific Coast, Bulletin of Glaciological Research, Vol.29, 1-17, 2011..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Naohiro Shimoda, Hiroki Muroyama, Toshiaki Matsui, Kajornsak Faungnawakij, Ryuji Kikuchi and Koichi Eguchi : Dimethyl ether steam reforming under daily start-up and shut-down (DSS)-like operation over CuFe2O4 spinel and alumina composite catalysts, Applied Catalysis A: General, Vol.409, 91-98, 2011..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Dale Ty Troutman, Wei Hu, Stephanie Fulenchek, Tetsuo Yamazaki, Tomohiro Kurosaki, Fernando J Bazan and Chandrashekhar Pasare : Role for B-cell adapter for PI3K (BCAP) as a signaling adapter linking Toll-like receptors (TLRs) to serine/threonine kinases PI3K/Akt., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol.109, No.1, 273-278, 2011..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 K. Kawamura, A. Sakaguchi, M. Strasser, Ryo Anma and H. Ikeda : Detailed observation of topography and geologic architecture of a submarine landslide scar in a toe of an accretionary prism, Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences Y. Yamada, K. Kawamura, K. Ikehara, Y. Ogawa, R. Urgeles, D. Mosher, J. Chaytor and M. Strasser (eds.), Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, Vol.31, 301-309, 2012..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 H. D. A. Teagle, B. Ildefonse, P. Blum, Ryo Anma and Scientists 335 Expedition : Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program; Volume 335, Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 4, Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Vol.335, (都市), (month)2012..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Lessner H. Faith, Jennings E. Matthew, Akira Hirata, Duin C. Eduardus and Lessner J. Daniel : Subunit D of RNA Polymerase from Methanosarcina acetivorans Contains Two Oxygen-labile [4Fe-4S] Clusters IMPLICATIONS FOR OXIDANT-DEPENDENT REGULATION OF TRANSCRIPTION, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol.287, No.22, 18510-18523, 2012..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Hidekazu Okamura, N. Ohta, A. Takigawa, I. Matsutori, K. Shoji, K. Miyata, I. Matsutori, H. Sugawara, C. Sekine, I. Shirotani, Z. Liu and G. L. Carr : Pressure suppression of unconventional charge-density-wave state in PrRu4P12 studied by optical conductivity, Physical Review B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol.85, 205116-1-205116-5, 2012..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Li Zeng, Yin Wang, Otto Baba, Pan Zheng, Yang Liu and Yan Liu : Laforin is required for the functional activation of malin in endoplasmic reticulum stress resistance in neuronal cells., The FEBS Journal, Vol.279, No.14, 2467-2478, 2012..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 折橋 裕二, 安間 了, 元木 昭寿, ハラー ミジェール, 平田 大二, 岩野 英樹, 角野 浩史, ラモス ビクター : 年代学的指紋から見出されるアルゼンチン・パタゴニア,セロ・パンパ地域直下の地殻発達史:中期中新世アダカイトに混在する外来ジルコンのLA-ICPMS U-Pb年代からの制約, 日本地球化学会年会要旨集, Vol.59, 63, 2012年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 鄭 仁盛, 三阪 一徳 : (翻訳)楽浪郡の鉄器生産, 日本考古学協会2012年度大会研究発表資料集, 115-120, 2012年10月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 金 重武, 三阪 一徳 : (翻訳)原三国時代の鉄器生産と流通, 日本考古学協会2012年度大会研究発表要旨, 8-10, 2012年10月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Zaifuddin Sakinah, Okamoto Shogo, Ikuta Takashi, Yasuhide Ohno, Maehashi Kenzo, Miyake Masato and Matsumoto Kazuhiko : Sensor Application based on CVD-synthesized graphene, 25th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, Vol.2P-11-121L, Kobe, Nov. 2012..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Y. Orihashi, Ryo Anma, A. Motoki, J. M. Haller, D. Hirata, H. Iwano, H. Sumino and V. Ramos : Geochronological fingerprint revealing the evolution of the crust underlying Cerro Pampa, Argentine Patagonia: Constraint from LA-ICPMS U-Pb ages for exotic zircons in the Mid-Miocene adakite., Geochemical Journal, Vol.47, 235-247, 2013..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 H. Shinjoe, Y. Orihashi, A. J. Naranjo, D. Hirata, T. Hasenaka, T. Fukuoka, T. Sano and Ryo Anma : Boron and other trace element composition of the Quaternary volcanic rocks from the Southern Volcanic Zone in Andean Arc: Implication for the slab-derived component., Geochemical Journal, Vol.47, No.2, 185-199, 2013..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 A Kodama, H Watanabe, R Tanaka, H Tanaka, VT Chuang, Y Miyamoto, Q Wu, M Endo, K Hamasaki, Yu Ishima, M Fukagawa, M Otagiri and T Maruyama : A human serum albumin-thioredoxin fusion protein prevents experimental contrast-induced nephropathy, Kidney International, Vol.83, No.3, 446-456, 2013..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Yin Wang, Keli Ma, Peixiang Wang, Otto Baba, Helen Zhang, M Jack Parent, Pan Zheng, Yang Liu, A Berge Minassian and Yan Liu : Laforin prevents stress-induced polyglucosan body formation and Lafora disease progression in neurons., Molecular Neurobiology, Vol.48, No.1, 49-61, 2013..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Or Kakhlon, Hava Glickstein, Naomi Feinstein, Yan Liu, Otto Baba, Tatsuo Terashima, Orhan Hasan Akman, Salvatore Dimauro and Alexander Lossos : Polyglucosan neurotoxicity caused by glycogen branching enzyme deficiency can be reversed by inhibition of glycogen synthase., Journal of Neurochemistry, Vol.127, No.1, 101-113, 2013..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Zaifuddin Mohd Nursakinah, Okamoto Shogo, Ikuta Takashi, Yasuhide Ohno, Maehashi Kenzo, Miyake Masato, Greenwood Paul, Teo B. K. Kenneth and Matsumoto Kazuhiko : pH Sensor Based on Chemical-Vapor-Deposition-Synthesized Graphene Transistor Array, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.52, No.6S, 06GK04-1-06GK04-4, 2013..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 折橋 裕二, 安間 了, 元木 昭寿, ハラー ミジェール, 平田 大二, 岩野 英樹, 角野 浩史, ラモス ビクター : アルゼンチン・パタゴニア,セロ・パンパ地域直下の地殻発達史:中期中新世アダカイトに混在する外来ジルコンのLA-ICPMS U-Pb年代からの制約, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, 37, 2013年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Yan Liu, Li Zeng, Keli Ma, Otto Baba, Pen Zheng, Yang Liu and Yin Wang : Laforin-malin complex degrades polyglucosan bodies in concert with glycogen debranching enzyme and brain isoform glycogen phosphorylase., Molecular Neurobiology, Vol.49, No.2, 645-657, 2013..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Taka-aki Yano, T. Ichimura, S. Kuwahara, F. H'Dhili, K. Uetsuki, Y. Okuno, P. Verma and S. Kawata : Tip-enhanced nano-Raman analytical imaging of locally induced strain distribution in carbon nanotubes, Nature Communications, Vol.4, No.1, 2592, 2013..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 L. Moscadelli, R. Cesaroni, Á. Sánchez-Monge, C. Goddi, Ray S. Furuya, A. Sanna and M. Pestalozzi : A study on subarcsecond scales of the ammonia and continuum emission toward the G16.59-0.05 high-mass star-forming region, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol.558, No.A145, 11, 2013..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Clara Prats, Alba Gomez-Cabello, Pernille Nordby, L Jesper Andersen, W Jørn Helge, Flemming Dela, Otto Baba and Thorkil Ploug : An optimized histochemical method to assess skeletal muscle glycogen and lipid stores reveals two metabolically distinct populations of type I muscle fibers., PLoS ONE, Vol.8, No.10, e77774, 2013..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 S Shibata, Y Sakamoto, Otto Baba, C Qin, G Murakami and H B Cho : An immunohistochemical study of matrix proteins in the craniofacial cartilage in midterm human fetuses., European Journal of Histochemistry, Vol.57, No.4, e39, 2013..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 E. E. Veloso, W. N. Hayman, Ryo Anma, M. Tominaga, T. R. González, T. Yamazaki and N. Astudillo : Magma flow directions in the sheeted dike complex at superfast spreading mid-ocean ridges: Insights from IODP Hole 1256D, eastern Pacific., Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Vol.15, No.4, 1283-1295, 2014..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Hidekazu Okamura, A. Takigawa, E. D. Bauer, Y. Ikemoto and T. Moriwaki : Electron-Hole Symmetry in the Electronic Structures of Ce and Yb Compounds Examined by Optical Study under High Pressure, International Conference on Low Energy Electrodynamics in Solids, (都市), July 2014..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Hidekazu Okamura, A. Takigawa, E. D. Bauer, T. Moriwaki and Y. Ikemoto : Electron-Hole Symmetry in the Electronic Structures of Ce and Yb Compounds Examined by Optical Study under High Pressure, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES 2014), (都市), July 2014..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 A. Portela, Taka-aki Yano, C. Santschi, H. Matsui, T. Hayashi, M. Hara, O. F. J. Martin and H. Tabata : Spectral tunability of realistic plasmonic nanoantennas, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.105, No.9, 091105, 2014..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 H Peter Albers, T Andreas J Pedersen, B Jesper Birk, E Dorte Kristensen, F Birgitte Vind, Otto Baba, Jane Nøhr, Kurt Højlund and P Jørgen F Wojtaszewski : Human muscle fiber type-specific insulin signaling: impact of obesity and type 2 diabetes., Diabetes, Vol.64, No.2, 485-497, 2014..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 T. M. Beltrán, Á. Sánchez-Monge, R. Cesaroni, M. N. S. Kumar, D. Galli, C. M. Walmsley, S. Etoka, Ray S. Furuya, L. Moscadelli, T. Stanke, F. der van S. F. Tak, S. Vig, K.-S. Wang, H. Zinnecker, D. Elia and E. Schisano : Filamentary structure and Keplerian rotation in the high-mass star-forming region G35.03+0.35 imaged with ALMA, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol.571, No.article id. A52, 24-pages, 2014..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 新正 裕尚, 折橋 裕二, ナランホ A. ホセ, 平田 大二, 長谷中 利昭, 福岡 孝昭, 佐野 貴司, 安間 了 : ホウ素含有量から見た南米アンデス弧,Southern Volcanic Zoneの第四紀フロント火山のスラブ由来成分(<特集>火山・マグマ学における放射化分析), 放射化分析, No.30, 10-14, 2014年12月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 K-C. Shin, Ryo Anma, T. Nakano, Y. Orihashi and S. Ike : The Taitao ophiolite-granite complex, Chile: Emplacement of ridge-trench intersection oceanic lithosphere on land and origin of calc-alkaline I-type granites, Episodes, Vol.38, 285-299, 2015..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 A. Tsuneki, K. Rasheed, A. S. Saber, S. Nishiyama, Ryo Anma, B. B. Ismail, A. Hasegawa, Y. Tatsumi, Y. Miyauchi, S. Jammo, M. Makino and Y. Kudo : Excavations at Qalat Said Ahmadan, Slemani, Iraq-Kurdistan: First Interim Report (2014 Season)., Al-Rafidan, Vol.36, 1-50, 2015..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Hidekazu Okamura, A. Takigawa, E. D. Bauer, T. Moriwaki and Y. Ikemoto : Pressure evolution of f electron hybridized state in CeCoIn5 studied by optical conductivity, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.592, 012001, 2015..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 朴 鎮国, 三阪 一徳 : (翻訳)春川中島青銅器時代集落遺跡, 九州考古学会・嶺南考古学会第11回合同考古学大会, 244-247, 2015年1月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 E Dorte Kristensen, H Peter Albers, Clara Prats, Otto Baba, B Jesper Birk and P Jørgen F Wojtaszewski : Human muscle fibre type-specific regulation of AMPK and downstream targets by exercise., The Journal of Physiology, Vol.593, No.8, 2053-2069, 2015..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Robert de Weerd van, Alvaro M Berbís, Marrion Sparrius, J Janneke Maaskant, Maikel Boot, J Nanne Paauw, Nadine Vries de, Louis Boon, Otto Baba, Javier F Cañada, Jeroen Geurtsen, Jesús Jiménez-Barbero and J Ben Appelmelk : A murine monoclonal antibody to glycogen: characterization of epitope-fine specificity by saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR spectroscopy and its use in mycobacterial capsular -glucan research., ChemBioChem, Vol.16, No.6, 977-989, 2015..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 H Nagai, M Sezaki, K Kakiguchi, Y Nakaya, HC Lee, R Lather, T Sasanami, JK Han, Shigenobu Yonemura and G Sheng : Cellular analysis of cleavage-stage chick embryos reveals hidden conservation in vertebrate early development., Development, Vol.142, No.7, 1279-1286, 2015..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Matua A. Gerald, Wal M. Van der Dirk and Rozzano De Castro Locsin : Ebolavirus and Haemorrhagic Syndrome, Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, Vol.15, No.2, e171-176, 2015..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 J Aleksić, Reiko Orito and et al (156 coauthors) : Probing the very high energy -ray spectral curvature in the blazar PG 1553+113 with the MAGIC telescopes, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol.450, No.4, 4399-4410, 2015..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 安間 了, 申 基澈, 中野 孝教, 昆 慶明, 辻 彰洋, 渡辺 千香子, 横尾 頼子, Rasheed Kamal : スレイマニヤ博物館所蔵のメソポタミア粘土板胎土の組成, 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨, Vol.2015, 43, 2015年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 K Fujikawa, T Yokohama-Tamaki, T Morita, Otto Baba, C Qin and S Shibata : An in situ hybridization study of perlecan, DMP1, and MEPE in developing condylar cartilage of the fetal mouse mandible and limb bud cartilage., European Journal of Histochemistry, Vol.59, No.3, (頁), 2015..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Laluces Mae Hannah, Atsushi Nakayama, Nonato Maribel, Cruz Edison dela Thomas and Tan Almoite Mario : Antimicrobial alkaloids from the leaves of Pandanus amaryllifolius, Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, Vol.5, No.10, 151-153, 2015..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 K Shinohara, D Chen, T Nishida, K Misaki, Shigenobu Yonemura and H Hamada : Absence of Radial Spokes in Mouse Node Cilia Is Required for Rotational Movement but Confers Ultrastructural Instability as a Trade-Off., Developmental Cell, Vol.35, No.2, 236-246, 2015..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Sigeru Aomura, H iromichiNakadate, Yuma Kaneko, Akiyoshi Nishimura and Remy Willinger : Stretch-induced functional disorder of axonal transport in the cultured rat cortex neuron, Integrative Molecular Medicine, Vol.3, No.3, 654-660, 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 O. Y. Mohammad, J. H. Kareem, H. D. Cornell and Ryo Anma : The Kuradawe granitic pegmatite from the Mawat ophiolite, Northern Iraq: Anatomy, mineralogy, geochemistry, and petrogenesis, The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol.54, No.4, 989-1019, 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Tomoaki Kashiwao, Mayu Hiura, Yan Yee Lim, Alireza Bahadori, Kenji Ikeda and Mikio Deguchi : Optimization of surface-mount-device light-emitting diode packaging, --- investigation of effects of component optical properties on light extraction efficiency ---, Optical Engineering, Vol.55, No.2, 025101-1-025101-11, 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Kazumine Moriyasu, Sakai Kazuhiro, Lee Keonhee and Lee Manseob : Positively measure-expansive differentiable maps, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.435, No.1, 492-507, 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 K. Sunamura, T. R. Page, K. Yoshida, Taka-aki Yano and Y. Hayamizu : Laser-induced electrochemical thinning of MoS2, Journal of Materials Chemistry. C, Materials for Optical and Electronic Devices, Vol.4, No.15, 3268-3273, 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 F. Nouri, H. Azizi, J. Golonla, Y. Asahara, Y. Orihashi, K. Yamamoto, M. Tsuboi and Ryo Anma : Age and petrogenesis of Na-rich felsic rocks in western Iran: evidence for closure of the southern branch of the Neo-Tethys in the Late Cretaceous., Tectonophysics, Vol.671, 151-172, 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Lee Jeong Ho, Masaki Hanibuchi, Kim Sun-Jin, Hyunkyung Yu, Kim Seungwook Mark, He Junqin, Langley R. Robert, Lehembre Francois, Regenass Urs and Fidler J. Isaiah : Treatment of experimental human breast cancer and lung cancer brain metastases in mice by macitentan, a dual antagonist of endothelin receptors, combined with paclitaxel, Neuro-Oncology, Vol.18, No.4, 486-496, 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Patrick Steinegger, Masato Asai, Rugard Dressler, Robert Eichler, Yusuke Kanaya, Akina Mitsukai, Yuichiro Nagame, Davie Piguet, Tetsuya K. Sato, Matthias Schädel, Shinsaku Takeda, Atsushi Toyoshima, Kazuaki Tsukada, Andreas Teurer and Alessio Vascon : Vacuum Chromatography of Tl on SiO2 at the single-Atom Level, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.120, No.13, 7122-7132, 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Y. Tsuchimoto, Taka-aki Yano, T. Hayashi and M. Hara : Fano resonant all-dielectric core/shell nanoparticles with ultrahigh scattering directionality in the visible region, Optics Express, Vol.24, No.13, 14451-14462, 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Ryo Kawatani, Kan Kai, Kelland A. Malcolm, Akashi Mitsuru and Ajiro Hiroharu : Remarkable Effect on Thermosensitive Behavior Regarding Alkylation at the Amide Position of Poly(N-vinylamide)s, Chemistry Letters, Vol.45, No.6, 589-591, 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Liu Chun-Yao, Chen Yi-Siang, Leu Jenq-Shiou and Tian Song : Energy Efficient Streaming for Smartphones by Video Adaptation and Backlight Control, The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid (IGBSG), 124-128, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Toshihide Horikawa and Wei-Hung Chiang : Synthesis and water adsorption study of heteroatom-doped carbon nanomaterials: toward the development of highly-sensitive humidity sensors, Itinerary of Joint Research Workshop (tentative) 2015-2016 Project Final Report and 2016-2017 Project Plan, (巻), (号), (頁), Aug. 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 楊 娥琳, 三阪 一徳 : (翻訳)原三国時代の韓・日における水晶製玉の比較研究, 九州考古学会・嶺南考古学会第12回合同考古学大会, 247-266, 2016年8月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Ray S. Furuya : BISTRO (B-fields In STar forming Region Observations) -- A JCMT Large Program with the POL-2 and SCUBA-2 System, Array Science Center Colloquium, National Radio Astronomical Observatory, Soccorro, NM, U.S.A., Soccorro, NM, U.S.A., Aug. 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila, Morihiro Tanaka, César Márquez Ramírez, I. Fernando Gómez-Castro, Gabriel J. Segovia-Hernández, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Toshihide Horikawa : Design of a Multitask Reactive Distillation with Intermediate Heat Exchangers for the Production of Silane and Chlorosilane Derivates, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.55, No.41, 10968-10977, 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 折橋 裕二, 市原 美恵, 安間 了, 新正 裕尚, 遠山 知亜紀, 角野 浩史, ホセ ナランホ, 三部 賢治, 中井 俊一 : プレート内破砕帯沈み込みに伴う南部チリ弧火成活動の多様性とマグマ生成過程の解明, 日本地球化学会年会要旨集, Vol.63, 195, 2016年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 (名) Widiant, Masaki Hashizume, Shohei Suenaga, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Akira Ono, Shyue-Kung Lu and Zvi Roth : A Built-in Test Circuit for Electrical Interconnect Testing of Open Defects in Assembled PCBs, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E99-D, No.11, 2723-2733, 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 H. Wang, H. Y. Wang, A. Toma, Taka-aki Yano, Q. D. Chen, H. L. Xu, H B. Sun and R. P. Zaccaria : Dynamics of Strong Coupling between CdSe Quantum Dots and Surface Plasmon Polaritons in Subwavelength Hole Array, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Vol.7, No.22, 4648-4654, 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 堀河 俊英, 中島 功貴, D. D. Do, 外輪 健一郎, アルカンタラ アビラ ヘスース ラファエル : 高黒鉛化炭素への気相吸着にみられる吸着ヒステリシス, 第30回 日本吸着学会研究発表会, 2016年11月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Shyue-Kung Lu, Shang-Xiu Zhong and Masaki Hashizume : Enhancement of Flash MemoriesAdaptive ECC Techniques for Yield and Reliability, Proc. of 2016 IEEE 25th Asian Test Symposium, 287-292, Hiroshima, Nov. 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 古屋 玲 : JCMT搭載サブミリ波偏波計POL-2を用いた星形成領域の網羅的観測(BISTRO)の進捗, 第6回国立天文台理論研究部シンポジウム「星形成を軸に俯瞰する磁場の役割とその観測的検証」, 2016年11月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Contreras-Zarazúa Gabriel, Vázquez-Castillo Antonio José, Ramírez-Márquez César, Segovia-Hernández Gabriel Juan and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Multi-objective optimization involving cost and control properties in reactive distillation processes to produce diphenyl carbonate, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2016..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila, Terasaki Masataka, Lee Hao-Yeh, Chen Jun-Lin, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Toshihide Horikawa : Design and Control of Reactive Distillation Sequences with Heat- Integrated Stages To Produce Diphenyl Carbonate, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.56, No.1, 250-260, 2017..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Martinez-Gomez Juan, Ramírez-Marquez Cesar, Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila, Segovia-Hernandez Gabriel Juan and Ponce-Ortega JoseMaría : Intensification for the Silane Production Involving Economic and Safety Objectives, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.56, No.1, 261-269, 2017..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Hiromu Hisazawa, Yoshihiro Terada, Fauzan Adziman, David J. Crudden, David M. Collins, David E.J. Armstrong and Roger C. Reed : The Effect of Nb/Ti Ratio on Hardness in High Strength Ni-based Superalloys, Metals, Vol.7, 71, 2017..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 田久保 浩, 佐藤 裕子, 安倍 オースタッド 玲子, 飯田 祐子, キース ヴィンセント, 大野 英二郎, 小森 陽一, マイケル ボーダッシュ, 林 少陽 : 英文学と夏目漱石, 岩波書店, (都市), 2017年3月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 常木 晃, 渡部 展也, 安間 了, アハマッド サーベル : 肥沃な三日月地帯東部の新石器化-イラク・クルディスタン,スレマニ周辺の先史時代遺跡踏査(2016年)-, 第24回西アジア発掘調査報告会報告集, 10-15, (都市), 2017年3月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila, Masataka Terasaki, Hao-Yeh Lee, Jun-Lin Chen, Julián Cabrera Ruiz, Ken-Ichiro Sotowa and Toshihide Horikawa : Design and Control of Diphenyl Carbonate Reactive Distillation Processes Using Arrangements with Heat-Integrated Stages, 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (AdCONIP 2017), 288-293, Taipei, May 2017..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Derek Ward-Thompson, Kate Pattle, Pierre Bastien, Ray S. Furuya, Woojin Kwon, Shih-Ping Lai, Keping Qiu, David Berry, Minho Choi, Simon Coudé and et al. : First Results from BISTRO: A SCUBA-2 Polarimeter Survey of the Gould Belt, The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.842, No.1, 2017..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 P. Hofner, R. Cesaroni, S. Kurtz, V. Rosero, C. Anderson, Ray S. Furuya, E. D. Araya and S. Molinari : High-resolution Observations of the Massive Protostar in IRAS 18566+0408, The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.843, No.2, 2017..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Contreras-Zarazúa Gabriel, Vázquez-Castillo Antonio José, Ramírez-Márquez César, Pontis A. Gianni, Segovia-Hernández Gabriel Juan and Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila : Comparison of intensified reactive distillation configurations for the Synthesis of Diphenyl Carbonate, Energy, Vol.135, 637-649, 2017..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 水口 雄紀, 古部 昭広, Yin Yu-Tung, Chen Liang-Yih : 近接場光学顕微鏡による酸化亜鉛ナノワ イヤー薄膜表面の光学特性評価, 応用物理・物理系学会中国四国支部 合同学術講演会, (巻), (号), Ca-5, 2017年7月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Jaafar Jotheri, Mark Altaweel, Akihiro Tuji, Ryo Anma, Benjamin Pennington, Stephanie Rost and Chikako Watanabe : Holocene fluvial and anthropogenic processes in the region of Uruk in southern Mesopotamia, Quaternary International, Vol.483, 57-69, 2017..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Cabrera-Ruiz Julián, Santaella A. Miguel, Jesus Rafael Alcantara Avila, Segovia-Hernández Gabriel Juan and Hernández Salvador : Open-loop based controllability criterion applied to stochastic global optimization for intensified distillation sequences, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, Vol.123, 165-179, 2017..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Kate Pattle, Derek Ward-Thompson, David Berry, Jennifer Hatchell, Huei-Ru Chen, Andy Pon, Patrick M. Koch, Woojin Kwon, Jongsoo Kim, Pierre Bastien, Jungyeon Cho, Simon Coudé, James Di Francesco, Gary Fuller, Ray S. Furuya, Sarah F. Graves, Doug Johnstone, Jason Kirk, Jungmi Kwon, Chang Won Lee, Brenda C. Matthews, Joseph C. Mottram, Harriet Parsons, Sarah Sadavoy, Hiroko Shinnaga, Archana Soam, Tetsuo Hasegawa, Shih-Ping Lai, Keping Qiu and Per Friberg : The JCMT BISTRO Survey: The Magnetic Field Strength in the Orion A Filament, The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.846, No.2, 2017..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Jiang Xiantao, Wang XiaoFeng, Yang Yadong, Tian Song, Shi Wen and Takafumi Katayama : A Coding Efficiency Improvement Algorithm for Future Video Coding, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2017, (巻), (号), 279-287, Shanghai, Oct. 2017..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 John L. Bowman, Takayuki Kohchi, Katsuyuki T. Yamato, Jerry Jenkins, Shengqiang Shu, Kimitsune Ishizaki, Shohei Yamaoka, Ryuichi Nishihama, Yasukazu Nakamura, Frédéric Berger, Catherine Adam, Shiori Sugamata Aki, Felix Althoff, Takashi Araki, Mario A. Arteaga-Vazquez, Sureshkumar Balasubrmanian, Kerrie Barry, Diane Bauer, Christian R. Boehm, Liam Briginshaw, Juan Caballero-Perez, Bruno Catarino, Feng Chen, Shota Chiyoda, Mansi Chovatia, Kevin M. Davies, Mihails Delmans, Taku Demura, Tom Dierschke, Liam Dolan, Ana E. Dorantes-Acosta, Magnus D. Eklund, Stevie N. Florent, Eduardo Flores-Sandoval, Asao Fujiyama, Hideya Fukuzawa, Bence Galik, Daniel Grimanelli, Jane Grimwood, Ueli Grossniklaus, Takahiro Hamada, Jim Haseloff, Alexander J. Hetherington, Asuka Higo, Yuki Hirakawa, Hope N. Hundley, Yoko Ikeda, Keisuke Inoue, Shin-ichiro Inoue, Sakiko Ishida, Qidong Jia, Mitsuru Kakita, Takehiko Kanazawa, Yosuke Kawai, Tomokazu Kawashima, Megan Kennedy, Keita Kinose, Toshinori Kinoshita, Yuji Kohara, Eri Koide, Kenji Komatsu, Sarah Kopischke, Minoru Kubo, Junko Kyozuka, Ulf Lagercrantz, Shih-Shun Lin, Erika Lindquist, Anna M. Lipzen, Chia-Wei Lu, Efraín De Luna, Robert A. Martienssen, Naoki Minamino, Masaharu Mizutani, Miya Mizutani, Nobuyoshi Mochizuki, Isabel Monte, Rebecca Mosher, Hideki Nagasaki, Hirofumi Nakagami, Satoshi Naramoto, Kazuhiko Nishitani, Misato Ohtani, Takashi Okamoto, Masaki Okumura, Jeremy Phillips, Bernardo Pollak, Anke Reinders, Moritz Rövekamp, Ryosuke Sano, Shinichiro Sawa, Marc W. Schmid, Makoto Shirakawa, Roberto Solano, Alexander Spunde, Noriyuki Suetsugu, Sumio Sugano, Akifumi Sugiyama, Rui Sun, Yutaka Suzuki, Mizuki Takenaka, Daisuke Takezawa, Hirokazu Tomogane, Masayuki Tsuzuki, Takashi Ueda, Masaaki Umeda, John M. Ward, Yuichiro Watanabe, Kazufumi Yazaki, Ryusuke Yokoyama, Yoshihiro Yoshitake, Izumi Yotsui, Sabine Zachgo and Jeremy Schmutz : Insights into Land Plant Evolution Garnered from the Marchantia polymorpha Genome., Cell, Vol.171, No.2, 287-304, 2017..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 古屋 玲 : BISTRO: A Step towards ALMA Polarization Observations, 於:国立天文台三鷹, 2017年10月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Zhang Qian, Ryo Kawatani, Ajiro Hiroharu and Kelland A. Malcolm : Optimizing the Kinetic Hydrate Inhibition Performance of NAlkylNVinylamide Copolymers, Energy & Fuels, Vol.32, (号), 4925-4931, 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Ryo Kawatani, Yuki Kawata, Shin-ichi Yusa, Malcolm A. Kelland and Hiroharu Ajiro : Synthesis of Thermosensitive Poly(N-vinylamide) Derivatives Bearing Oligo Ethylene Glycol Chain for Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitor, Macromolecules, Vol.51, No.19, 7845-4852, 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Toshiyuki Moriuchi, Satoshi D. Ohmura and Toshikazu Hirao : Chapter-4: Chirality Organization of Peptide and pi-Conjugated Polyanilines in "Asymmetric Synthesis of Drugs and Natural Products", Taylor & Francis, (都市), Feb. 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Tsai Meng-Ting and Hiroki Ogawa : Determination of Wall Strength Ratio (WSR) of Wooden Buildings for Retrofitting and Seismic Assessment, Proceedings of 4th International Forum on Advanced Technologies, 1-3, Tokushima, March 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 古屋 玲 : サブミリ波直線偏波撮像システムSCUBA2+POL2が拓いたdiscovery spaceと次世代装置への課題, 2017年度宇宙電波懇談会シンポジウム 「未来を拓く技術開発とその将来展望」, 於:国立天文台三鷹, 2018年3月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Ray S. Furuya : BISTRO(B-fields In STar forming Region Observations) -- A JCMT Large Program with the POL-2 and SCUBA-2 System, Radio Astronomy Group Sminar, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, (頁), (都市), March 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 常木 晃, 渡部 展也, 安間 了, 西山 伸一, ラワ カリム サリ : 肥沃な三日月地帯東部の新石器化-イラク・クルディスタン,スレマニ地域チャルモ遺跡・トゥルカカ遺跡の調査(2017年)-, 第25回西アジア発掘調査報告会報告集, (巻), (号), 8-11, (都市), 2018年3月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 L.C. Du, W.D. Xi, J.B. Zhang, H. Matsuzaki and Akihiro Furube : Electron Transfer Dynamics and Yield from Gold Nanoparticle to Different Semiconductors Induced by Plasmon Band Excitation, Chemical Physics Letters, Vol.701, 126-130, 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 (名) (姓), Akane Okubo, Daisuke Suzuki and Kazuhiro Takeyasu : Bayesian Network Analysis for the Questionnaire Investigation on the Needs at Fuji Shopping Street Town, Journal of Management and Strategy, Vol.9, No.2, 46-68, 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Jungmi Kwon, Yasuo Doi, Motohide Tamura, Masafumi Matsumura, Kate Pattle, David Berry, Sarah Sadavoy, Brenda C. Matthews, Derek Ward-Thompson, Tetsuo Hasegawa, Ray S. Furuya and et al. : A First Look at BISTRO Observations of the ϱ Oph-A core, The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.859, No.1, 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 K. Abe, K. Hiraide, K. Ichimura, Y. Kishimoto, K. Kobayashi, M. Kobayashi, S. Moriyama, M. Nakahata, H. Ogawa, K. Sato, H. Sekiya, T. Suzuki, O. Takachio, A. Takeda, S. Tasaka, M. Yamashita, B.S. Yang, N.Y. Kim, Y.D. Kim, Y. Itow, K. Kanzawa, K. Masuda, K. Martens, Y. Suzuki, B.D. Xu, K. Miuchi, N. Oka, Y. Takeuchi, Y.H. Kim, K.B. Lee, M.K. Lee, Y. Fukuda, M. Miyasaka, K. Nishijima, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, G. Kanzaki and S. Nakamura : Direct dark matter search by annual modulation with 2.7 years of XMASS-I data, Physical Review D, Vol.97, (号), 102006, 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Kate Pattle, Derek Ward-Thompson, Tetsuo Hasegawa, Pierre Bastien, Woojin Kwon, Shih-Ping Lai, Keping Qiu, Ray S. Furuya, David Berry and The JCMT BISTRO Survey Team : First Observations of the Magnetic Field inside the Pillars of Creation: Results from the BISTRO Survey, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol.860, No.1, 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Shigeru Sugiyama : Phosphorus Recovery and Recycling, --- Chapter 27. Recovery of Calcium Phosphate from Composted Chicken Manure and Industrial Waste ---, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., Singapore, June 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Archana Soam, Kate Pattle, Derek Ward-Thompson, Chang Won Lee, Sarah Sadavoy, Patrick M. Koch, Gwanjeong Kim, Jungmi Kwon, Woojin Kwon, Doris Arzoumanian, David Berry, Thiem Hoang, Motohide Tamura, Sang-Sung Lee, Tie Liu, Kee-Tae Kim, Doug Johnstone, Fumitaka Nakamura, A-Ran Lyo, Takashi Onaka, Jongsoo Kim, Ray S. Furuya, Tetsuo Hasegawa, Shih-Ping Lai, Pierre Bastien, Eun Jung Chung, Shinyoung Kim, Harriet Parsons, Mark Rawlings, Mairs Steve and et al. : Magnetic fields towards Ophiuchus-B derived from SCUBA-2 polarization measurements, The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.861, No.1, articleid.65-13pp, 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Mitsuhiro Tsuboi, Hiromitsu Takizawa, Takahiro Yoshida and Akira Tangoku : Mediastinal Parathyroidectomy Using a Cervical Approach Under a Pneumomediastinum., Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Vol.S1043, No.19, 121-127, 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 ASHIKIN Fara, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Shyue-Kung LU and Zvi ROTH : A Design for Testability of Open Defects at Interconnects in 3D Stacked ICs, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E101-D, No.8, 2053-2063, 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Akira Honda, Tomoko Kita, Shri Vidhya Seshadri, Kazuyo Misaki, Jamal Ahmed, John E. Ladbury, Guy P. Richardson, Shigenobu Yonemura and Raj K. Lather : FGFR1-mediated protocadherin-15 loading mediates cargo specificity during intraflagellar transport in inner ear hair-cell kinocilia., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol.115, No.33, 8388-8393, 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Yasushi Sato and Tetsuji Takayama : Chapter 4. Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy: Current Practices, Efficacy and Future Directions, Nova Science Publishers, (都市), Sep. 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Ray S. Furuya : A first look of 450 micron polarization images with JCMT, Seminari di gruppo Formazione stellare,Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, (巻), (号), (頁), Sep. 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Kentaro Nagamatsu, Kenjiro Uesugi, Kanako Shojiki, Liu Xiaotong, Shiyu Xiao, Yusuke Hayashi, Harumasa Yoshida and Hideto Miyake : Effect of stress-relaxation layer in UVC-LEDs on sputter-deposited high-temperature annealedAlN/sapphire, 国際照明学会 第十五届中国国际半导体照明论坛, (巻), (号), (頁), 中国深セン, Oct. 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Chun-Chun Cheng, Ko Tsutsui, Toru Taguchi, Noriko Sansen, Asako Nakagawa, Kisa Kakiguchi, Shigenobu Yonemura, Chiharu Tanegashima, Sean D Keeley, Hiroshi Kiyonari, Yasuhide Furuta, Yasuko Tomono, Fiona M Watt and Hironobu Fujiwara : Hair follicle epidermal stem cells define a niche for tactile sensation, eLife, Vol.7, (号), e38883, 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 K. Abe, K. Hiraide, K. Ichimura, Y. Kishimoto, K. Kobayashi, M. Kobayashi, S. Moriyama, M. Nakahata, H. Ogawa, K. Sato, H. Sekiya, T. Suzuki, O. Takachio, A. Takeda, S. Tasaka, M. Yamashita, B.S. Yang, N.Y. Kim, Y.D. Kim, Y. Itow, K. Kanzawa, K. Masuda, K. Martens, Y. Suzuki, B.D. Xu, K. Miuchi, N. Oka, Y. Takeuchi, Y.H. Kim, K.B. Lee, M.K. Lee, Y. Fukuda, M. Miyasaka, K. Nishijima, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, G. Kanzaki and S. Nakamura : Search for dark matter in the form of hidden photons and axion-like particles in the XMASS detector, Physics Letters B, Vol.787, 153-158, 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Ray S. Furuya : The JCMT BISTRO survey: a first look of 450 micron polarization images, Interstellar filament paradigm: on their formation, evolution, and role in star formation, 名古屋市, Nov. 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Yu Gu, Yifan Zhang, Mengmeng Huang and Fuji Ren : Your WiFi Knows You Fall: A Channel Data Driven Device-free Fall Sensing System, Proceedings of 2018 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems (CCIS), 943-947, Nanjing, Nov. 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Noboru Ishiyama, Rifu Sarpal, Megan N. Wood, Samantha K Garrick, Tadateru Nishikawa, Hanako Hayashi, Anna B Kobb, Annette S. Flozak, Alex Yemelyanov, Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez, Shigenobu Yonemura, Deborah E. Neckband, Cara J. Gottardi, Ulrich Tepass and Mitsuhiko Ikura : Force-dependent allostery of the α-catenin actin-binding domain controls adherens junction dynamics and functions, Nature Communications, Vol.9, No.1, 5121, 2018..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Haramiishi Yoshiaki, Ryo Kawatani, Chanthaset Nalinthip and Ajiro Hiroharu : Viscoelastic Evaluation of Poly(trimethylene carbonate)s Bearing Oligoethylene glycol Units Which Shows Thermoresponsive Properties at Body Temperature, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Vol.220, No.1900019, 1-6, 2019..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 K. Abe, K. Hiraide, K. Ichimura, Y. Kishimoto, K. Kobayashi, M. Kobayashi, S. Moriyama, M. Nakahata, H. Ogawa, K. Sato, H. Sekiya, T. Suzuki, O. Takachio, A. Takeda, S. Tasaka, M. Yamashita, B.S. Yang, N.Y. Kim, Y.D. Kim, Y. Itow, K. Kanzawa, K. Masuda, K. Martens, Y. Suzuki, B.D. Xu, K. Miuchi, N. Oka, Y. Takeuchi, Y.H. Kim, K.B. Lee, M.K. Lee, Y. Fukuda, M. Miyasaka, K. Nishijima, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, G. Kanzaki and S. Nakamura : A direct dark matter search in XMASS-I, Physics Letters B, Vol.789, (号), 45-53, 2019..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Takahiro Nagai, Supaluk Trakanant, Maiko Kawasaki, Katsushige Kawasaki, Yurie Yamada, Momoko Watanabe, James Blackburn, Yoko Otsuka-Tanaka, Mitsue Hishinuma, Atsushi Kitatmura, Fumiya Meguro, Akane Yamada, Yasumitsu Kodama, Takeyasu Maeda, Qiliang Zhou, Yasuo Saijo, Akihiro Yasue, Paul T. Sharpe, Robert Hindges, Ritsuo Takagi and Atsushi Ohazama : MicroRNAs control eyelid development through regulating Wnt signaling., Developmental Dynamics, Vol.248, No.3, 201-210, 2019..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Ray S. Furuya : A comparison of 450 and 850 micron polarization maps towards the center of Ophiuchus A star-forming region, Polarimetry in the ALMA era: a new crossroads of astrophysics, 東京都三鷹市, March 2019..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Masatsune Tsujioka, Taro QP Uyeda, Yoshiaki Iwadate, Hitesh Patel, Keitaro Shibata, Tenji Yumoto and Shigenobu Yonemura : Actin-binding domains mediate the distinct distribution of two Dictyostelium Talins through different affinities to specific subsets of actin filaments during directed cell migration., PLoS ONE, Vol.14, No.4, e0214736, 2019..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Motonori Matsusaki, Shingo Kanemura, Misaki Kinoshita, Young-Ho Lee, Kenji Inaba and Masaki Okumura : The Protein Disulfide Isomerase Family: from proteostasis to pathogenesis., Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, Vol.1864, No.2, 129338, 2019..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 田中 祐子, 奥田 紀久子, 大坂 京子, Baua C. Elizabeth, Tuliao Teresa R Maria, Maria Ordnez Geraldine, 松尾 博哉 : A市(フィリピン)のスクール・ナースのヘルスプロモ―チョンの活動と職務の満足度について, (誌名), (巻), (号), (頁), 2019年6月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Kate Pattle, Ray S. Furuya and al. et : JCMT BISTRO Survey Observations of the Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud: Dust Grain Alignment Properties Inferred Using a Ricean Noise Model, The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.880, No.1, articleid.27-16pp, 2019..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 古屋 玲 : BISTRO:星形成領域における450μm帯ダスト熱放射偏波撮像マップ (2), 日本天文学会2019年秋季年会予稿集, P126a, 2019年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 杉山 茂, 劉 恩宏, 今西 健太, 霜田 直宏, 加藤 雅裕, 劉 志成, 佐藤 英俊 : 鶏糞焼成体からリン鉱石等価体の製造, 第28回無機リン化学討論会, 2019年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 古屋 玲 : BISTRO:星形成領域における450 μm帯ダスト熱放射偏波撮像マップ, 日本天文学会2018年秋季年会予稿集, 2019年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Shigeru Sugiyama, Kenji Wakisaka, Kenta Imanishi, Masashi Kurashina, Naohiro Shimoda, Masahiro Katoh and Jhy-Chern Liu : Recovery of Phosphate Rock Equivalents from Incineration Ash of Chicken Manure by Elution-precipitation Treatment, The 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2019), Vol.52, No.9, 778-782, Sapporo, Sep. 2019..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Shigeru Sugiyama, Kenji Wakisaka, Kenta Imanishi, Masashi Kurashina, Naohiro Shimoda, Masahiro Katoh and Jhy-Chern Liu : Recovery of Phosphate Rock Equivalents from Incineration Ash of Chicken Manure by Elution-precipitation Treatment, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.52, No.9, 778-782, 2019..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 今西 健太, 霜田 直宏, 加藤 雅裕, 杉山 茂, 山本 高郁, 劉 志成 : 脱リンスラグからリン鉱石等価体製造に対する溶出酸の影響, 2019年日本化学会中国四国支部大会, 2019年11月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 劉 恩宏, 霜田 直宏, 加藤 雅裕, 杉山 茂, 山本 高郁, 劉 志成 : 鶏糞焼却灰からのリン回収挙動に関する溶出酸の影響, 2019年日本化学会中国四国支部大会, 2019年11月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Kenta Yamatani, Ryo Kawatani and Hiroharu Ajiro : Synthesis of Glucosamine Derivative with Double Caffeic Acid Moieties at N- and 6-O-Positions for Developments of Natural Based Materials, Journal of Molecular Structure, Vol.1206, 127689, 2020..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Ryo Kawatani, Kelland A. Malcolm and Ajiro Hiroharu : Design of a Rigid Side Chain for Poly(N-vinylamide) Derivatives Bearing an Alkenyl Group and Evaluation of Their Ability to Inhibit Tetrahydrofuran Hydrate Crystal Growth, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, (巻), No.2020, e49154, 2020..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Yoshiaki Haramiishi, Ryo Kawatani, Nalinthip Chanthaset and Hiroharu Ajiro : Preparation of block copolymer of poly(trimethylene carbonate) with oligo(ethylene glycol) and the surface properties of the dip coated film, Polymer Testing, Vol.86, (号), 106484-e49154, 2020..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Ray S. Furuya, Kate Pattle, Simon Coudé, Tao-Chung Ching and more Steve and 7 Mairs : Magnetic Fields Studies in the Next Decade: EAO Submillimetre Futures White Paper Series, 2019, EAO Submillimetre Futures White Paper Series, 2019, 1-17, 2020..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Sari Puspita Anggraini, Hiroshi Suzuki, Takahiro Kitajima, Takashi Yasuno and Prasetya Arman Dwi : PREDICTION MODEL OF WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION USING DEEP NEURAL NETWORK, JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering Mechatronic and Computer Science), Vol.3, No.1, 1-10, 2020..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 大薮 進喜, 鈴木 仁研, 和田 武彦, 金田 英宏, 下村 太誉, 小田切 萌絵, K D. Ojha, A. S. L. D'Costa, S. Ghosh, R. P. Sandimani : 大質量星形成領域の遠赤外線 [CII] 輝線広域観測を進める日印共同気球実験, 日本天文学会2022年春季年会, (巻), (号), (頁), 2020年3月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 今西 健太, 霜田 直宏, 加藤 雅裕, 杉山 茂, 山本 高郁, 劉 志成 : 各酸溶媒による脱リンスラグからのリンの濃縮, 化学工学会第85年会, 2020年3月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 円藤 詩乃, 諸山 哲平, 霜田 直宏, 加藤 雅裕, 杉山 茂 : Pd系触媒による2-クロロプロペンの選択的水素化反応, 化学工学会第85年会, 2020年3月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 山内 太陽, 野村 実由, 加藤 雅裕, 霜田 直宏, 杉山 茂, 仲井 和之 : ゼオライト膜への気体の吸着を考慮した膜透過機構の解析, 化学工学会第85年会, (巻), (号), (頁), 2020年3月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 稲津 佳希, 大南 紘太, 加藤 雅裕, 霜田 直宏, 杉山 茂 : チタニア微粒子を導入した多孔質SUS管へ吸引法により無電解めっきを施したPd薄膜の成膜, 化学工学会第85年会, (巻), (号), (頁), 2020年3月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Ward-Thompson Derek, F. Christopher McKee, Ray S. Furuya and Yusuke Tsukamoto : Editorial: The Role of Magnetic Fields in the Formation of Stars, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, Vol.7, No.13, 2020..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Osamu Sahara : MANGA!: Visual Pop-Culture in ARTS Education, Masami Toku, Hiromi Tsuchiya Dollase Eds. Chapter3. A Look at Manga in Japanese Public Education), InSEA Publications, Global, Aug. 2020..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Chen Pei-Ching, Dong Meng-Wei, Chen Po-Chang and Narutoshi Nakata : Stability Analysis and Verification of Real-Time Hybrid Simulation Using a Shake Table for Building Mass Damper Systems, Frontiers in Built Environment, Vol.6, No.109, 2020..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 今西 健太, 霜田 直宏, 加藤 雅裕, 杉山 茂, 山本 高郁, 劉 志成 : 酸-アルカリ処理による脱リンスラグからのリンの分離と回収, 化学工学会第51回秋季大会, 2020年9月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Shigeru Sugiyama, En-Hong Liu, Kenta Imanishi, Naohiro Shimoda, Masahiro Katoh and Jhy-Chern Liu : Dependence of Phosphorus Recovery on Acid Type during Dissolution-Precipitation Treatment of Incineration Ash of Chicken Manure, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.53, No.10, 667-674, 2020..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 今西 健太, 石本 猛流, 久井 美紅, 霜田 直宏, 加藤 雅裕, 杉山 茂, 山本 高郁, 劉 志成 : 脱リンスラグのクエン酸処理によるリンの回収, 2020年日本化学会中国四国支部大会, 2020年11月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Sari Puspita Anggraini, Hiroshi Suzuki, Takahiro Kitajima, Takashi Yasuno, Prasetya Arman Dwi and (名) Nachrowie : Prediction Model of Wind Speed and Direction using Convolutional Neural Network Long Short Term Memory, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 358-363, (都市), Dec. 2020..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Hiroki Matsui, Tran Tuan Nam, Ryo Takahashi, Nguyen Minh Tri and Do Ngoc Yen : Cohomological dimensions of specialization-closed subsets and subcategories of modules, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.149, 481-496, 2020..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Olgur Celikbas, Hiroki Matsui and Arash Sadeghi : On an example concerning the second rigidity theorem, AMS Contemporary Mathematics Commutative Algebra: 150 Years with Roger and Sylvia Wiegand, 1-10, 2021..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Koji Fujita, Shichun Peng, Yilong Ma, C Chris Tang, Matthew Hellman, Andrew Feigin, David Eidelberg and Vijay Dhawan : Blood-brain barrier permeability in Parkinson's disease patients with and without dyskinesia., Journal of Neurology, Vol.268, No.6, 2246-2255, 2021..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Thanh-Tham Tran, Ngoc-Ngan-Thi Tran, Shigeru Sugiyama and Jhy-Chern Liu : Enhanced Phosphate Removal by Thermally Pretreated Waste Oyster Shells, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Vol.23, (号), 177-185, 2021..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 杉山 茂, 劉 志成, 佐藤 英俊 : 我が国のリン鉱石産出国への転換を目指して, --- 鶏糞からリン鉱石等価体および関連化合物の回収 ---, セラミックス, Vol.56, No.2, 160-163, 2021年3月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Masaomi Yamamura, Takuji Miyamoto, Rie Takada, Dwi Widyajayantie, Vincentia Esti Windiastri, Satya Nugroho and Toshiaki Umezawa : A microscale protocol for alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation of lignins using a readily available reactor, Lignin, Vol.2, 19-24, 2021..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Yoshida Kayo, Kaya Yoshida, Natsumi Fujiwara, Mariko Seyama, Ono Kisho, Kawai Hotaka, Guo Jiajie, Wang Ziyi, Weng Yao, Yu Yaqiong, Uchida-Fukuhara Yoko, Ikegame Mika, Sasaki Akira, Nagatsuka Hitoshi, Kamioka Hiroshi, Hirohiko Okamura and Kazumi Ozaki : Extracellular vesicles of P. gingivalis-infected macrophages induce lung injury, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, Vol.1867, No.11, 166236, 2021..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Shigeru Sugiyama, Kenta Imanishi, Naohiro Shimoda, Jhy-Chern Liu, Hidetoshi Satou and Takaiku Yamamoto : Recovery of Phosphoric Acid and Calcium Phosphate from Dephosphorization Slag, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.54, No.8, 467-471, 2021..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 大薮 進喜, 金田 英宏, 鈴木 仁研, 和田 武彦, 下村 太誉, 小田切 萌絵, Ojha D.K., D'Costa S: L.. A., Ghosh S., Sandimani P. : 日印共同気球実験による遠赤外線[CII]輝線の広域マッピング観測で迫る大質量星形成の理解, 大気球シンポジウム2021年度, (巻), (号), (頁), 2021年11月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Haitao Yu, Degen Huang, Fuji Ren and Lishuang Li : Diagnostic Evaluation of Policy-Gradient-Based Ranking, Electronics, Vol.10, No.19, 1-21, 2021..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 大薮 進喜, 鈴木 仁研, 和田 武彦, 金田 英宏, 下村 太誉, 小田切 萌絵, D.K. Ojha, S.L.A. D'Costa, S. Ghosh, P.R. Sandimani : 大質量星形成領域の遠赤外線 [CII] 輝線広域観測を進める日印共同気球実験, 日本天文学会2022年 春季年会, 2022年3月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 山本 千莉, 飛松 裕基, Lam Ying Pui, Afifi1 A. Osama, 木村 ゆり, 刑部 祐里子, 刑部 敬史, Bartley E. Laura, 梅澤 俊明 : 細胞壁結合型フェルラ酸の形成を抑制したイネALDH 変異株のリグノセルロース構造, 第39回日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会, (巻), (号), (頁), 2022年8月..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Morioka Toshio, Awaji Yoshinari, Enami Kazumasa, Miyamoto Yutaka, Morita Itsuro, Okumura Yukihiko, Suzuki Masatoshi, Takara Hidehiko, Terada Jun and Kenji Yamamoto : Introduction: Space-Division Multiplexing in Optical Communication Systems, Springer, (都市), Aug. 2022..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Boaz Jessie Jackin, Lode Jorissen, Ryutaro Oi, Koki Wakunami, Kenji Yamamoto, Yasuyuki Ichihashi, Philippe Bekaert and Gauthier Lafruit : Design and calibration of curved and see-through integral imaging 3D display, Virtual Reality, 2022..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Osamu Sahara and Aaron Knochel : Global Media Arts Education: Mapping Global Perspectives of Media Arts in Education, Palgrave Macmillan, Global, Oct. 2022..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 HoangNam Tran, Katya Marinova and Van Hong Nghiem : Exploring Perceived Speaking Skills, Motives, and Communication Needs of Undergraduate Students Studying Japanese Language, Education Sciences, Vol.13, No.6, 550, 2023..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 H. Azizi, N. Daneshvar, Y. Asahara, M. Minami and Ryo Anma : The generation of Eocene mafic dike swarms during the exhumation of a core complex, Biarjmand area, NE Iran, Journal of Petrology, Vol.64, 1-18, 2023..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Choi Youngju, Song-Gyu RA, Nishijima Takahiko and Maeda Seiji : Effect of curcumin supplementation on inflammatory status and muscle damage in competitive female soccer players: a placebo-controlled, single-blind, nonrandomized, crossover pilot study, Physical Activity and Nutrition, Vol.27, No.2, 34-38, 2023..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 J. C. Lissenberg, J. D. Condon, J. A. Smye and Ryo Anma : Crystallization of superfast-spreading oceanic crust (ODP 1256D, Pacific Ocean): Constraints from zircon geochronology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Vol.24, No.10, e2023GC010964, 2023..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 古屋 玲, 竹腰 達哉, 田村 陽一, 川邊 良平, 河野 孝太郎 : 大型サブミリ波望遠鏡LST計画 科学白書2023, Large Submillimeter Telescope Document Series, DOI 10.15000/lstds118687, https://www.lstobservatory.org/post/lst-wp-2023j, Vol.1, 2023年..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 H. Azizi, N. Daneshvar, G. Rafat, Y. Asahara, K. Horie, M. Takehara, Y. Kon, M. Minami and Ryo Anma : O-Hf isotope ratios of Alvand S-type granite, western Iran, reveal crustal melting in an extensional regime, Lithos, Vol.464-465, No.107437, 2023..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Nguyen Thi-Nhien, Tran Thi-Binh-Nguyen and HoangNam Tran : Genetic diversity of black soldier flies in Vietnam based on DNA COI sequence, Biodiversitas : Journal of Biological Diversity, Vol.24, No.12, 6727-6732, 2023..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Celikbas Olgur, Dey Souvik, Kobayashi Toshinori and Hiroki Matsui : On the reducing projective dimension over local rings, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, Vol.66, No.1, 104-118, 2024..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 HoangNam Tran, Phan Ngoc-Quang, Yukie Matsuura and Dang Bao-Ngoc : Examining the Nursing Workforce Shortage in Vietnam: Implications for Nursing Education, The IAFOR International Conference on Education in Hawaii (IICE2024), Honolulu, Jan. 2024..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Celikbas Olgur, Le Uyen, Hiroki Matsui and Sadeghi Arash : Remarks on a conjecture of Huneke and Wiegand and the vanishing of (co)homology, Journal of Mathematical Society of Japan, Vol.76, No.3, 951-974, 2024..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 Nghiem Hong-Van and HoangNam Tran : Exploring Undergraduate Attitudes Toward Study Abroad: Insights from a Cross-Sectional Study, The Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (KAMC2024), 155-166, 2024..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 HoangNam Tran, Nghiem Hong-Van, Marinova Katya and Mineva Militsa : Green Tea Through the Ages: A Comparative Study of Classical Texts from China and Japan, The IAFOR International Conference on Arts & Humanities in Hawaii (IICAH2025), Hawaii, Jan. 2025..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 HoangNam Tran, Cheng-Hai Jin and Gizaw Kassu Afework : Kebede Michael and the Ethiopia-Japan Academic Partnership: A Review, The IAFOR International Conference on Education Hawaii (IICE2025), Hawaii, Jan. 2025..[共著種別] ...
閲覧 HoangNam Tran and Maklad S. Ahmed : Forging Educational Alliances: Saudi Arabia and Japans Path to Excellence in Higher Education, The Korean Conference on Arts & Humanities (KCAH2024) Official Conference Proceedings, 321-330, 2025..[共著種別] ...






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