『徳島大学 教育・研究者情報データベース (EDB)』---[学外] /
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REF=閲覧 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education


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閲覧 閲覧 徳島大学 …(5)
閲覧 閲覧 徳島大学 …(5)
閲覧 (未定義) …(1)
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排列順: 項目表示:
閲覧 Yoshiaki Hada, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Supporting Online Video-based Correction for Language Learning through Markup-based Video Editing, Proc. of World Conference on Educational MultimediaHypermedia &Telecommunications(ED-MEDIA2002), 677-682, Denver, CO, USA, June 2002..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Youji Ochi and Yoneo Yano : An Adaptive Web-based Learning System with a Free-Hyperlink Environment, Proc. of ED-MEDIA2002, (巻), (号), 1349-1350, Denver, CO, USA, June 2002..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Raul Morales and Yoneo Yano : Effective Collaboration in a videoconference-based CSCL Environment, Proc. of ED-MEDIA2002, 1366-1371, Denver, CO, USA, June 2002..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Kenji Matsuura, Buder Juergen, Hesse W Friedrich, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Design and Implementation of Knowledge Co-collection in a Common Interest Group, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA2003, (巻), (号), 658-661, Honolulu, June 2003..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Salcedo Morales Raul, Yoneo Yano and Kenji Matsuura : Awareness Facilities for Virtual Communities, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA2003, (巻), (号), 326-329, Honolulu, June 2003..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Youji Ochi, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : An Adaptive Web-based Learning System for Providing New Findings, Pro. of ED-MEDIA2003, (巻), (号), 662-669, Honolulu, June 2003..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Yoshiaki Hada, Hiroaki Ogata, Kazuhide Kanenishi and Yoneo Yano : Online Video Analysis System for Video-based Correction System, Pro. of ED-MEDIA2003, (巻), (号), 1003-1010, Honolulu, June 2003..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Kenji Matsuura, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Hiroaki Ogata, Yoneo Yano, Buder Juergen and Hesse Friedrich : Supporting Vicarious Exploration for a Common Interest, Proceedings of E-Learn2003, Vol.1, (号), 2317-2320, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov. 2003..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Yanlin Zheng, Luyi Li, Hiroaki Ogata, Kenji Matsuura and Yoneo Yano : Using Knowledge Grid Construct Next Generation E-learning, Proceedings of E-Learn2003, Vol.1, (号), 1849-1852, Phoenix,AZ,USA, Nov. 2003..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Yanlin Zheng, Luyi Li, Hiroaki Ogata, Kenji Matsuura and Yoneo Yano : Ontology: Structure E-Learning from Information-based to Knowledge-based, Proceedings of E-Learn2003, Vol.1, (号), 833-839, Phoenix,AZ,USA, Nov. 2003..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Supporting Knowledge Awareness for a Ubiquitous CSCL, Pro. of E-Learn 2003, Vol.1, 2362-2369, Phoenix,AZ,USA, Nov. 2003..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Luyi Li, Yanlin Zheng, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Research on Pervasive e-Learning System Development, Pro. of E-Learn 2003, Vol.1, 595-598, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov. 2003..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Luyi Li, Yanlin Zheng, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Pervasive Learning:e-Learning in Future, Pro. of E-Learn 2003, Vol.1, 1933-1936, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov. 2003..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Luyi Li, Yanlin Zheng, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Using Constructionism for Ubiquitous Learning Environment Design, Pro. of E-Learn 2003, Vol.1, 599-602, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Nov. 2003..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Kenji Matsuura, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Tomiaki Morikawa and Yoneo Yano : Flexible participation for collaborative learning in an asynchronous and semi-synchronous context, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA2004, (巻), (号), 1518-1523, Lugano, June 2004..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Raymond David, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Kenji Matsuura and Yoneo Yano : IP Videoconferencing in Distance Education: Ideas for a Successful Integration, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA2004, (巻), (号), 4179-4185, Lugano, June 2004..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Raul Morales Salcedo, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Supporting Cooperative Leaning, --- The design of learning infrastructures in a Digital Library Environment ---, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2004, 598-602, Lugano, June 2004..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Kazuhide Kanenishi and Yoneo Yano : Learning Process Sharing for Educational Modification of the Web, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA2004, (巻), (号), 1187-1192, Lugano, June 2004..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Ubiquitous Learning, --- Language Learning Meets Ubiquitous Computing ---, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2004, 2069-2076, Lugano, June 2004..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Miyoshi, Youji Ochi, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Ryo Okamoto and Yoneo Yano : An Illustrative-Sentences Search Tool Using Phrase Structure ``SOUP'', Proceedings of ED-MEDIA2004, (巻), (号), 1193-1199, Lugano, June 2004..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Kenji Matsuura, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Tomiaki Morikawa, Masahiko Katayama, Yasuo Miyoshi and Yoneo Yano : Adaptive Synchronization of Learning Media among Semi-synchronous Learners, Proceedings of E-Learn2004, Vol.1, (号), 2829-2834, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2004..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Yanlin Zheng, Luyi Li, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Using Knowledge Awareness(KA) Support Knowledge Building in Virtual Learning Community, Proceedings of E-Learn2004, Vol.1, 2258-2265, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2004..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Yanlin Zheng, Luyi Li, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Using Ontologies to Support Personalized e-Learning, Proceedings of E-Learn2004, Vol.1, 2266-2272, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2004..[発行所] ...
閲覧 David Colin Raymond, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Kenji Matsuura, Veronique Baudin, Thierry Gayraud, Yoneo Yano and Michel Diaz : Contents and Communication Modelisation in Synchronous Learning, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA2005, (巻), (号), 1606-1611, Montreal, June 2005..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Kenji Matsuura, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Yasuo Miyoshi and Yoneo Yano : Reflection and Influence of Learning Activities in Preparation/Review Process on e-Learning, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA2005, (巻), (号), 3727-3733, Montreal, June 2005..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Tomiaki Morikawa, Hiroki Moriguchi, Takaaki Nose, Mizuho Nishino, Kenji Arita, Kenji Matsuura and Yoneo Yano : Educational Support with Tele-dental-medicine System, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA2005, (巻), (号), 1483-1486, Montreal, June 2005..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Miyoshi, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Youji Ochi, Ryo Okamoto and Yoneo Yano : ``Awareness for Review Chance'' Framework for Knowledge Stability of Usage of Words and Phrases, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2005, (巻), (号), 3998-4003, Montreal, June 2005..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Luyi Li, Yanlin Zheng, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : A Conceptual Model of Ubiquitous Learning Community, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2005, 2269-2274, Montreal, June 2005..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Yanlin Zheng, Luyi Li, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Using Context-awareness to Support Peer Recommendation in e-Learning Settings, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2005, 2367-2373, Montreal, June 2005..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Kenji Matsuura, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Keiji Niki, Yasuo Miyoshi, Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Hiroaki Ogata, Yoneo Yano and Tomiaki Morikawa : Ubiquitous Learning Management with e-Portfolio on PC/PDA, Proceedings of E-Learn2005, Vol.1, (号), 3029-3034, Vancouver, Oct. 2005..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Luyi Li, Yanlin Zheng, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Support Ubiquitous Learning with Knowledge Awareness, Proceedings of E-Learn2005, Vol.1, 2179-2187, Vancouver, Oct. 2005..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Luyi Li, Yanlin Zheng, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Using Streaming Media to Facilitate Knowledge Building in Instructional Skills Training, Proceedings of E-Learn2005, Vol.1, 2188-2193, Vancouver, Oct. 2005..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Yanlin Zheng, Luyi Li, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Support Personalized e-Learning with Meta-knowledge Mining, Proceedings of E-Learn2005, Vol.1, 2536-2541, Vancouver, Oct. 2005..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Raul Morales-Salcedo, Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo Yano : Towards a new learning concept: Using dynamic metadata for educational virtual collections, Proceedings of E-Learn2005, Vol.1, 2776-2783, Vancouver, Oct. 2005..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Ryo Okamoto, Yasuo Miyoshi and Akihiro Kashihara : Peer Review Framework with ``Review Diagram'' for Self-Directed Learning, Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA2006), 806-811, Florida, June 2006..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Yasuo Miyoshi, Takahiro Oie, Hiroshi Kawakami, Tetsushi Ueta and Yoneo Yano : e-Syllabus System Supporting the Discovery of Learning Paths, Proceedings of E-Learn 2006, 784-789, Honolulu, Oct. 2006..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Kazuhide Kanenishi, Kenji Matsuura, Takahiro Oie, Yasuo Miyoshi, Masahiko Sano and Yoneo Yano : Construction and Operation of a Portal System at Tokushima University, Proceedings of E-Learn 2006, 642-647, Honolulu, Oct. 2006..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Rong Wang, Jing Yuan, Fei Yuan, Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Kazuhide Kanenishi and Yoneo Yano : Know-who Knowledge Management to Support Collaborative Learning in Research Laboratory Based on Information Sharing, Proceedings of E-Learning2006, Vol.1, 3113-3118, Honolulu, Oct. 2006..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Fei Yuan, Jing Yuan, Rong Wang, Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Kazuhide Kanenishi and Yoneo Yano : A Self-directed Reading Environment for Learning Pronunciation of Japanese Kanji based on Collaborative-building Database, Proceedings of E-Learning2006, Vol.1, 3139-3144, Honolulu, Oct. 2006..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Kazumi Sagayama, Kenji Kume, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Kenji Matsuura, Yasuo Miyoshi, Junko Minato and Yoneo Yano : Characteristics and Method for Initial Activity on Campus SNS, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA2008, 936-945, Wien, June 2008..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Kenji Matsuura, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Yasuo Miyoshi, Kazumi Sagayama and Yoneo Yano : Promoting Physical Skill Development in a Video-Based WEBlog Community Environment, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA2008, 1089-1096, Wien, June 2008..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Toyoaki Nabeshima, Kenji Matsuura, Kazuhide Kanenishi and Yoneo Yano : Adaptive High-Speed Delivery of e-Learning Contents, Proceedings of E-Learn 2008, 3864-3872, Las Vegas, Nov. 2008..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Junko Matsumoto, Noriko Uosaki, Mihoko Teshigawara, Kenji Kume and Yoneo Yano : Niche-Learning: New Learning Style Using Public Display System, Proc. of ED-MEDIA 2009-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, 1167-1175, Honolulu, June 2009..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Tatsuya Okada, Tomiaki Morikawa, Yuu Tamaki, Masato Tagi, Hiroki Moriguchi, Yoshiyasu Terashima, Hiroaki Mikasa, Masashi Akaike and Yoneo Yano : Scenario making support in PBL, E-Learn 2009, Vancouver, Oct. 2009..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Kenji Matsuura, Naka Gotoda and Yoneo Yano : Learning and competing rope-skipping skills on a community site, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA2010, 3204-3209, Tronto, CA, June 2010..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Kenji Matsuura, Kohta Jobe, Hiroki Tanioka, Hironori Takeuchi and Tetsushi Ueta : Performed-Tactics Detection of a Basketball Match using Multi-Object Tracking Technology Applicable for a Movie, Elizabeth Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, 676-680, New Orleans, LA, US, March 2023..[発行所] ...
閲覧 Hironori Takeuchi, Kenji Matsuura, Tetsushi Ueta and Tomohito Wada : Development of a Support System for Recalling 3D Vision from a 2D Plane, Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Vol.32, No.1, (inpress), 2024..[発行所] ...






Number of session users = 3, LA = 0.45, Max(EID) = 415352, Max(EOID) = 1122097.