M.G. Wankhede, Pankaj Koinkar, M.A. More, S.A. GangalandP.P. Patil : Poly(O-anisidine) Coatings on Low Carbon Steel : Cyclic Voltametric Investigations, International seminar on Polymer Material 21st Century, New Delhi, India, Feb. 2000..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, M.G. Wankhede, M.A. More, S.A. GangalandP.P. Patil : Cyclic Voltametric Investigations of Polypyrrole Coatings on Low Carbon Steel, National Conference on Material for the New Millennium, Kerala, India, March 2001..[著者]
M. G. Wankhede, Pankaj Koinkar, M. A. MoreandP.P. Patil : Synthesis of Poly(O-anisidine) Coatings on Low Carbon Steel by Electrochemical Polymerization of O-anisidine, Advances in Polymer Technology, Vol.21, No.1, 33-43, 2002..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, M.A. MoreandP.P. Patil : Coatings on Low Carbon Steel by Potentiostat Method, National Conference on Thin Films Techniques and application, Tamilnadu, India, Feb. 2002..[著者]
M. G. Wankhede, Pankaj Koinkar, M.A. More, P.P. PatilandS.A. Gangal : Poly(O-anisidine) Coatings on Low Carbon Steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.332, No.1-2, 161-166, 2002..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, M.G. Wankhede, M.A. More, P.P. PatilandS.A. Gangal : Influence of Synthesis Temperature on Electrochemical Polymerization of O-anisidine on Low Carbon Steel, Synthetic Metals, Vol.130, No.2, 193-201, 2002..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Mahajan J.R., Patil P.P.andMore M.A. : Field Emission Characteristics of Chemical Vapor Deposited Diamond Thin Films with SnO2 as Overlayer on Silicon, Thin Solid Films, Vol.474, No.1-2, 275-278, 2005..[著者]
K. Kumar, K. Ramamoorthy, Pankaj Koinkar, R. ChandramohanandS. Sankaranarayanan : A Novel In Situ Synthesis and Growth of ZnAl2O4 Thin Films, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol.289, No.1, 405-407, 2006..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, R.S. Khairnar, S.A. Khan, R.P. Gupta, D.K. Avasthi, D.S. JoagandM.A. More : Influence of High Energy Ion Irradiation on the Field Emission Characteristics of CVD Diamond Thin Film, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Vol.244, No.1, 217-220, 2006..[著者]
A. Deshpande, Pankaj Koinkar, S. S. Astaputre, M. A. More, S. W. Gosavi, D. S. JoagandS. K. Kulkarni : Field Emission from Oriented Tin Oxide Rods, Thin Solid Films, Vol.515, No.4, 1450-1454, 2006..[著者]
K.P. Adhi, Sanjay Harchirkar, Suhas M. Jejurikar, Pankaj Koinkar, M. A. More, D.S. JoagandL.M. Kukreja : Pulsed Laser Deposited Nanostructured InN Thin Films as Field Emitters, Solid State Communications, Vol.142, No.1-2, 110-113, 2007..[著者]
K. Kumar, K. Ramamoorthy, Pankaj Koinkar, R. ChandramohanandK. Sankaranarayanan : A Novel Way of Modifying Nano Grain Size by Solution Concentration in The Growth of ZnAl2O4 Thin Films, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol.9, No.2, 331-335, 2007..[著者]
Suhas M. Jejurikar, Pankaj Koinkar, M. A. More, D. S. Joag, K. P. AdhiandL. M. Kukreja : Field Emission Studies of Nanostructured C-axis Oriented GaN Film on Siox/Si(100) by Pulsed Laser Deposition, Solid State Communications, Vol.144, No.7-8, 296-299, 2007..[著者]
K. Ramamoorthy, K. Kumar, Pankaj Koinkar, K. Ganesan, Amit Shah P., K. SankaranarayananandP. Ramasamy : A Novel In Situ Method for Simultaneous Growth of Smart Material Single Crystals and Thin Films, Smart Materials & Structures, Vol.16, No.1, 83-88, 2007..[著者]
Amit Kumar, D. K. Avasthi, J. C. PivinandPankaj Koinkar : Ordering of Fullerene and Carbon Nanotube Thin Films under Energetic Ion Impact, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.92, 221904, 2008..[著者]
Amit Kumar, F. Singh, Pankaj Koinkar, D. K. Avasthi, J. C. PivinandM. A. More : Effect of Intense Laser and Energetic Ion Irradiation on Raman Modes of Mutliwalled Carbon Nanotubes, Thin Solid Films, Vol.517, No.15, 4322-4324, 2009..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Daisuke Yonekura, T. G. Kim, M. A. MoreandRi-ichi Murakami : Field emission investigation of boron doped diamond thin films synthesized by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition : Effect of vacuum annealing, Technical Digest of 2009 22nd International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, 247-248, Hamamatsu, July 2009..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Structure, Properties, and Applications, Summer School at Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, Aug. 2009..[著者]
Pankaj KoinkarandRi-ichi Murakami : Internationalization of Graduate Education, Fourth International Symposium: Development of the Global Double Degree Program, The University of Tokushima, Dec. 2009..[著者]
Pankaj KoinkarandRi-ichi Murakami : A New Approach on Engineering Education in Global Graduate School Program, Journal of University Education and Research, Vol.7, 85-93, 2010..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Sandip S. Patil, Tae-Gyu Kim, Daisuke Yonekura, Mahendra A. More, Dilip S. JoagandRi-ichi Murakami : Enhanced field emission characteristics of boron doped diamond films grown by microwave plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition, Applied Surface Science, Vol.257, No.6, 1854-1858, 2011..[著者]
Walter CarpenterandPankaj Koinkar : Aboard the "Hanbada": An international experience in higher education, communication and culture., Journal of University Education Research, Vol.8, 62-68, 2011..[著者]
Sandip S. Patil, Pankaj Koinkar, Sanjay. D. Dhole, Mahendra A. MoreandRi-ichi Murakami : Influence of High-Energy Electron Irradiation on Field Emission Properties of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) Films, Physica B : Condensed Matter, Vol.406, No.9, 1809-1813, 2011..[著者]
Sandip S. Patil, Shankar P. Koiry, Dinesh K. Aswal, Pankaj Koinkar, Ri-ichi MurakamiandMahendra A. More : Promising Field Emission Characteristics of Polyaniline Nanotubes, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol.158, No.6, E63-E66, 2011..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Field Emission Characteristics of Nanostructured Films, Kyungpook National University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Daegu, South Korea, Nov. 2011..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Field Emission Properties of Oxide and Carbon Nanostructured Films, Department of Electorical Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan, South Korea, Nov. 2011..[著者]
S.D. Gunjal, Y.B. Khollam, P.N. Shelke, R.R. Udawant, M.G. Takwale, K.C. MohiteandPankaj Koinkar : Preparation of CdTe Films by Spray Pyrolysis Technique and their Characterizations, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.25, No.31, 4155-4158, 2011..[著者]
M.T. Sarode, P.N. Shelke, Y.B. Khollam, S.R. Jadkar, B.B. Kale, K.C. MohiteandPankaj Koinkar : Effect of Annealing Temperature on Optical Properties of Titanium Dioxide Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Method, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.25, No.31, 4163-4166, 2011..[著者]
A.M. Datir, V.S. Ghole, Pankaj KoinkarandS.D. Chakane : Nitrogen Dioxide Gas Sensor based on Cobalt and Nickel Phthalocyanine Working at Room Temperature, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.25, No.31, 4190-4193, 2011..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Green Chemistry in Japan, National Conference Recent Trends in Green Chemistry, ACS College, Indapur, University of Pune, Jan. 2012..[著者]
Pankaj KoinkarandRi-ichi Murakami : Promising Approaches and Recommendations for Improving Summer School Learning Programs, ing Symposium on Global Double Degree Program The University of Tokushima, March 2012..[著者]
Sambhaji S. Warule, Nilima S. Chaudhari, Bharat B. Kale, Kashinath R. Patil, Pankaj Koinkar, Mahendra A. MoreandRi-ichi Murakami : Organization of cubic CeO2 nanoparticles on the edges of self assembled tapered ZnO nanorods via a template free one-pot synthesis: significantcathodoluminescence and field emission properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Vol.22, No.18, 8887-8895, 2012..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Ri-ichi Murakami, V. R. Kashid, S. S. Patil, S. D. JoagandA. M. More : Spectra analysis of field emission current from boron doped diamond, IVNC 2012, 25th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, Technical Digest, 168-169, Jeju, Korea, July 2012..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Noise characteristics of field emission current from boron doped diamond films, Nanocon 012 Second International Conference: NOTECHNOLOGY Innovative Materials Processes Products Application, Pune,India, Oct. 2012..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Noise characteristics of field emission current from boron doped diamond films, IUSWNM-2013, Indo-Us Workshop on Nano-Structured Electronicmaterials: Challenges & Relevance to Electronics & Energy Research, Thrissur, India, May 2013..[著者]
Prasanta Ghosh, Kunal Datta, Ashok Mulchandani, Sung-Hwan Han, Pankaj KoinkarandMahendra D. Shirsat : Poly(o-toluidine) Nanowires Based Organic Field Effect Transistors: A Study on Influence of Anionic Size of Dopants and SWNTs as a Dopant, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.117, No.29, 15414-15420, 2013..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Lecture series on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, College Of Engineering,Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune,India, Aug. 2013..[著者]
Sandip S. Patil, Shankar P. Koiry, Dinesh K. Aswal, Pankaj KoinkarandMahendra A. More : Template Free Electrochemical Synthesis of Highly Crystalline Polyaniline Nanopetals, Nanocrystals and Their Field Electron Emission Investigations, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol.160, No.11, D543-D552, 2013..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Kashid V. Ranjit, Patil S. Sandip, Joag S. Dilip, Ri-ichi MurakamiandMore A. Mahendra : Noise Measurement and Analysis of Field Emission Current from Boron Doped Diamond, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol.12, No.6, 911-914, 2013..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Sawa Asada, Toshihiro MorigaandRi-ichi Murakami : Innovative programs in Engineering Education for Graduates Students, Proceeding of 3rd Asian Conference on Engineering Education, 83-85, Nov. 2013..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Improved Field emission properties from polyanilline nanostructures and carbon nanotubes, GOLD-CT-2014, International Conference on Global Opportunities for Latest Development in Chemistry and Technology 2014, Jalgaon, India, Feb. 2014..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Toshihiro MorigaandRi-ichi Murakami : Double Degree Programs for Promoting Global Engineering Education, International Symposium on Global Double Degree Program The University of Tokushima, (号), (頁), March 2014..[著者]
Mahendra D. Shirsat, Pankaj Koinkar, Yun-Hae KimandAshok Mulchandani : A conducting polyaniline nanowires micro electrode junction (CPNEJ) sensor for detection of glucose, AMDP 2014, 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials Development & Performance, 128, Busan, South Korea, July 2014..[著者]
Ashok Datir, Pankaj KoinkarandSanjay Chakane : Effects of Heat Annealing on the Gas Sensing Properties of Spin Coated Unsubstituted Copper Phthalocyanine Films, AMDP 2014, 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials Development & Performance, 124, Busan, South Korea, July 2014..[著者]
Sanjay Chakane, Ashok DatirandPankaj Koinkar : Spin coated unsubstituted copper phthalocyanine thin films for nitrogen dioxide sensors, AMDP 2014, 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials Development & Performance, 110, Busan, South Korea, July 2014..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Daisuke Yonekura, Toshihiro Moriga, Ri-ichi MurakamiandMahendra A. More : Electron Emission Characteristics of Plasma treated Carbon Nanotubes, AMDP 2014, 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials Development & Performance, 107, Busan, South Korea, July 2014..[著者]
S.U. Ekar, Y.B. Khollam, D. S. Gunjal, Pankaj Koinkar, S.A. Mirji, R.S. Mane, Sung-Hwan HanandS.S. Jadhav : Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using Ganoderma-mushroom extract, AMDP 2014, 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials Development & Performance, 68, Busan, South Korea, July 2014..[著者]
Kashmira Harpale, Kishor M. Sonawane, Pankaj KoinkarandMahendra A. More : Polypyrrole nanostructures and their field emission Investigations, AMDP 2014, 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials Development & Performance, 130, Busan, South Korea, July 2014..[著者]
P.N. Shelke, Y.B. Khollam, S.D. Gunjal, Pankaj Koinkar, S.R. JadkarandK.C. Mohite : LPG and NH3 sensing characteristics of DC electrochemically deposited Co3O4 films, AMDP 2014, 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials Development & Performance, 143, Busan, South Korea, July 2014..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Field Electron Emission Properties of Nanostructures, 3rd International Conference NANOCON 014:Smart Materials, Composites, Applications and New Inventions, Pune, India, Oct. 2014..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Amit Kumar, Dinesh Avasthi, Mahendra MoreandRi-ichi Murakami : The High Energy Ion Irradiation Impact on Carbon Nanotubes, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, Jan. 2015..[著者]
Pankaj KoinkarandToshihiro Moriga : Achieving the New Vision for Summer School Program, International Symposium on Global Engineering Education, March 2015..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Daisuke Yonekura, Ri-ichi Murakami, Toshihiro MorigaandMahendra A. More : Field electron emission characteristics of plasma treated carbon nanotubes, Modern Physics Letters. B, Vol.29, No.6-7, 1540030, 2015..[著者]
Kashmira Harpale, Mahendra A. More, Pankaj Koinkar, Sandip S. PatilandKishor M. Sonawane : Polypyrrole nanostructures and their field emission investigations, Modern Physics Letters. B, Vol.29, No.6-7, 1540035, 2015..[著者]
S. U. Ekar, Y. B. Khollam, Pankaj Koinkar, A. S. Mirji, R.S. Mane, M. NaushadandS. S. Jadhav : Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by using Ganoderma-mushroom extract, Modern Physics Letters. B, Vol.29, No.6-7, 1540047, 2015..[著者]
Sandip S. Patil, Kashmira V. Harpale, Akansha D. Shinde, Ruchita T. Khare, Pankaj KoinkarandMahendra A. More : Facile synthesis of cadmium sulphide-polyaniline (CdS-PANI) nanocomposite and its field emission investigations, Journal of Polymer Research, Vol.22, No.113, 1-8, 2015..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Field Emission Behavior of Electrochemically Synthesized Polypyrrole, International Forum on Advanced Functional Materials and Polymer Materials, Qingdao, China, May 2015..[著者]
R. N. Shaikh, M. D. Shirsat, Pankaj KoinkarandS.S. Hussaini : Effect of l-cysteine on optical, thermal and mechanical properties of ADP crystal for NLO application, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol.69, 8-12, 2015..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Sandip Patil, Toshihiro MorigaandMahendra A. More : Study of Field Emission Characteristics of Polypyrrole Deposited on Tin Substrate using Electrochemical Synthesis, International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology 2015 (ISNST), Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 2015..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Sandip S. Patil, Toshihiro MorigaandMahendra A. More : Electrochemical Synthesis of Conducting Polypyrrole Film on Tin Substrate: Structural, Chemical and Field Emission Investigations, Journal of Nano Research, Vol.36, 44-50, 2015..[著者]
Pankaj KoinkarandToshihiro Moriga : Global Engineering Education through International Cooperation and Exchange Programs at Tokushima University, ACEE2015, 5th Asian Conference on Engineering Education, Dalian, China, Nov. 2015..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Preparation and Electron Field Emission characteristics of Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites, International Conference on Functional Materials and Microwaves (ICFMM-2015), Aurangabad (MS), India, Dec. 2015..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Introduction to Japan : Higher Education System, Department of Instrumentation Engineering, N.D.M.V.P's K.B.T. College of Engineering, Jan. 2016..[著者]
Pankaj KoinkarandToshihiro Moriga : Cooperative Learning Experience through Double Degree Program, International Symposium on Global Engineering Education, March 2016..[著者]
Pankaj KoinkarandToshihiro Moriga : Structural and field emission properties of conducting polymer nanostructures, Sakura exchange Program in Materials Science, March 2016..[著者]
M. T. Sarode, Y. B. Khollam, S. D. Gunjal, P. N. Shelke, B. B. Kale, Pankaj KoinkarandK. C. Mohite : Structural and Optical Studies of Sol-Gel Dip Coated Nano-Crystalline TiO2 Films, Advanced Science Letters, Vol.22, No.4, 1089-1092, 2016..[著者]
P. N. Shelke, Y. B. Khollam, S. D. Gunjal, M. T. Sarode, Pankaj KoinkarandK. C. Mohite : Optical Properties of DC Electrochemically Deposited Co3O4 Thin Films, Advanced Science Letters, Vol.22, No.4, 1080-1084, 2016..[著者]
S. D. Gunjal, Y. B. Khollam, S. A. Arote, M. T. Sarode, Pankaj Koinkar, P. N. ShelkeandK. C. Mohite : Characterization of Spray Pyrolysis Deposited Hexagonal CdS Films, Advanced Science Letters, Vol.22, No.4, 945-949, 2016..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Sandip S. Patil, Toshihiro Moriga, Akihiro FurubeandMahendra A. More : Enhanced field emission properties from conducting polymer nanostructures, R.N.C. Arts, J.D.B. Commerce, Nashik Road, India, Sep. 2016..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Sandip S. Patil, Akihiro FurubeandMahendra A. More : Field Electron Emission Characteristics from Metal-conducting Polymer Nanocomposite, International Symposium for Young Chemical Engineers (2016 iSyCE), 194, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 2016..[著者]
Toshihiro MorigaandPankaj Koinkar : Collaborative Research Effort and Rise of New Research Networks and Mobility at Global Level, Impact of Globalisation on cross-cultural and ethical issues in Science and Technology, Commerce and Management, Arts and Media, Nashik, India, Sep. 2016..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : The Role of Innovative Sensor Technologies in Shaping the Future of Smart Cities, 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Knowledge Engineering (ICKE-2016), Aurangabad, India, Dec. 2016..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Emerging Trends in Display Technology, Department of Instrumentation Engineering, N.D.M.V.P's K.B.T. College of Engineering, Dec. 2016..[著者]
Harshada K. Patil, Megha A. Deshmukh, Sumedh D. Gaikwad, Gajanan A. Bodkhe, K. Asokan, Mikito Yasuzawa, Pankaj KoinkarandMahendara D. Shirsat : Influence of Oxygen Ions Irradiation on Polyaniline/ Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposite, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol.130, 47-51, 2017..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Creative and Innovative approaches to improve the teaching in English for Engineering students, Teaching and Learning Center, National Taiwan Univ. of Science and Technology,Taiwan, May 2017..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Techniques for developing and delivering effective scientific presentation skill, Teaching and Learning Center, National Taiwan Univ. of Science and Technology,Taiwan, May 2017..[著者]
Sanjeewani Bansode, Ruchita Khare, Krishna Jagtap, Mahendra MoreandPankaj Koinkar : One step hydrothermal synthesis of SnO2-RGO nanocomposite and its field emission studies, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol.63, 90-97, 2017..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Field emission properties of nanostructures and nanocomposites, International Conference on Materials Research and Technology (ICMRT 2017), Ballabgarh, Faridabad, India, July 2017..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Synthesis of Nanomaterials using Laser ablation in liquid solution, Internatinal Confence on Advanced Materials Development & Performance (AMDP 2017), Pune, India, July 2017..[著者]
Kanazawa Makoto, Pankaj Koinkar, Akihiro Furube, More MahendraandMatsuzaki Hiroyuki : Preparation of MoS2 nanoprticles by laser ablation and evaluation of carrier dynamics with time-resolved spectroscopy, Internatinal Confence on Advanced Materials Development & Performance (AMDP 2017), (巻), (号), 331-332, Pune, India, July 2017..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Challenges and Prospects of Nanotechnology, UGC- Human Resource Development Center, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,, July 2017..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Development and Future trends of Display Applications, UGC- Human Resource Development Center, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,, July 2017..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Field emission from Bi2Se3 and MWCNT nanostructures, RUSA- Centre for Advanced Sensor Technology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,, July 2017..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Synthesis of Nanostructures in Liquid Environment by Nanosecond Laser Ablation, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan Univ. of Science and Technology,Taiwan, Sep. 2017..[著者]
Pankaj Kolhe, Pankaj Koinkar, Namita Maiti, Kishor SonawaneandPankaj Koinkar : Synthesis of Ag doped SnO2 thin films for the evaluation of H2S gas sensing properties, Physica B : Condensed Matter, Vol.524, 90-96, 2017..[著者]+[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Two dimensional materials synthesis using laser ablation, One week shor term course on Materials and processes for advanced engineering applications (MPAEA-2017),School of Material Science and Technology at National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, Haryana, India, Dec. 2017..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : A new approach to low-invasive amperometric glucose monitoring using a fine pointed glucose oxidase immobilized electrode, International Symposium on Global Futuristic Trends in Life Sciences, Jan. 2018..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Laser ablation in different liquid environment for the generation of nanomaterials, (誌名), L. V. H. College, Nashik, India, Jan. 2018..[著者]
P.V. Janse, Ratndeep. R Deshmukh, Stephen Githinji Karungaru, N. V. KalyankarandPankaj Koinkar : Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Agriculture: A Review, International Journal of Computer Applications proceedings of 2nd ICKE2016, 359-363, Aurangabad, India, Jan. 2018..[著者]
Sikha Jindal, Sushma Girijapure, Subhash KondawarandPankaj Koinkar : Green Synthesis of CuInS2/ZnS core-shell qunatum dos by facile solvothermal route with enhanced optical properties, The Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol.114, 163-172, 2018..[著者]
Yatin Madhukar Bhamare, Akihiro FurubeandPankaj Koinkar : Comparison of excited state dynamics between graphene and graphiteusing transient absorption spectroscopy, 応用物理学春期学術講演会, 18p-P10-1, March 2018..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Development of a low-invasive amperometric glucose monitoring using a fine pointed glucose oxidase immobilized electrode, Government Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, March 2018..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : ICT Uses & Applications of Nanotechnology Materials, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, March 2018..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : International Research and Education Collaboration Opportunities in Higher Education, P. R. Pote College of Engineering and Management, March 2018..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Challenges to address in atomically thin 2D Layered Materials and Devices beyond Graphene, International Conference on Recent trends in Science and Technology, March 2018..[著者]
Atsushi Yamaguchi, Makoto Kanazawa, Pankaj KoinkarandAkihiro Furube : Production of Boron Nitride nano-structures using nanosecond Laser Ablation in Acetone, International Conference on Recent trends in Science and Technology 2018, 962, Washim, India, March 2018..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Short course for graduate students : Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, March26--30, March 2018..[著者]
Pankaj Kolhe, Alphana Shinde, S.G. Kulkarni, Namita Maiti, Pankaj KoinkarandKishor Sonawane : Gas sensing performance of Al doped ZnO thin film for H2S detection, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.748, 6-11, 2018..[著者]
Makoto Kanazawa, Pankaj Koinkar, Akihiro Furube, Dnyaneshwar GavhaneandMahendra More : Enhancement in field emission of MoS2 nanosheets prepared in water using laser ablation method, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.32, No.19, 1840064-1-1840064-5, 2018..[著者]
Atsushi Yamaguchi, Makoto Kanazawa, Pankaj Koinkar, Akihiro Furube, S.B. Kondawar, Kei-ichiro MuraiandToshihiro Moriga : Production of boron nitride nanostructures using nanosecond laser ablation in acetone, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.32, No.19, 1840073-1-1840073-4, 2018..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Makoto Kanazawa, Yu Ohsumi, Akihiro Furube, Akihiro FurubeandMahendra More : Formation of WS2 nanosheets and its field emission studies, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.32, No.19, 1840078-1-1840078-5, 2018..[著者]
Zixuan Chen, Tianyu Yu, Kyung-Seok Jung, Chang-wook Park, Soo-Jeong Park, Pankaj KoinkarandYun-Hae Kim : Effect of curing cycles using wet prepreg processing on mechanical properties, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.32, No.19, 1840076-1-1840076-5, 2018..[著者]
Monali Bhute, Subhash KondawarandPankaj Koinkar : Fabrication of hybrid gel nanobrous polymer electrolyte for lithium ion battery, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.32, No.19, 1840066-1-1840066-5, 2018..[著者]
Atsushi Yamaguchi, Pankaj KoinkarandAkihiro Furube : Study of heat dissipating material using boron nitride fabricated by laser ablation, PHENMA 2018, Busan, Aug. 2018..[著者]
Chandragupta M. Dudhe, Shailendra J. KhambadkarandPankaj Koinkar : Ferroelectric behavior in nanocrystalline KNbO3 synthesized by a modified polymerized complex method, Ferroelectrics, Vol.531, 157-166, 2018..[著者]
Kanazawa Makoto, Pankaj Koinkar, Kei-ichiro Murai, Toshihiro MorigaandAkihiro Furube : Effects of the solvent during the preparation of MoS2 nanoparticles by laser ablation, MECnIT 2018, 85, Medan,Indonesia, Dec. 2018..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Synthesis of two-dimensional layered materials using laser ablation in liquid environment., 106th Indian Science Congress, 73, Lovely Professional University, Jan. 2019..[著者]
Pankaj KoinkarandMikito Yasuzawa : Getting Involved in Graduate Research Programs in Japan, D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Pune University, Jan. 2019..[著者]
Yu Ohsumi, Pankaj KoinkarandAkihiro Furube : Preparation, Characterization and Field electron emission studies of Bi2Se3 nanostructures, 4th International Conference on Physics of Materials and Materials Based Device Fabrication (ICPM-MDF-2019), (巻), (号), (頁), Kolhapur, India, Jan. 2019..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Nanoscale synthesis of 2D materials with semiconductor nanostructures for optoelectronic application, 4th International Conference on Physics of Materials and Materials Based Device Fabrication (ICPM-MDF-2019), (巻), (号), (頁), Kolhapur, India, Jan. 2019..[著者]
Yatin Madhukar Bhamare, Pankaj KoinkarandAkihiro Furube : Comparison of excited state dynamics of reduced graphene oxide decorated with Au, Pd, and Pt for photocatalytic degradation, 第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, March 2019..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar, Kohei Sasaki, Akihiro Furube, Kei-ichiro Murai, Toshihiro Moriga, Manish Shinde, Sunit Rane, Somnath BhopaleandMahendra More : Effect of nanosecond and femtosecond pulse laser on the formation of WS2 nanostructures and field emission characteristics, Modern Physics Letters. B, Vol.33, No.14-15, 1940014, 2019..[著者]
Yu ohsumi, Pankaj Koinkar, Akihiro Furube, KehMoh Lin, Subhash KondawarandMahendra More : A study on the field emission properties of Bi2Se3 nanostructures prepared by laser ablation, Modern Physics Letters. B, Vol.33, No.14-15, 1940050, 2019..[著者]
(名) Siddhant, Akihiro FurubeandPankaj Koinkar : Fabrication of In2Se3 nanocubes via laser ablation in liquid, The 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composites, (都市), Aug. 2019..[著者]
Sasaki Kohei, Pankaj KoinkarandAkihiro Furube : Nanostructure formation of Preparation of WS2 nanoparticles using laser ablation method and evaluation of optical properties, The 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composites, (都市), Aug. 2019..[著者]
Hiroto Yoshimoto, Pankaj KoinkarandAkihiro Furube : Synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles-molybdenum disulfide nanocomposite, The 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composites, (都市), Aug. 2019..[著者]
BHAMARE MADHUKAR YATIN, Pankaj KoinkarandAkihiro Furube : Ultrafast carrier dynamics of laser-ablated rGO decorated with Au, The 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composites, (都市), Aug. 2019..[著者]
Atsushi Yamaguchi, Pankaj KoinkarandAkihiro Furube : Study of Heat Dissipating Material Using Boron Nitride Fabricated by Laser Ablation, Materials Physics and Mechanics, Vol.42, 272-279, 2019..[著者]
Makoto Kanazawa, Pankaj Koinkar, Kei-ichiro Murai, Toshihiro MorigaandAkihiro Furube : Effects of the solvent during the preparation of MoS2 nanoparticles by laser ablation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.1230, No.0120100, 1-6, 2019..[著者]+[指導教員]
Pankaj Koinkar : Tapping Higher Educational Opportunity Programs in Japan, One Day Pre-conference Workshop on Recent Trends in Smart Materials for Renewable Energy and Sensor Based Technologies, Jan. 2020..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Emerging two-dimensional materials and devices beyond Graphene, One Day Pre-conference Workshop on Recent Trends in Smart Materials for Renewable Energy and Sensor Based Technologies, Jan. 2020..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Liquid Exfoliation of Layered Two Dimensional Materials and their Opto-electrical Properties, 3rd Biennial International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (RTIP2R, 2020) , Smart Materials Track 7,Invited Talk 2, Aurangabad, India, Jan. 2020..[著者]
Kebena G. Motora, Chang-Mou Wu, Tolesa F. Chala, Min-Hui Chou, Chung-Feng J. KuoandPankaj Koinkar : Highly efficient photocatalytic activity of Ag3VO4/WO2.72 nanocomposites for the degradation of organic dyes from the ultraviolet to near-infrared regions, Applied Surface Science, Vol.512, No.145618, 2020..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : The advances in two dimensional nano materials for electronics and optoelectronics applications, International e Symposium on Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2020, May 16, D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Pune University, May 2020..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Impact of Covid-19 on Japanese Education system, International Web Conference on impact of COVID-10 on Education System, May 2020..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Development of Ultrathin Two Dimensional Nanostructures by Laser Ablation in Liquid, International Webinar on Material Science (IWMS-2020), June 9, June 2020..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : A powerful Route to Produce Nanomaterials via Laser Ablation in Liquid and their Applications, International WebConfinerence on Advanced Material Science and Nanotechnology (NANOMAT-2020), June 20,, June 2020..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Ultrashort laser ablation of advanced nano materials in liquid environment, International Webinar on Advanced Material for sustainable Development, July 12,, July 2020..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Aspects of Approches for Improving Academic Writing in Science, Online international Lecture Series on Bridging Research perspectives, 2020 ,July 15, July 2020..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Recent Developments of Two- Dimensional Transition Metal Chalcogenides Nanomaterials, International Webinar on Advances in Chemical Science and Engineeing, July 18, July 2020..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Light Emission from Layered Two Dimensional Nanomaterials via Liquid-Phase Exfoliation, International e-Conference Recent Trends on Advanced Materials and Environment (RTAME) 2020, August 5, Aug. 2020..[著者]
Y.P. Shinde, N. P. Sonone, K. R. Kendale, Pankaj KoinkarandA.U. Ubale : Growth of hexagonal shape nanostructured Sb2O3 thin films by spray pyrolysis and their structural, morphological, electrical and optical properties, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol.31, No.20, 17432-17439, 2020..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Integrate ICT Technology to Enhance Future Classroom Learning, Refresher Course in Use of ICT technology in Education, Oct. 2020..[著者]
Y.P. Shinde, N. P. Sonone, K. R. Kendale, Pankaj KoinkarandA.U. Ubale : Engineering of physical properties of spray-deposited nanocrystalline Sb2O3 thin films by phase transformation, Nanotechnology, Vol.32, No.2, 025602, 2021..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Efforts to transform our world through Sustainable Development Goals, Refresher Course in Environmental Studies on the theme entitled Best STM in Sustainable Development, Jan. 2021..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Waste Management and Recycling Technology of Japan for Cleaner and Greener future, Refresher Course in Environmental Studies on the theme entitled Best STM in Sustainable Development, Jan. 2021..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Adverse effect of COVID 19 on Higher Education, International Conference on Embracing Change and Transformation: Vision 2025, Feb. 2021..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Raising Awareness of Sustainable Development Goals for Societal Impact, International Seminar on CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATIONS & SUSTAINABILITY (CCAS-2021, March 2021..[著者]
Kejun Wu, Pankaj KoinkarandAkihiro Furube : Preparation of TiO2-WS2-Au composite using hydrothermal synthesis for photocatalytic activity under visible light, PHENMA 2020, (都市), March 2021..[著者]
Dhongade Siddhant, Pankaj Koinkar, Tetsuro Katayama, More Mahendra, Yutaro MakiandAkihiro Furube : Charge separation dynamics in In2Se3/ZnO/Au ternary system for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue under visible light, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, Vol.411, 113208, 2021..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials for Functional Devices, International Online Conference on EMERGING ADVANCEMENT AND CHALLENGES IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, (都市), April 2021..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Advancement and Prospectus of Two-Dimensional Layered Nanostructures, Emerging Trends in Nanomaterials for Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices (ETNEOD-2021), May 2021..[著者]
SIDDHANT DHONGADE, Tetsuro Katayama, Pankaj Koinkar, Maki YutaroandAkihiro Furube : Charge Carrier Dynamics of In2Se3 Nanocubes and Plasmonic Composites Fabricated By Laser Ablation As Primary Processes of Solar Energy Conversion, 239th ECS Meeting, B07-0709, (都市), June 2021..[著者]
Kejun Wu, Pankaj KoinkarandAkihiro Furube : Preparation of WS2-TiO2-Au using hydrothermal synthesis for photocatalysis under visible light, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.35, No.14-16, 21400046, 2021..[著者]
Amol B. Deore, Mahendra A. More, Bhausaheb B. Musmade, Nerkar D. Nerkar, Padmakar G. ChavanandPankaj Koinkar : Photo-enhanced field-emission behavior of CdSSe micro flowers, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.35, No.14-16, 2140032, 2021..[著者]
Siddhant Dhogade, Pankaj KoinkarandAkihiro Furube : Liquid exfoliation of graphene oxide nanoribbons using chemical assisted laser ablation, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.35, No.14-16, 21400009, 2021..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Waste Management and Recycling Technology of Japan for Cleaner and Greener future, International Conference (Virtual Mode) on RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, (都市), July 2021..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Creation of Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials for Optoelectronics Devices, International E-Conference on Mechanical and Material Science Engineering: Innovation and Research 2021, Sep. 2021..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Altering the two-dimensional nanomaterials for applications in optical and electronic devices, Refresher Program on Recent Advances in Chemical Science and Technology, Sep. 2021..[著者]
Gaurav Kumar Yogesh, Shivam Shukla, D. SatishkumarandPankaj Koinkar : Progress in pulsed laser ablation in liquid (PLAL) technique for the synthesis of carbon nanomaterials: a review, Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing, Vol.127, No.810, 1-40, 2021..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Detection and Prevention Tools in Avoiding the Plagiarism in Scientific Writing, Short Term Course Research Methodology, Oct. 2021..[著者]
Wu Kejun, Pankaj KoinkarandAkihiro Furube : Photocatalytic performance under visible light of composite WS2/TiO2/Au synthesized by ultrasonication and hydrothermal method, 9th International Conference on Advanced Materials Development & Performance (AMDP 2021), MP-21-0162, (都市), Oct. 2021..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Laser based synthesis of two dimensional nanomaterials towards optoelectronic devices, International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences, (都市), Oct. 2021..[著者]
Nakayama Daichi, Pankaj Koinkar, Tetsuro KatayamaandAkihiro Furube : Creation of three dimensional tin oxide nanostructure via laser ablation in liquid, 9th International Conference on Advanced Materials Development & Performance (AMDP 2021), (巻), (号), MP-21-0166, (都市), Oct. 2021..[著者]
Avinash C. Mendhe, Pravin Babar, Pankaj KoinkarandBabasaheb R. Sankapal : Process optimization for decoration of Bi2Se3 nanoparticles on CdS nanowires: Twofold power conversion solar cell efficiency, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Vol.133, No.104252, 1-11, 2022..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Nanosecond Laser Induced Synthesis of Two Dimensional Nanostructures, An International (Virtual) Conference on RECENT ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS, UBIQUITOUS COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE RAEEUCCI- 2022, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), April 2022..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Detection and prevention tools in avoiding the plagiarism in scientific writing, Short Term Course on Research Methodology, (巻), (号), (頁), May 2022..[著者]
Akihiro Furube, Wu KejunandPankaj Koinkar : Preparation and Characterization of WS2TiO2Au Nanohybrid System Using Hydrothermal Synthesis for Photocatalysis Under Visible Light, 241st ECS Meeting, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), May 2022..[著者]
Daichi Nakayama, Pankaj Koinkar, Tetsuro KatayamaandAkihiro Furube : Creation of three dimensional octahedral tin oxide nanostructure produced by laser ablation in liquid, Modern Physics Letters. B, Vol.36, No.16, 2242002, 2022..[著者]+[指導教員]
Pankaj Koinkar : Laser Processed Two Dimensional Nanomaterials for Optoelectronic applications, 5th International Conference on Science and Technology for Society, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), June 2022..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Understanding the formation of nanostructure obtained by pulse laser ablation, International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composite (NAC 2022), (巻), (号), (頁), July 2022..[著者]
Akihiro Furube, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya, Pankaj KoinkarandTetsuro Katayama : Basic aspects of gold nanoparticle photo-functionalization using oxides and 2D materials: Control of light confinement, heat-generation, and charge separation in nanospace, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol.157, No.14, 140901, 2022..[著者]
Tetsuro Katayama, Shuto Ueda, Yuma Fujita, Yuichiro Akagi, Pankaj Koinkar, Yasufumi UmenaandAkihiro Furube : Observation of energy transfer dynamics in a phycocyanin protein crystal by utilizing femtosecond transient absorption microscopy, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.62, SG1045-1-SG1045-4, 2023..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Exploring two-dimensional materials for optoelectronics application, International Conference on Advaces in Science and Technology, (巻), (号), (頁), May 2023..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Understanding the Basics of Smart and Intelligent Sensor Technology, 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Cognitive Science and Knowledge Engineering (ICKE-2023)., (巻), (号), (頁), May 2023..[著者]
Chetan Mistari, Pratap Mane, Pankaj Koinkar, Brahmananda Chakraborty, A. Mahendra MoreandA. Mahendra More : Field electron emission performance of Janus MoSSe and MoSSe-MWCNTs composite: Corroboration by Hall measurement and DFT simulation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.965, 171356, 2023..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Rising Significance of Nanotechnology and its recent advancement, Faculty Development Program, Dr. Babbasaheb Ambedkar University, Aurangabad, India, (巻), (号), (頁), July 2023..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : The Fundamentals of Optical and Scanning Microscopy, Faculty Development Program, Dr. Babbasaheb Ambedkar University, Aurangabad, India, (巻), (号), (頁), July 2023..[著者]
Akihiro Furube, Tsurusaki Yuto, Saika Kei, Murase Masaki, Pankaj KoinkarandTetsuro Katayama : Femtosecond Dynamics of Charge Transfer between Plasmonic Metal and Semiconductor Nanostructures, The 31st International Conference on Photochemistry, S2-11-IL, (都市), July 2023..[著者]
Hosaki Renna, Maeda Yasuyuki, Tetsuro Katayama, Pankaj Koinkar, Akihiro Furube, Lin Lihua, Hisatomi TakashiandDomen Kazunari : Size reduction of Y2Ti2O5S2 photocatalyst particles by laser ablation and evaluation of their carrier dynamics, The 31st International Conference on Photochemistry, P25-060, (都市), July 2023..[著者]
Yuyama Shunsuke, Pankaj Koinkar, Tetsuro KatayamaandAkihiro Furube : Silicon Carbide Nanoparticle Fabrication by Laser Ablation in Liquid and Carrier Dynamics Evaluation by Transient Absorption Spectroscopy, The 31st International Conference on Photochemistry, P26-035, (都市), July 2023..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Potential use of solution-processed two-dimensional materials for electronics and optoelectronics application, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on NANOMATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY (ICNN-2023), (巻), (号), (頁), Sep. 2023..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Enhancing photocatalytic performance using interfacial two-dimensional oxide nanomaterials prepared by laser ablation, International Faculty Development program on modelling, processing and characterization of composites, (巻), (号), (頁), Sep. 2023..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Diverse Opportunities for Higher Education and Research in Japan, Department of Physics, Kaviyitri Bahinabai North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, India, (巻), (号), (頁), Sep. 2023..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Education and Career Opportunities in Japan, International workshop, Balbhim Arts Scicne and Commerce College, Dr. Babbasaheb Ambedkar University, Aurangabad, India, (巻), (号), (頁), Sep. 2023..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Evaluating the Potential for Photocatalytic uses of Metal Oxides based Two-dimensional materials, 5th International Conference on Science and Technology Applications (ICoSTA 2023), (巻), (号), (頁), Nov. 2023..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Improvements in the Photocatalytic performance of Nanocomposite produced with Metal Oxides on Two-Dimensional Materials, International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composite (NAC 2023), (巻), (号), (頁), Nov. 2023..[著者]
Wang Junli, Pankaj KoinkarandAkihiro Furube : Simulation Analysis of Electron Diffusion in Circular Semiconductor Nanostrucutre after Ultrafast Electron Injection from Attaching Gold Nanoparticles, 4th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composites (NAC 2023), (都市), Nov. 2023..[著者]
Pankaj Koinkar : Recent advancements in enhancing the photocatalytic activity of two-dimensional nanocomposite, 3rd International E-Conference on Mechanical and Material Science , Engineering: Innovation and Research 2023, (巻), (号), (頁), Dec. 2023..[著者]
Paul Niloy, Sawate Akash, Satoshi Sugano, Tetsuro Katayama, Masatsugu Oishi, Akihiro FurubeandPankaj Koinkar : Development of silver nanocubes created by pulsed laser ablation in liquid, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.38, No.12&13, 2440014, 2024..[著者]+[指導教員]
Pankaj Koinkar : Utilizing Nanoscale metal oxides2D materials heterostructures for enhanced electrocatalytic and photocatalyticperformance, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN SPECTROSCOPIC TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS (ASTM-2024), Jan. 2024..[著者]
Tonape Mahesh Siddhant, Pankaj KoinkarandAkihiro Furube : Boron Nitride Nanoparticles Fabricated via Femtosecond Laser Ablation for Enhanced Biocompatibility and Drug Delivery, 第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 23p-P02-17, March 2024..[著者]
Sawate Akash, Paul Niloy, Sathe Bhaskar, Tetsuro Katayama, Akihiro FurubeandPankaj Koinkar : Fabrication of MoO3/rGO/Au composite for increased photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.38, No.12-13, 2440010, 2024..[著者]+[指導教員]
Deore B. Amol, Jagdale T. Aditya, Mistari D. Chetan, Jagtap Krishna, Jadkar R. Sandesh, More A. Mahendra, Gadakh R. Sanjay, Tomoyuki UekiandPankaj Koinkar : Improved field electron emission behavior of ultrathin lanthanum hexaboride-coated copper oxide nanowires, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.38, No.12-13, 2440016, 2024..[著者]
Akshay Khorate, Akihiro FurubeandPankaj Koinkar : Visible light active ternary nanocomposite based on metal-heterojunction for photocatalysis application: A short review, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2540030, 2024..[著者]+[指導教員]