Shinya Okuda, Takafumi Miyazaki, Retsuo KawakamiandNobuaki Ikuta : Ion Transport Properties in Model Gases Based on A dot r^{-n} Type Single Potential, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.64, No.8, 2868-2885, 1995..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Shinya Okuda, Takafumi MiyazakiandNobuaki Ikuta : Variation of Reduced Mobilities of Ions in Gases under 12-4 Potentials, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.65, No.5, 1270-1276, 1996..[著者]
Ichiro Mori, Toshifumi Morimoto, Retsuo KawakamiandKikuo Tominaga : Multi-Dimensional Soliton and its Experimental Stability, Proceedings of International Conference on Physics of Dusty Plasmas, (巻), (号), 543-546, Goa, Oct. 1996..[著者]
Ichiro Mori, Toshifumi Morimoto, Retsuo KawakamiandKikuo Tominaga : Coherent Structure Emitted by an Electron Beam in a Beam-Plasma System, Proceedings of International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, (巻), (号), 266-267, Toulouse, July 1997..[著者]
Takafumi Miyazaki, Retsuo KawakamiandNobuaki Ikuta : Variation of Ion Transport Properties under Electric Field with Mass Ratios, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.67, No.4, 1260-1272, 1998..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Mori IchiroandMorimoto Toshifumi : Nonlinear Waves Observed in an Electron Beam-Plasma, 9th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion --- New Frontiers in Plasma Physics, (巻), (号), (頁), Toki, Dec. 1998..[著者]
Mori Ichiro, Morimoto Toshifumi, Retsuo KawakamiandTominaga Kikuo : Structure of Multi-dimensional Soliton and Generation of Caviton in the Nonlinear Beam-Plasma System, 9th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion --- New Frontiers in Plasma Physics, (巻), (号), (頁), Toki, Dec. 1998..[著者]
Ogawa Makoto, Mori Ichiro, Retsuo KawakamiandTominaga Kikuo : Nonlinear Dispersion Relation for Beam-Excited Plasma, 9th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion --- New Frontiers in Plasma Physics, (巻), (号), (頁), Toki, Dec. 1998..[著者]
Hara Kazumasa, Mori Ichiro, Retsuo KawakamiandTominaga Kikuo : Anomalous Relaxation and Stopping Power for Electron Beam in Beam-Plasma System, 9th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion --- New Frontiers in Plasma Physics, (巻), (号), (頁), Toki, Dec. 1998..[著者]
Kawata Jun, Ohya KaoruandRetsuo Kawakami : Monte Carlo Simulation of Ion Reflection, Physical Sputtering and Kinetic Electron Emission from Solid Due to Ion Impact, Bulletin of Takuma National College of Technology, (巻), No.27, 73-88, 1999..[著者]
Ichiro Mori, Toshifumi Morimoto, Retsuo KawakamiandKikuo Tominaga : Cascade Collision of Fe-Atom Caused by Low Energy He-Incidence and Effect of Temperature to the Type of Defect, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Vol.153, No.1-4, 126-129, 1999..[著者]
Ichiro Mori, Toshifumi Morimoto, Retsuo KawakamiandKikuo Tominaga : Anomalous Electronic stopping and relaxation in the plasma and application of its theory to beam-surface interaction, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Vol.153, No.1-4, 31-35, 1999..[著者]
Ichiro Mori, Toshifumi Morimoto, Retsuo KawakamiandKikuo Tominaga : Wave Coupling between an Envelope Soliton and an Ion Wave in a Nonlinear Beam-Plasma Interacting System, Proceedings of International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, (巻), (号), 155-156, Warsow, July 1999..[著者]
Ichiro Mori, Toshifumi Morimoto, Retsuo KawakamiandKikuo Tominaga : Detection of Particle-Like Wave-Packets by Using a Time of Flight Method of an Envelope Soliton, Proceedings of International Conference on on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, (巻), (号), 73-74, Warsow, July 1999..[著者]
Kaoru Ohya, Retsuo KawakamiandJun Kawata : Simultaneous calculation of ion-induced kinetic electron emission and physical sputtering, --- a comparison between emission of electrons and atoms from solids ---, Proceedings of International Conference on on Atomic Collisions in Solids, (巻), (号), (頁), Odense, Aug. 1999..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Jun KawataandKaoru Ohya : Simultaneous Calculation of Reflection, Physical Sputtering and Secondary Electron Emission from a Metal Surface Due to Impact of Low-Energy Ions, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.38, No.10, 6058-6065, 1999..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Ichiro MoriandToshifumi Morimoto : Nonlinear Waves Observed in an Electron Beam-Plasma, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Vol.2, (号), 368-370, 1999..[著者]
Ichiro Mori, Toshifumi Morimoto, Retsuo KawakamiandKikuo Tominaga : Structure of Multi-dimensional Soliton and Generation of Caviton in the Nonlinear Beam-Plasma System, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Vol.2, (号), 363-367, 1999..[著者]
Kazumasa Hara, Ichiro Mori, Retsuo KawakamiandKikuo Tominaga : Anomalous Relaxation and Stopping Power for Electron Beam in Beam-Plasma System, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Vol.2, (号), 376-380, 1999..[著者]
Jun Kawata, Kaoru OhyaandRetsuo Kawakami : Monte Carlo Simulation of Ion Reflection, Physical Sputtering and Kinetic Electron Emission from Solid Due to Ion Impact, 詫間電波工業高等専門学校研究紀要, No.27, 73-88, Dec. 1999..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Kaoru OhyaandJun Kawata : Calculation of Impurity Release from Walls and its Transport in Edge Plasmas, Contributions to Plasma Physics, Vol.40, No.3, 519-524, 2000..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Saji NobuyasuandOhya Kaoru : Simulation Study on Influence of Mutual Contamination on Ion Reflection and Sputtering from Tungsten and Carbon Materials, 10th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, (巻), (号), (頁), Toki, Jan. 2000..[著者]
Ohya Kaoru, Retsuo KawakamiandAizawa Hiroshi : Time Evolution of Surface Topography of Plasma Facing Materials with Non-Uniform Impurity Deposition, 10th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, (巻), (号), (頁), Toki, Jan. 2000..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Nobuyasu SajiandKaoru Ohya : Study of Impurity Release from a W-C Twin Test Limiter Exposed to TEXTOR-94, Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, (巻), No.45, 75-83, 2000..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Kaoru Ohya, Peter Wienhold, Marek RubelandJana von Seggern : Simulation Calculation for the Time-Evolution of Non-Uniform Impurity Erosion and Deposition on Surfaces of Plasma Facing Components, 14th International Conference on Plasma Surface interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, (巻), (号), (頁), Rosenheim, May 2000..[著者]
Kaoru OhyaandRetsuo Kawakami : Modeling of Erosion/Deposition in Fusion Devices, Japan-US Workshop on High Heat Flux Components and Plasma Surface Interactions for Next Fusion Devices, Osaka, Nov. 2000..[著者]
Kaoru Ohya, Retsuo Kawakami, Tetsuo Tanabe, Motoi Wada, Tadashi Ohgo, Volker Philipps, Albrecht Pospieszczyk, Bernd Schweer, Alexander Huber, Marek Rubel, Jana Seggern vonandNobuaki Noda : Simulation study of carbon and tungsten deposition on W/C twin test limiter in TEXTOR-94, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.283-287, 1182-1186, 2000..[著者]
Kaoru Ohya, Retsuo KawakamiandHiroshi Aizawa : Time Evolution of Surface Topography of Plasma Facing Materials with Non-Uniform Impurity Deposition, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, SERIES, No.3, 288-292, 2000..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Nobuyasu SajiandKaoru Ohya : Simulation Study on Influence of Mutual Contamination on Ion Reflection and Sputtering from Tungsten and Carbon Materials, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Vol.3, (号), 332-336, 2000..[著者]
Kaoru Ohya, Retsuo Kawakami, Tetsuo Tanabe, Motoi Wada, Tadashi Ohgo, Volker Philipps, Albrecht Pospieszczyk, Alexander Huber, Marek Rubel, Genadij SergienkoandNobuaki Noda : Simulation calculations of mutual contamination between tungsten and carbon and its impact on plasma surface interactions, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.290-293, 303-307, 2001..[著者]
Kaoru OhyaandRetsuo Kawakami : A Modified EDDY Code to Simulate Erosion/Redeposition of Carbon Target in an ITER-FEAT Divertor, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.40, No.9A, 5424-5430, 2001..[著者]
Retsuo KawakamiandKaoru Ohya : Comparison between Static and Dynamic Simulations of Ion Reflection and Sputtering from Layered Materials, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.40, No.9A, 5399-5406, 2001..[著者]
Retsuo KawakamiandKaoru Ohya : Simulation Study on Erosion and Redeposition at Tungsten Surface Exposed to Deuterium Plasma Including Carbon Impurity, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, Vol.77, No.9, 894-902, 2001..[著者]
Retsuo KawakamiandKaoru Ohya : Computer Simulation Study on Incident Fluence Dependence of Ion Reflection and Sputtering Processes from Layered and Mixed Materials, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.40, No.11, 6581-6588, 2001..[著者]
Kaoru OhyaandRetsuo Kawakami : Dynamic Behavior of Sputtering of Tungsten Implanted in Carbon, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.40, No.12, 6965-6971, 2001..[著者]
Retsuo KawakamiandOhya Kaoru : Simulation Study of Material Mixing Process on Tungsten Surfaces at Elevated Temperatures due to Boundary Plasma Exposure and its Influence on Plasma Wall Interactions, 15th International Conference on Plasma Surface interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, (巻), (号), (頁), Gigu, May 2002..[著者]
Retsuo KawakamiandKaoru Ohya : Simulation Study of Material Mixing Process on Tungsten Surfaces at Elevated Temperatures due to Boundary Plasma Exposure and Its Influence on Plasma Wall Interactions, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.313-316, 107-111, 2003..[著者]
Retsuo KawakamiandKaoru Ohya : Sputtering Erosion and Redeposition at Divertor Surfaces Exposed to ITER-FEAT Edge Plasmas, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.42, No.6A, 3623-3632, 2003..[著者]
Retsuo KawakamiandKaoru Ohya : Dynamic Behavior of Carbon Deposited on Tungsten Surface due to Carbon Ion Bombardment and Its Influence on Ion-Solid Interactions, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.42, No.8, 5259-5266, 2003..[著者]
Mitani Takenori, Retsuo KawakamiandKuriu Syuhei : Simulation Study of Sputtering Erosion and Impurity Deposition on Carbon and Tungsten Surfaces Irradiated with Deuterium Plasmas Including Carbon Impurity, 11th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, (巻), (号), (頁), Kyoto, Dec. 2003..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Shimada Tomohisa, Ueda YoshioandNishikawa Masahiro : Simulation Study of Dynamical Material Mixing on Tungsten Surfaces at Elevated Temperatures due to Hydrogen and Carbon Mixed Ion Beam Irradiation, 11th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, (巻), (号), (頁), Kyoto, Dec. 2003..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Tomohisa Shimada, Yoshio UedaandMasahiro Nishikawa : Dynamic Behavior of Tungsten Surfaces due to Simultaneous Impact of Hydrogen and Carbon Ion Beam, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.42, No.12, 7529-7535, 2003..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami : Temporal Evolution of Erosion/Deposition on Tungsten Surfaces Exposed to SOL Plasmas and its Impact on Plasma-Surface Interactions, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.43, No.2, 785-794, 2004..[著者]
Retsuo KawakamiandMitani Takenori : Simulation Study on Influence of Chemically Eroded Higher Hydrocarbons on SOL Impurity Transport and Effect of Dynamical Material Mixing on Erosion/Deposition of Tungsten Surfaces Exposed to Plasma Boundary, 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, (巻), (号), P1-29, Portland Maine, U.S.A., May 2004..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Tomohisa Shimada, Yoshio UedaandMasahiro Nishikawa : Simulation Study of Dynamical Material Mixing on Tungsten Surfaces at Elevated Temperatures due to Hydrogen and Carbon Mixed Ion Beam Irradiation, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.329-333, No.0, 737-741, 2004..[著者]
Takenori Mitani, Retsuo KawakamiandShuhei Kuriu : Simulation Study of Sputtering Erosion and Impurity Deposition on Carbon and Tungsten Surfaces Irradiated with Deuterium Plasmas Including Carbon Impurity, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.329, No.329-333, 830-835, 2004..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami : Simulation Study on Effects of Chemically Eroded Methane and Ethylene Molecules on Carbon Impurity Transport and Net Erosion of Carbon Materials, Joint Meeting of 14th Internaitional Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion & 4th International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Application, (巻), (号), 73, Toki, Oct. 2004..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami : Simulation Study on Influence of Chemically Eroded Carbon Impurity Transport on Net Sputtering Erosion of Carbon Materials Exposed to Edge Fusion Plasmas, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.44, No.2, 1069-1075, 2005..[著者]
Retsuo KawakamiandMitani Takenori : Simulation Study on Influence of Chemically Eroded Higher Hydrocarbons on SOL Impurity Transport and Effect of Dynamical Material Mixing on Erosion/Deposition of Tungsten Surfaces Exposed to Plasma Boundary, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.337-339, (号), 45-49, 2005..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami : Simulation study of carbon impurity dynamics on reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steel material at elevated temperatures under hydrogen exposure, 7th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, (巻), (号), 191, Tokyo, May 2005..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Tomohisa Shimada, Yoshio UedaandMasahiro Nishikawa : Influence of Carbon Impurity on Net Erosion of Reduced-Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steel and Tungsten Materials Exposed to Hydrogen and Carbon Mixed Ion Beam Relevant to Fusion Plasma Boundary, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.45, No.1A, 221-227, 2006..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami : Simulation Study on Effects of Chemically Eroded Methane and Ethylene Molecules on Carbon Impurity Transport and Net Erosion of Carbon Materials, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Vol.7, (号), 94-97, 2006..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami : Simulation study of carbon impurity dynamics on reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steel material at elevated temperatures under hydrogen exposure, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.81, No.8-14, 1683-1687, 2006..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami : Simulation Study of Carbon Impurity Dynamics on Tungsten Surfaces Exposed to Hydrogen Ions, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.348, (号), 256-262, 2006..[著者]
Retsuo KawakamiandInaoka Takeshi : Analysis of GaN Etching Damage by Capacitively Coupled RF Ar Plasma Exposure, Proceedings of International Symposium of Dry Process, (巻), (号), 63-64, Nagoya, Nov. 2006..[著者]
Retsuo KawakamiandInaoka Takeshi : Effect of Argon Plasma Etching Damage on Electrical Characteristics, Proceedings of 9th International Symposium of Sputtering & Plasma Processes, 391-394, Kanazawa, June 2007..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Inaoka TakeshiandMukai Takashi : Synergy effect of Particle and Ultraviolet Radiations from Capacitively Coupled RF Argon Plasmas on n-GaN Etching Damage, Proceedings of International Symposium of Dry Process, 181-182, Tokyo, Nov. 2007..[著者]
Okada Kenji, Kikuo Tominaga, Retsuo Kawakami, Ohkura Shinya, Kazuya KusakaandTakao Hanabusa : Deposition of photocatalytic tiO2 films by planar magnetron sputtering system with opposed Ti targets, 14th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, 331-332, Dublin, July 2008..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Inaoka Takeshi, Kuwahara Akinobu, Kikuo TominagaandMukai Takashi : Synergy Effect of Particle Radiation and Ultraviolet Radiation from Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Argon Plasmas on n-GaN Etching Damage, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.47, No.8, 6863-6866, 2008..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Inaoka Takeshi, Kikuo Tominaga, Mukai Takashi, Hiraoka Kensaku, Kudo YukiandKoide Kuniyuki : Model Analysis of Preferential Etching of III-V Nitrides by Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Argon Plasmas, 4th Vacuum and Surface Sciences Conference of Asia and Australia, 187, Matsue, Oct. 2008..[著者]
Okada Kenji, Kikuo Tominaga, Ohokura Sinya, Nouda TakahiroandRetsuo Kawakami : Deposition of TiO2 films by a RF-DC Coupled Magnetron Sputtering, 4th Vacuum and Surface Sciences Conference of Asia and Australia, 217, Matsue, Oct. 2008..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Inaoka Takeshi, Kikuo TominagaandMukai Takashi : Effects of Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Krypton and Argon Plasmas on Gallium Nitride Etching Damage, Proceedings of International Symposium of Dry Process 2008, 187-188, Tokyo, Nov. 2008..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Takeshi Inaoka, Kikuo TominagaandMukai Takashi : Effects of Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Krypton and Argon Plasmas on Gallium Nitride Etching Damage, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.48, No.8, 08HF01-1-08HF01-4, 2009..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Inaoka Takeshi, Tominaga Kikuo, Niibe Masahito, Mukai Takashi, Takeichi AtsushiandFukudome Toshiaki : Synergy Effect of Xenon Plasma Ions and Ultraviolet Lights on GaN Etch Surface Damage and Modification, 16th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams, 190, Tokyo, Sep. 2009..[著者]
Niibe Masahito, Maeda Yoshie, Retsuo Kawakami, Inaoka Takeshi, Tominaga KikuoandMukai Takashi : Surface Analysis of n-GaN Crystal Damaged by RF-plasma-etching with Ar, Kr and Xe Gases, The 37th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, 42, Kagawa, May 2010..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Inaoka Takeshi, Tominaga Kikuo, Niibe Masahito, Mukai Takashi, Takeichi AtsushiandFukudome Toshiaki : Etch-induced Damage Characteristics of n-GaN Surfaces by Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency He and Ar Plasmas, The 37th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, 41, Kagawa, May 2010..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Niibe Masahito, Fukudome Toshiaki, Takeichi Atsushi, Inaoka TakeshiandTominaga Kikuo : Effect of DBD Air Plasma Treatment on TiO2 Thin Film Surfaces, The Third International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies (EM-NANO2010), Toyama, June 2010..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Takeichi Atsushi, Niibe Masahito, Inaoka TakeshiandTominaga Kikuo : Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Helium Plasma Etch Damage to TiO2 Thin Film Surfaces, Proceedings of International Symposium of Dry Process 2010, 171-172, Tokyo, Nov. 2010..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Niibe Masahito, Fukudome Toshiaki, Takeichi Atsushi, Inaoka TakeshiandTominaga Kikuo : Effect of DBD Air Plasma Treatment on TiO2 Thin Film Surfaces, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.50, No.1, 01BE02-1-01BE02-5, 2011..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Inaoka Takeshi, Tominaga Kikuo, Niibe Masahito, Mukai Takashi, Takeichi AtsushiandFukudome Toshiaki : Etch-induced damage characteristics of n-GaN surfaces by capacitively coupled radio frequency He and Ar plasmas, Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol.8, No.2, 441-443, 2011..[著者]
Niibe Masahito, Maeda Yoshie, Retsuo Kawakami, Inaoka Takeshi, Tominaga KikuoandMukai Takashi : Surface analysis of n-GaN crystal damaged by RF-plasma-etching with Ar, Kr, and Xe gases, Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol.8, No.2, 435-437, 2011..[著者]
Niibe Masahito, Kotaka Takuya, Retsuo Kawakami, Inaoka Takeshi, Tominaga KikuoandMukai Takashi : Damage Analysis of Plasma-etched n-GaN Crystal Surface by N-K Absorption Spectroscopy, 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2011), Nagoya, March 2011..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Inaoka Takeshi, Tominaga Kikuo, Niibe Masahito, Mukai Takashi, Takeichi AtsushiandFukudome Toshiaki : Synergy Effect of Xenon Plasma Ions and Ultraviolet Lights on GaN Etch Surface Damage and Modification, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol.36, No.1, 75-78, 2011..[著者]
Takeichi Atsushi, Retsuo Kawakami, Niibe Masahito, Konishi Masashi, Mori Yuta, Kodama Munehisa, Kotaka Takuya, Inaoka TakeshiandTominaga Kikuo : Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Helium Plasma Treatment Effect on TiO2 Thin Film Surfaces, Proceedings of 11th International Symposium of Sputtering & Plasma Processes, 584-61, Kyoto, July 2011..[著者]
Kotaka Takuya, Niibe Masahito, Retsuo Kawakami, Inaoka Takeshi, Tominaga KikuoandMukai Takashi : Damage analysis of gallium nitride crystals etched by He and Ar plasma, Proceedings of 11th International Symposium of Sputtering & Plasma Processes, 73-76, Kyoto, July 2011..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Takeichi Atsushi, Niibe Masahito, Inaoka TakeshiandTominaga Kikuo : Damage Characteristics of TiO2 Thin Film Surfaces Etched by Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Helium Plasmas, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.50, No.8, 08KD01-1-08KD01-5, 2011..[著者]
Nakano Yoshitaka, Retsuo Kawakami, Niibe Masahito, Takeichi Atsushi, Inaoka TakeshiandTominaga Kikuo : Photoluminescence Study of Damage Introduced in GaN by Ar- and Kr-Plasmas Etching, Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Vol.1396, No.mrsf11-1396-o07-36, 1-6, 2011..[著者]
Niibe Masahito, Kotaka Takuya, Retsuo Kawakami, Nakano Yoshitaka, Inaoka Takeshi, Tominaga KikuoandMukai Takashi : Damage Analysis of n-GaN Crystals Etched with He and N2 Plasma, 4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2012), Nagoya, March 2012..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Niibe Masahito, Takeuchi Hideo, Konishi Masashi, Mori Yuta, Shirahama Tatsuo, Yamada TetsuyaandTominaga Kikuo : SiC Surface Damage Originating from Synergy Effect of Ar Plasma Ion and Plasma-Induced Ultraviolet Light Irradiations, 25th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS-25), 117, Kyoto, Oct. 2012..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Niibe Masahito, Nakano Yoshitaka, Konishi Masashi, Mori Yuta, Takeichi Atsushi, Tominaga KikuoandMukai Takashi : Damage Characteristics of p-GaN Surfaces Etched by Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Argon Plasmas, Proceedings of International Symposium of Dry Process 2012, 133-134, Tokyo, Nov. 2012..[著者]
Nakano Yoshitaka, Nakamura Keiji, Niibe Masahito, Retsuo Kawakami, Ito Noriyoshi, Kotaka TakuyaandTominaga Kikuo : Effect of UV irradiation on Ar-Plasma etching characteristics of GaN, 5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2013), Nagoya, Jan. 2013..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Niibe Masahito, Nakano Yoshitaka, Konishi Masashi, Mori Yuta, Takeichi Atsushi, Tominaga KikuoandMukai Takashi : Comparison between Damage Characteristics of p- and n-GaN Surfaces Etched by Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Argon Plasmas, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.52, 05EC05-1-05EC05-5, 2013..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Konishi Masashi, Mori Yuta, Shirahama Tatsuo, Yamada Tetsuya, Tominaga Kikuo, Niibe Masahito, Nakano YoshitakaandMukai Takashi : Damage Characteristics of n-GaN Thin Film Surfaces Etched by N2 Plasmas, The 40th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, Kobe, May 2013..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Niibe Masahito, Nakano Yoshitaka, Konishi Masashi, Mori Yuta, Takeuchi Hideo, Shirahama Tatsuo, Yamada TetsuyaandTominaga Kikuo : Characteristics of TiO2 Surfaces Etched by Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency N2 and He Plasmas, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.441, 012038-1-012038-6, 2013..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Niibe Masahito, Nakano Yoshitaka, Konishi Masashi, Shirahama Tatsuo, Tominaga KikuoandMukai Takashi : Damage Characteristics of n-GaN Thin Film Surfaces Etched by Ultraviolet Light-Assisted Helium Plasmas, The 4th International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies (EM-NANO2010), Kanazawa, June 2013..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Niibe Masahito, Takeuchi Hideo, Shirahama Tatsuo, Konishi Masashi, Mori Yuta, Yamada TetsuyaandTominaga Kikuo : Damage Characteristics of 6H-SiC Surfaces Etched Using Capacitively-Coupled Helium Plasmas Driven by a Radio Frequency Power, Proceedings of 12th International Symposium of Sputtering & Plasma Processes, 255-258, Kyoto, July 2013..[著者]
Niibe Masahito, Kotaka Takuya, Retsuo Kawakami, Nakano YoshitakaandMukai Takashi : Damage Analysis of N2 Plasma-Etched n-GaN Crystal, 6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2014), Nagoya, March 2014..[著者]
Keiji Sano, Masahito Niibe, Retsuo KawakamiandYoshitaka Nakano : Spectral Recovery of Etching Damage of TiO2 Thin Films Observed in XAS Spectra, The 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-7), Matsue, Nov. 2014..[著者]
Shodai Hirai, Masahito Niibe, Tatsuo Shirahama, Retsuo Kawakami, Yoshitaka NakanoandTakashi Mukai : Surface Analysis of Thick AlGaN Films Treated by Ar and CF4 Plasma Etching, The 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-7), Matsue, Nov. 2014..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Masahito Niibe, Yoshitaka Nakano, Tatsuo Shirahama, Shodai HiraiandTakashi Mukai : Morphological and Compositional Changes in AlGaN Surfaces Etched by RF Capacitively Coupled Carbon Tetrafluoride and Argon Plasmas, Proceedings of International Symposium of Dry Process 2014, 69-70, Tokyo, Nov. 2014..[著者]
Masahito Niibe, Takuya Kotaka, Retsuo Kawakami, Yoshitaka NakanoandTakashi Mukai : Etching Damage Analysis of n-GaN Crystals Etched with N2-Plasma Using Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy, Proceedings of International Symposium of Dry Process 2014, 75-76, Tokyo, Nov. 2014..[著者]
Yoshitaka Nakano, Chen Miao-Gen, Daisuke Ogawa, Keiji Nakamura, Retsuo KawakamiandMasahito Niibe : Generation Behavior of Deep-Level Defects in Ar+-Irradiated GaN, 7th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2015) and 8th Interational Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (IC-PLANTS2015), Nagoya, March 2015..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Masahito Niibe, Yoshitaka NakanoandTakashi Mukai : Comparison between Surface Characteristics of Titanium Oxide Thin Films Treated with N2 Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma and Annealed in N2 Gas, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium of Sputtering & Plasma Processes, 63-66, Kyoto, July 2015..[著者]
Yoshitaka Nakano, Retsuo Kawakami, Masahito Niibe, Tatsuo ShirahamaandTakashi Mukai : A Relation between Pinch-Off Voltages and Deep-Level Defects in AlGaN/GaN Hetero-Structures Treated by CF4 Plasma, 11th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-11), Beijing, Sep. 2015..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Masahito Niibe, Yoshitaka Nakano, Chisato AzumaandTakashi Mukai : Anatase TiO2 Thin Films Grown by Facing-Target Reactive Sputtering and Its Impact on Photocatalytic Activity, Proceedings of International Symposium of Dry Process 2015, 125-126, Awaji, Nov. 2015..[著者]
Yoshitaka Nakano, Masahito NiibeandRetsuo Kawakami : Electrical Damage Investigation of n-GaN Films Treated by CF4 Plasma, Proceedings of the 43rd International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS2016), MoP-ISCS-LN-4_1-MoP-ISCS-LN-4_2, Toyama, June 2016..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Masahito Niibe, Yoshitaka NakanoandTakashi Mukai : Effect of Ultraviolet Light-Assisted CF4 Plasma Irradiation on AlGaN Thin Film Surface, Proceedings of the 43rd International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS2016), MoP-ISCS-096_1-MoP-ISCS-096_2, Toyama, June 2016..[著者]
Yoshitaka Nakano, Masahito NiibeandRetsuo Kawakami : Electrical damage in n-GaN films treated by CF4 plasma, Proceedings of International Symposium of Dry Process 2016, 73-74, Sapporo, Nov. 2016..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Masahito Niibe, Yoshitaka NakanoandTakashi Mukai : AlGaN Surfaces Etched by CF4 Plasma with and without the Assistance of Near-Ultraviolet Irradiation, Vacuum, Vol.136, 28-35, 2017..[著者]
Yoshitaka Nakano, Masahito NiibeandRetsuo Kawakami : Damage Introduced into n-GaN Films by CF4 Plasma Treatments, 9th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2017) and 10th Interational Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (IC-PLANTS2017), Aichi, March 2017..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Kengo Fujimoto, Masahito Niibe, Yuma Araki, Yoshitaka NakanoandTakashi Mukai : TiO2 Thin Film Surfaces Treated by O2 Plasma in Dielectric Barrier Discharge with Assistance of Heat Treatment, Proceedings of 14th International Symposium of Sputtering & Plasma Processes, 274-277, Kanazawa, July 2017..[著者]
Yoshitaka Nakano, Retsuo KawakamiandMasahito Niibe : Generation Behavior of Electrical Damage Introduced into n-GaN Films by CF4 Plasma Treatments, 29th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS), Matsue, Aug. 2017..[著者]
Yoshitaka Nakano, Retsuo KawakamiandMasahito Niibe : Generation of Electrical Damage in n-GaN Films Following Treatment in a CF4 Plasma, Applied Physics Express, Vol.10, (号), 116201-1-116201-4, 2017..[著者]
Masahito Niibe, Ryo Tanaka, Retsuo Kawakami, Yoshitaka NakanoandTakashi Mukai : Surface Structure Analysis of AlGaN Thin Films Damaged by Oxygen and Nitrogen Plasmas, The 8th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-8), Tsukuba, Oct. 2017..[著者]
Shin-ichiro Yanagiya, Toshihiko Takahata, Yuuki Yoshitani, Retsuo KawakamiandAkihiro Furube : Steady-state and time-resolved optical properties of multilayer film of titanium dioxide sandwiched by gold nanoparticles and gold thin film, ChemNanoMat : Chemistry of Nanomaterials for Energy, Biology and More, Vol.5, (号), 1015-1020, 2019..[著者]
Retsuo Kawakami, Mimoto Yuki, Akihiro Shirai, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya, Niibe Masahito, Nakano YoshitakaandTakashi Mukai : Photobactericidal Activity of Anatase Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Annealed with the Assistance of Nonequilibrium Atmospheric-Pressure Oxygen Plasma, Proceedings of International Symposium of Dry Process 2021, (巻), (号), 127-128, Tokyo, Nov. 2021..[著者]
Matsumura Takumi, Sogawa Ryutaro, Hashimura Nene, Ohashi Koichi, Rie MukaiandRetsuo Kawakami : Effects of Quasi-Atmospheric-Pressure Low-Temperature Air Plasma Jet Irradiation on Increasing Minerals in Fresh Food, Proceedings of International Symposium of Dry Process 2022, 123-124, Osaka, Nov. 2022..[著者]+[指導教員]
Koichi Ohashi, Ryutaro Sogawa, Nene Hashimura, Rie MukaiandRetsuo Kawakami : Increased Polyphenol Content of Harvested Onions Irradiated with Low-Temperature Air Plasma Jet at Quasi-Atmospheric Pressure, Proceedings of International Symposium of Dry Process 2023, (巻), (号), 171-172, Nagoya, Nov. 2023..[著者]+[指導教員]
Kunimoto Kotaro, Shin-ichiro Yanagiya, Retsuo Kawakami, Nakano YoshitakaandNiibe Masahito : Photocatalytic Characteristics of ZnO Nanoparticles Annealed with Chitosan and Citric Acid at a Low Temperature in Al foil-Shield Combustion Boats, Proceedings of International Symposium of Dry Process 2024, (巻), (号), 173-174, Hokkaido, Nov. 2024..[著者]+[指導教員]
Retsuo Kawakami, Niibe Masahito, Takeichi Atsushi, Mori Yuta, Konishi Masashi, Kotaka Takuya, Matsunaga Fumihiko, Takasaki Toshihide, Kitano Takanori, Miyazaki Takahiro, Inaoka TakeshiandTominaga Kikuo : Characteristics of TiO2 Thin Film Surfaces Treated by Helium and Air Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasmas, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers & Short Notes), Vol.51, No.8, 08HB04-1-08HB04-6, 2012.---(Modified by [ADMIN] at 2024年12月10日(火) 09:18:04)