PERM= | 中川 秀幸 |
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Yukio Ishida, Noriaki Kondo, Syunzo Aihara and Hideyuki Nakagawa : Difference between inhibitory actions of papaverine and dehydroepiandrosterone on the isolated guinea-pig ileum, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.25, No.6, 719-726, 1975..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Tetsuyuki Nasu and Yukio Ishida : Effect of anoxia on isotonic shortening induced by high-K medium in rat uterus, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.26, No.3, 353-357, 1976..[著者] | ... | ||||
Aritomo Suzuki, Noriyoshi Kajimoto and Hideyuki Nakagawa : Contractile mechanism of ATP in isolated vas deferens of guinea pig, Acta Medica Kinki, Vol.1, 59-62, 1976..[著者] | ... | ||||
鈴木 有朋, 蒲生 寿美子, 中川 秀幸 : モルモット摘出精嚢におけるK, acetylcholine, noradrenalineおよびBaの収縮機序,特にCaとの関連, Med. J. Kinki Univ., Vol.1, No.2, 115-120, 1976年..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸, 蒲生 寿美子, 梶本 礼義, 鈴木 有朋 : 諸種収縮薬の収縮作用におよぼすウワバインの影響,特にNa, K-ATPase活性阻害との関連について, --- モルモット精嚢における実験 ---, 日本平滑筋学会誌, Vol.12, No.4, 217-219, 1976年..[著者] | ... | ||||
Akira Kimura and Hideyuki Nakagawa : Effects of isoproterenol and propranolol on estrous cycle through pineal mechanisim in developmental stage of genital organs, Nat. Sci, Fac. of Education, Univ. of Tokushima, Vol.18, No.6, 43-46, 1979..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸, 木村 彰 : ラッパウニ毒成分のゲル濾過法による精製とその作用, 日本平滑筋学会誌, Vol.15, No.2, 126-128, 1979年..[著者] | ... | ||||
柳川 孝生, 鈴木 有朋, 田尻 尚士, 中川 秀幸 : 平滑筋弛緩薬の作用に及ぼすImidazoleの影響, 近畿大学医学雑誌, Vol.4, No.4, 553-558, 1979年..[著者] | ... | ||||
Shigeru Shimomura, Akira Kimura, Hideyuki Nakagawa and Masaomi Takao : Mercury levels in human hair and sex factors, Enviromental Resaerch, Vol.22, No.1, 22--30, 1980..[著者] | ... | ||||
Akira Kimura and Hideyuki Nakagawa : Action of an extract from the sea urchin Toxopneustes pileolus on isolated smooth muscle, Toxicon, Vol.18, No.6, 689-693, 1980..[著者] | ... | ||||
Tetsuyuki Nasu, Kazumi Yui, Hideyuki Nakagawa and Yukio Ishida : Role of glycolysis in the tension development under anoxia in guinea pig teania coli, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.32, No.1, 65-71, 1982..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Akira Kimura, Masao Takei and Koichi Endo : Histamine release from rat mast cells induced by an extract from the sea urchin Toxopneustes pileolus, Toxicon, Vol.20, No.6, 1095-1097, 1982..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa and Akira Kimura : Partial purification and characterization of a toxic substance from pedicellariae of the sea urchin Toxopneustes pileolus, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.32, No.5, 966-968, 1982..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa : Age-dependent alterations in the formation of cyclic nucleotides caused by various agents in guinea-pig tracheal smooth muscle, The Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.30, No.3/4, 85-91, 1983..[著者] | ... | ||||
Akira Kimura, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Hiromi Hayashi and Koichi Endo : Seasonal changes in contractile activity of a toxic substance from the pedicellariae of the sea urchin Toxopneustes pileolus, Toxicon, Vol.22, No.3, 353-358, 1984..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hitoshi Houchi, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Motoo Oka, Joe Watanabe, Minoru Isosaki and Takeshi Ohuchi : Incease in cyclic AMP level and stimulation of catecholamine synthesis in isolated bovine adrenal medullary cells caused by forskolin, Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, Vol.36, No.1, 97-99, 1984..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Akira Kimura, Masao Takei and Koichi Endo : Sea urchin Toxin-induced degranulation of rat mesentery mast cells, Toxicon, Newcastle upon Tyne, Aug. 1985..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Motoo Oka, Akira Kimura and Takeshi Ohuchi : Effect of Age on the formation of cyclic nucleotides in gunea-pig tracheal smooth muscle in response to pharmacological agents, European Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.125, No.2, 211-216, 1986..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸, 木村 彰 : モルモット気道平滑筋におけるヒスタミンH2受容体について, Commemoration Volume of the Founding of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, University of Tokushima, 443-449, 1987年..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸, 木村 彰, 武井 正夫, 遠藤 晃一 : レクチンカラムによるラッパウニ叉棘糖タンパク質の分画とその作用, 日本平滑筋誌, Vol.23, No.5, 406-408, 1987年..[著者] | ... | ||||
Masao Takei, Koichi Endo, Hideyuki Nakagawa and Akira Kimura : Anticholinergic action of a pedicellarial gycoprotein from the sea urchin Toxopneustes pileolus, Progress in Venom and Toxin Research, 464-466, Singapore, Nov. 1987..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Miller A. Roger, Tu T. Anthony, Toshiaki Nikai and Hisayoshi Sugihara : Partial amino acid squence of hemorrhagic toxin, Ac1 protease, isolated from snake venom of Agkistrodon acutus, Biochemical Archives, Vol.5, No.3, 243-247, 1989..[著者] | ... | ||||
Akira Kimura, Hideyuki Nakagawa and Akiko Kitahama : Physiological studies of spontaneous activity of mice, --- Circadian rhythm of spontaneous activity and influence of morphine ---, J. Health Sci., Fac. of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Univ. of Tokushima, Vol.2, 1-23, 1990..[著者] | ... | ||||
Akira Kimura, Hideyuki Nakagawa and Akiko Kitahama : Physiological studies of spontaneous motor activity of mice, --- Circadian rhythm of spontaneous motor activity and influence of components of nonessential grocery items ---, J. Health Sci., Fac. of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Univ. of Tokushima, Vol.2, 53-69, 1990..[著者] | ... | ||||
Tu T. Anthony, 中川 秀幸 : 続·身のまわりの毒, --- ウニとナマコの毒 ---, 現代化学, 53-55, 1990年8月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Tu T. Anthony and Akira Kimura : Purification and characterization of Contractin A from the pedicellarial venom of sea urchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Vol.284, No.2, 279-284, 1991..[著者] | ... | ||||
Masao Takei, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Akira Kimura and Koichi Endo : A toxic substance from the sea urchin Toxopneustes pileolus induces histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells, Agents and Actions, Vol.32, No.3/4, 224-228, 1991..[著者] | ... | ||||
Masao Takei, Makoto Ueno, Koichi Endo and Hideyuki Nakagawa : Effect of NCDC, a protease inhibitor, on histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells induced by anti-IgE, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.181, No.3, 1313-1322, 1991..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Hisato Kitagawa, Noriaki Kondo and Jun Kondo : Effect of Contractin A, a glycoprotein from the pedicellarial venom of the sea uechin Toxoneustes pileolus, on isolated vasucular smooth muscles, Journal of Natural Toxins, Vol.1, No.2, 31-37, 1992..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Nobuyuki Yanagihara, Fotoshi Izumi, Akihiko Wada and Akira Kimura : Inhibition of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-madiated secretion and synthesis of catecholamines by sea urchin toxin in cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells, Biochemical Pharmacology, Vol.44, No.9, 1779-1785, 1992..[著者] | ... | ||||
Masao Takei, Hideyuki Nakagawa and Koichi Endo : Mast cell activation by pedicellarial toxin of sea uuchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, FEBS Letters, Vol.328, No.1,2, 59-62, 1993..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Yasuhiro Tomihara, Yasutetsu Araki and Hiromi Hayashi : Preliminary studies on venom proteins in the pedicellariae of the toxopneustid sea urchins, Toxopneustes pileolus and Tripneustes gratilla, Journal of Natural Toxins, Vol.3, No.1, 25-34, 1994..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Tamiko Hashimoto, Hiromi Hayashi, Mitsuko Shinohara, Kiyoshi Ohura and Eiichi Tachikawa : Isolation of novel lectins from the globiferous pedicellariae of the sea urchin Toxopneustes pileolus, 209th American Chemical Society National Meeting, 77, Anaheim, CA, April 1995..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Tamiko Hashimoto, Hiromi Hayashi, Mitsuko Shinohara, Kiyoshi Ohura, Eiichi Tachikawa and Takeshi Kashimoto : Isolation of a novel lectin from the globiferous pedicellariae of the sea urchin Toxoneustes pileolus, Plenum Press, New York, April 1996..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸 : 海洋資源を利用した医薬開発の最近の現状, ファルマシア, Vol.32, No.6, 694-695, 1996年6月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Chieko Yamaguchi and Hiromi Hayashi : Biologically active substances from sea urchins, 13 th Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting, Denver, June 1996..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Chieko Yamaguchi, Fukiyo Tomiyoshi and Hiromi Hayashi : A novel lectin from the globiferous pedicellariae of sea urchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, 5 th International Symposium : Protein Structure Function Relationship, 34, Karachi, Jan. 1997..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸, 山口 知栄子, 酒井 仁美, 林 弘三, 富原 靖博, 新城 安哲 : 沖縄産ウニ類の棘および叉棘タンパク画分のマイトジェン活性, 平成8年度 海洋性危険生物対策事業報告書, (巻), (号), 23-27, 那覇, 1997年3月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Chieko Yamaguchi and Hiromi Hayashi : Biologically active subatance from sea urchins, Journal of Natural Toxins, Vol.6, No.2, 193-202, 1997..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa and Chieko Yamaguchi : Cytostatic effect of a β-galactoside-binding lectin fron the sea urchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, The 9 th Naito Conference on Bioactive Natural Products and their Modes of Action, 104, Tokyo, Oct. 1997..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸 : ウニの棘から生理活性物質を探る, 徳島生物学会報, No.1, 8-9, 1998年6月..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸, 山口 知栄子, 酒井 仁美, 林 弘三 : 沖縄産ガンガゼの毒棘タンパク画分のマイトジェン活性について, 平成9年度海洋危険性生物対策事業報告書, 27-31, 那覇, 1998年10月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Hitomi Sakai, Hiromi Hayashi, Yasuhiro Tomihara and Yasutestsu Araki : Some physiological studies of pedicellarial lectins from the toxopneustid sea urchins, Toxopneustes pileolus and Tripneustes gratilla, 6th International Symposium: Protein Structure Function Relationship, Karachi, Pakistan, Feb. 1999..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Chieko Yamaguchi, Hitomi Sakai, Kaori Kanemaru, Hiromi Hayashi, Yasutetsu Araki, Yasuhiro Tomihara, Mitsuko Shinohara, Kiyoshi Ohura and Hisato Kitagawa : Biochemical and physiological properties of pedicellarial lectins from the toxopneustid sea urchins, Journal of Natural Toxins, Vol.8, No.3, 297-308, 1999..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Chieko Yamaguchi, Fukiyo Tomiyoshi and Hiromi Hayashi : A novel mitogenic lectin from the globiferous pedicellariae of sea urchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, Jour. Chem. Soc. Pak., Vol.21, No.3, 305-310, 1999..[著者] | ... | ||||
Zhang Yu-an, Tetsuyuki Wada, Hideyuki Nakagawa and Seiji Ichida : A toxic extract from sea urchin (T. pileolus) inhibits 45Ca2+ uptake in P2 fraction from chick brain under physiologocal ionic conditions, Toxicon, Vol.37, No.11, 1639-1643, 1999..[著者] | ... | ||||
Zhang Yu-an, Tetsuyuki Wada, Yasunori Iwasaki, Hideyuki Nakagawa and Seiji Ichida : The inhibitory effect of the toxic fraction from sea urchin (Toxopneustes pileolus) venom on 45Ca2+ uptake in crude syaptosome fraction from chick brain, Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Vol.22, No.12, 1279-1283, 1999..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa : Functional characterization of multiple lectins from the toxopneustid sea urchins, Gordon Research Conferences on Marine Natural Products 2000, Ventura, CA, Feb. 2000..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸 : ウニの毒,ウニの心, 沖縄の海の安全を考える, (巻), (号), 5, 2000年5月..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸, 佐藤 文彦, Ambreena AmSiddiq, 林 弘三, 立川 英一, 富原 靖博, 新城 安哲 : ウニ刺毒レクチンの細胞反応性について, 第47回毒素シンポジュム予稿集, Vol.47, 86-93, 2000年..[著者] | ... | ||||
Tamiko Suzuki-Nishimura, Hideyuki Nakagawa and Masaatsu Uchida : D-galactose-specific sea urchin lectin sugar-specifically inhibited histamine release induced by Datsura stramonium agglutinin, --- Differences between sugar-specific effects of sea urchin lectin and those of D-galactose-or L0fucose-specific plant lectins ---, The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.85, No.4, 443-452, 2001..[著者] | ... | ||||
Fumiaki Satoh, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Yasutetsu Araki, Yasuhiro Tomihara, Kuniko Nagasaka and Toshinori Nagasaka : Comparative study of venom proteins from the species of scorpionfish, Hypodytes rubripinnis and Synanceia verrucosa, 10th International Symposium on Marine Natural Products, 151, Okinawa, June 2001..[著者] | ... | ||||
Zhang Yu-an, Junichi Abe, Ambreena Siddiq, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Susumu Honda, Tetsuyuki Wada and Seiji Ichida : UT841 purified from sea urchin (Toxopneustes pileolus) venom inhibits time-dependent 45Ca2+ uptake in crude synaptosome fraction from chick brain, Toxicon, Vol.39, No.8, 1223-1229, 2001..[著者] | ... | ||||
金丸 芳, 工野 良子, 小西 ユカリ, 酒井 仁美, 小山 保夫, 中川 秀幸, 林 弘三, 野田 克彦 : H2O2障害に対するヒジキの胸腺細胞保護作用, 日本食品科学工学会第48回大会, (巻), (号), (頁), 2001年9月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Fumihiko Satoh, Kuniko Nagasaka and Toshinori Nagasaka : Comparative study of biological activity of venom proteins fron the redfin velvetfish Hypodytes rubripinnis and stonefish Synanceia verrucosa, Gordon research Conferences on Marine Natural Products, Ventura, California, Feb. 2002..[著者] | ... | ||||
Fumihiko Satoh, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Kuniko Nagasaka, Toshinori Nagasaka, Haruhiko Sakuraba and Toshihisa Ohshima : Fishing for Bioactive Compounds from Some Marine Vertebrate and Invertebrates, 7th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan, March 2002..[著者] | ... | ||||
佐藤 文彦, 中川 秀幸, 林 弘三, 篠原 光子, 大浦 清 : Comparison of biological activities of venom proteins of the redfin velvetfish Hypodytes rubripinnis and the stonefish Synanceia verrucosa, 第75回日本薬理学会大会, Vol.88, 149, 2002年3月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Fumihiko Satoh, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Haruo Yamada, Kuniko Nagasaka, Toshinori Nagasaka, Yasutetsu Araki, Yasuhiro Tomihara, Masatoshi Nozaki, Haruhiko Sakuraba, Toshihisa Ohshima, Tomomitsu Hatakeyama and Haruhiko Aoyagi : Fishing for bioactive substances from scorpionfish and some sea urchins, Journal of Natural Toxins, Vol.11, No.4, 297-304, 2002..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Fumihiko Satoh, Hitomi Sakai, Hiromi Hayashi and Yasuhiro Ozeki : Biological activities of multiple lectins from the toxopneustid sea urchins, 10th Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology, Chiba, June 2002..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hiromi Hayashi, Hitomi Sakai, Wakako Minakuchi-Fijiwara, Miki Takayama, Michiko Nakamura-Murata, Yoshiko Kamo, Kanako Funakoshi, Keisuke Fukumoto, Kaori Kanemaru, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Yasuo Oyama, Nobuyuki Shinohara and Yoshihiro Ito : Cytokinesis arrest and nuclear fission in low density populations of Trichomonad Protozoan, Zoological Science, Vol.19, No.10, 1089-1094, 2002..[著者] | ... | ||||
佐藤 文彦, 中川 秀幸, 山田 晴夫, 長坂 邦子, 長坂 壽訓, 櫻庭 春彦, 大島 敏久 : 刺毒魚ハオコゼの毒棘糖タンパク質の精製, 第75回日本生化学会大会, Vol.74, No.8, 727, 2002年10月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Takahiko Tanigawa, Katsuyuki Tomita, Yasuhiro Tomihara, Yasutetsu Araki and Eiich Tachikawa : Recent studies in sea urchin venoms, International Symposium on Toxins and Natural Products in Honor of Professor Anthony T. Tu, Naha, Nov. 2002..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸, 佐藤 文彦, 籠田 浩子, 平賀 公二, 長坂 邦子, 長坂 壽訓, 櫻庭 春彦, 大島 敏久 : Isolation of a cytotoxic factor from the dorsal spines of the redfin velvetfish, Hypodytes rubripinnis, Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, Vol.91, 130, 2003年3月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Fumihiko Satoh, Hitomi Sakai, Hiromi Hayashi and Yasuhiro Ozeki : Biological activities of multiple lectins from the toxopneustid sea urchins, Recent Advances in Marine Science and Technology 2002, 145-152, 2003..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸 : 海胆と魚の毒, 潮, No.532, 74-75, 2003年6月..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸 : ハオコゼ刺棘のタンパク毒, 日本水産学会誌, Vol.69, No.5, 833-834, 2003年9月..[著者] | ... | ||||
神谷 久男, 塩見 一雄, 中川 秀幸 : 海洋動物の刺毒に関する最近の知見, 日本水産学会誌, Vol.69, No.5, 824, 2003年..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Takahiko Tanigawa, Katsuyuki Tomita, Yasuhiro Tomihara, Yasutetsu Araki and Eiichi Tachikawa : Recent Studies on the Pathological Effects of Purified Sea Urchin Toxins, Toxin Reviews, Vol.22, No.4, 631-647, 2003..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Hitomi Sakai, Kaori Kanemaru and Hiromi Hayashi : A sea urchin lectin, SUL-I induces differentiation on murine myeloid leukemic cells, GRC on Marine Natural Products, Ventura, California, Feb. 2004..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa : Recent Resarch on Sea Urchin Venoms, (誌名), (巻), (号), (頁), March 2004..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸, Fumihiko Satoh, Yuuko Aguro, Takeshi Hosotani, Ai Yukata, 金丸 芳, Kuniko Nagasaka, Toshinori Nagasaka, Mitsuko Shinohara, Tadashige Nozaki, Kiyoshi Ohura : Purification of a dorsal lectin from the redfin velvetfish, Hypodytes rubripinnis, Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, Vol.94, No.Supplement 1, 135p, 2004年3月..[著者] | ... | ||||
村上 理一, 大島 敏久, 福井 清, 中川 秀幸, 櫻庭 春彦, 米倉 大介 : ダイヤモンドなど炭素系薄膜を利用した新規高度耐久性バイオ基材の開発, 文部科学省科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)(2))成果報告書, (都市), 2004年3月..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸, 細谷 岳史, 長坂 邦子, 長坂 壽訓, 櫻庭 春彦, 大島 敏久 : オニオコゼ刺毒からの新規レクチンの精製, 生化学, Vol.76, No.8, 1012, 2004年8月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa : Recent Study on Sea Urchin Venoms, (誌名), (巻), (号), (頁), Oct. 2004..[著者] | ... | ||||
河野 直子, 細谷 岳史, 宮田 匡志, 萱野 真弓, 中川 秀幸, 酒井 仁美, 林 弘三, 野崎 真敏, 篠原 光子, 大浦 清, 長坂 壽訓 : オニダルマオコゼの背鰭毒棘レクチンの部分精製, Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, Vol.97, 278, 2005年3月..[著者] | ... | ||||
杜 祖健, 三好 伸一, 宮田 秀明, 新谷 茂, 中川 秀幸 : 薬物·中毒用語辞典, 株式会社 化学同人, 京都, 2005年7月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa : Isolation of a novel lectin from the dorsal venom of the redfin velvetfish, Hypodytes rubripinnis, Gordon Research Conference on Marine Natural Products, Ventura, California, Feb. 2006..[著者] | ... | ||||
Masao Takei and Hideyuki Nakagawa : A sea urchin lectin, SUL-1, from the Toxopneustid sea urchin induces DC maturation from human monocytes and drives Th1 polarization in vitro, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Vol.213, No.1, 27-36, 2006..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Fumihiko Satoh, Takefumi Hosotani, Kozue Edo, Yasutetsu Araki, Masatoshi Nozaki and Yasuhiro Tomihara : Biologically Active Substances from Venomous Scorpionfish, The proceeding of 21st Pacific Science Congress: Session: 4-10 Health hazard by marine animals in Pacific region, 4p, Okinawa, June 2007..[著者] | ... | ||||
Natsuko Kusunoki, Kozue Edo, Kaori Ohnishi, Keiko Ashida, Asami Nakanishi, Hitomi Sakai, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Kumio Yokoigawa, Haruhiko Sakuraba and Toshihisa Ohshima : Multiple lectins from globiferous pedicellariae of the sea urchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, The Proceeding of 21st Pacific Science Congress:Session:4-10 Health hazard by marine animals in Pacific region, 7p, Okinawa, June 2007..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸, Kozue Edo, Keiko Ashida, Asami Nakanishi, Hitomi Sakai, Kuniko Nagasaka, Haruhiko Sakuraba : Partial purification of dorsal lectins of the Japanese devil scorpionfish, Inimicus japonicus, Journal Pharamacological Sciences, Vol.106, No.Suupl. 1, 208, 2008年2月..[著者] | ... | ||||
篠原 光子, 中川 秀幸, 大浦 清 : オニオコゼの刺棘タンパク質成分からのレクチンの精製, Journal of Oral Biosciences, Vol.50, No.Suppl., 2004, 2008年9月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Kozue Edo, Hotomi Sakai, Takuma Sugawaki, Hiroshi Takae, Mitsuko Shinohara, Kiyoshi Ohura and Haruhiko Sakuraba : Isolation of a novel lectin from the sea urchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, Vol.109, No.Suppl. 1, 142, Feb. 2009..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸 : ウニ類の棘には毒がある, --- 糖鎖を認識するタンパク質毒素 ---, ビオフィリア, Vol.5, No.1, 14-19, 2009年3月..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸 : 薬毒物分析辞典(編集:高取健彦,黒岩幸雄,Anthony T. Tu,山本郁男), --- ウニレクチン ---, 株式会社 廣川書店, 東京, 2009年9月..[著者] | ... | ||||
江戸 梢, 中川 秀幸, 酒井 仁美, 中西 あさみ, 菅脇 拓真, 櫻庭 春彦, 篠原 光子, 大浦 清 : ラッパウニの体腔液に由来するレクチンの部分精製, 生化学, Vol.81, No.9, 343, 2009年9月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Kuniko Nagasaka, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Fumihiko Satoh, Takefumi Hosotani, Kumio Yokoigawa, Hitomi Sakai, Haruhiko Sakuraba, Toshihisa Ohshima, Mitsuko Shinohara and Kiyoshi Ohura : A novel cytotoxic protein, Karatoxin, from the dorsal spines of the the redfin velvetfihi, Hypodytes rubripinnis, Toxin Reviews, Vol.28, No.4, 260-265, 2009..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Hitomi Sakai, Kozue Edo, Mitsuko Shinohara and Kiyoshi Ohura : Partial purification of lectin components of coelomic fluid from the sea urchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, Journal Pharamacological Sicences, Vol.112, No.Suppl. 1, 166, Feb. 2010..[著者] | ... | ||||
Mitsuko Shinohara, Kuniko Nagasaka, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Kozue Edo, Hitomi Sakai, Koji Kato, Futoshi Iwaki, Kiyoshi Ohura and Haruhiko Sakuraba : A novel chemoattractant lectin, Karatoxin, from the dorsal spines of the small scorpionfish Hypodytes rubripinnis, Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, Vol.113, No.4, 414-417, 2010..[著者] | ... | ||||
Kiyoshi Ohura, Mitsuko Shinohara, Hideyuki Nakagawa and Kozue Edo : A novel chemoattractant protein, Karatoxin, from the dorsal spines of the redfin velvetfish, Hypodytes rubripinnis, XX1st International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, Vol.21, 124, Copenhagen, Sep. 2010..[著者] | ... | ||||
江戸 梢, 橋本 多美子, 酒井 仁美, 中川 秀幸 : ラッパウニ科のウニに由来する糖結合性タンパク質の性質について, 第57回日本家政学会中国・四国支部研究発表要旨集, 13, 2010年10月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Kozue Edo, 中川 秀幸, 酒井 仁美, Tamiko Hashimoto, Jun Kurochi, Masahiro Sakata, Shizuka Satoh, Mitsuko Shinohara, Kiyoshi Ohura, Haruhiko Sakuraba : Biological activities of a novel glycoprotein, Karatoxin, from the dorsal spines of the redfin velvetfish, Hypodytes rubripinnis, 第83回日本生化学会大会プログラム, 380, 2010年12月..[著者] | ... | ||||
石川 統, 黒岩 常祥, 塩見 正衛, 松本 忠夫, 守 隆夫, 八杉 貞雄, 山本 正幸, 中川 秀幸, 他800名 : 生物学辞典, 株式会社 東京化学同人, 東京, 2010年12月..[著者] | ... | ||||
石川 統, 他6名編集, 中川 秀幸, 他800名 : ウニ毒,魚毒, 株式会社 東京化学同人, (都市), 2010年12月..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸, 江戸 梢, 渡邊 ゆいか, 酒井 仁美, 筿原 光子, 大浦 清 : ハオコゼの背鰭刺棘毒に由来するレクチンの生理活性, Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, Vol.115, No.Suppl. 1, 231p, 2011年3月..[著者] | ... | ||||
江戸 梢, 橋本 多美子, 酒井 仁美, 中川 秀幸 : ラッパウニの大型叉棘に由来するレクチンの生物活性と多様性について, (社)日本家政学会第63回大会研究発表要旨集, 141, 2011年5月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Kozue Edo, Hitomi Sakai, Yuika Watanabe, Mitsuko Shinohara and Kiyoshi Ohura : Mining on novel lectins from some venomous fish and sea urchins, Abstract of 9th IST Asia Pacific Meeting on Animal, Plant and Microbial Toxins, 10, Vladivostok, Russia, Sep. 2011..[著者] | ... | ||||
江戸 梢, 橋本 多美子, 酒井 仁美, 中川 秀幸 : 徳島産ラッパウニの叉棘に由来するレクチンのサイトカイン産生と遊走活性, 第58会(社)日本家政学会中国・四国支部研究発表会 研究発表要旨集, 12, 2011年10月..[著者] | ... | ||||
中川 秀幸, 黒地 潤, 江戸 梢, 渡邊 ゆいか, 酒井 仁美, 三木 彩加, 森川 駿, 篠原 光子, 大浦 清 : ラッパウニの体腔液に由来する糖タンパク質の分画・精製と性質について, Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, Vol.118, No.Suppl. 1, 258p, 2012年2月..[著者] | ... | ||||
江戸 梢, 佐藤 静香, 酒井 仁美, 中川 秀幸 : ラッパウニの大型叉棘に由来する生理活性物質の多様性について, 社団法人 日本家政学会 第64回大会 研究発表要旨集, 119, 2012年5月..[著者] | ... | ||||
A. T. TU 編著, 後藤 京子, 中川 秀幸, 宮澤 啓輔 : 科学のとびら51 : 社会のなかに潜む毒物, 株式会社 東京化学同人, 東京, 2012年6月..[著者] | ... | ||||
江戸 梢, 酒井 仁美, 中川 秀幸 : 徳島産ラッパウニの大型叉棘に由来するマイトジェン様物質の精製について, (社)日本家政学会中国・四国支部 研究発表要旨集 2012, 9, 2012年10月..[著者] | ... | ||||
酒井 仁美, 中川 秀幸, 江戸 梢, 篠原 光子, 大浦 清 : ラッパウニの卵巣に由来するレクチンの探索, 日本薬理学雑誌, Vol.140, No.4, 9P, 2012年10月..[著者] | ... | ||||
渡邊 ゆいか, 中川 秀幸, 長坂 邦子, 篠原 光子, 大浦 清 : オニオコゼの背鰭刺毒レクチンの部分精製, 日本薬理学雑誌, Vol.140, No.4, 9P, 2012年10月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Kozue Edo, Hitomi Sakai, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Tamiko Hashimoto, Mitsuko Shinohara and Kiyoshi Ohura : Immunomodulatory activity of a pedicellarial venom lectin from the toxopneustid sea urchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, Toxin Reviews, Vol.31, No.3-4, 54-60, 2012..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Kozue Edo, Yuri Kotake, Hitomi Sakai, Mitsuko Shinohara and Kiyoshi Ohura : Isolation of a novel mitogenic factor from the pedicellariae of the toxopneustid sea urchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, Vol.121, No.Supplement 1, 157P, March 2013..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hitomi Sakai, Kozue Edo, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Mitsuko Shinohara, Rie Nishiitsutsuji and Kiyoshi Ohura : Isolation and partial characterization of a L-rhamnose-binding lectin from the globiferous pedicellariae of the toxopneustid sea urchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, International Aquatic Research, Vol.5, No.12, 1-10, 2013..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hitomi Sakai, Kozue Edo, Hiroyuki Hase, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Mitsuko Shinohara and Kiyoshi Ohura : Isolation of a L-rhamnose-binding lectin from the globiferous pedicellariae of the toxopneustid sea urchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, Vol.124, No.Suppl, 204P, Jan. 2014..[著者] | ... | ||||
江戸 梢, 酒井 仁美, 中川 秀幸, 西堀 尚良, 西尾 幸郎 : 徳島産ラッパウニの叉棘レクチンの生理活性について, 日本農芸化学会2014年度中四国支部大会(第40回公演会)講演要旨集, 49, 2014年9月..[著者] | ... | ||||
一瀬 彩香, 海野 英昭, 郷田 秀一郎, 中川 秀幸, 畠山 智充 : ラッパウニ叉棘由来ガラクトース特異的レクチンSUL-Iの遺伝子クローニングと機能解析, 第87回日本生化学大会要旨集, 303, 2014年10月..[著者] | ... | ||||
江戸 梢, 酒井 仁美, 吉野 真生子, 中川 秀幸 : 徳島産ラッパウニの叉棘に由来するレクチンの多様性について, 日本薬理学会西南部会プログラム・抄録集, 52, 2014年11月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hideyuki Nakagawa, Kuniko Nagasaka, Hitomi Sakai, Kozue Edo, Mitsuko Shinohara and kiyoshi Ohura : Isolation of a novel lectin from the dorsal spines of the devil stinger, Inimicus japonicus, International Aquatic Research, Vol.7, No.2, 143-150, 2015..[著者] | ... | ||||
Tomomitsu Hatakeyama, Ayaka Ichise, Tomokazu Yonekura, Hideaki Unno, Shuichiro Goda and Hideyuki Nakagawa : cDNA cloning and characterization of a rhamnose-binding lectin SUL-I from the toxopneustid sea urchin Toxopneustes pileolus venom, Toxicon, Vol.94, No.1, 8-15, 2015..[著者] | ... | ||||
Hitomi Sakai, Kozue Edo, Maoko Yoshino, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Mitsuko Shinohara and Kiyoshi Ohura : Isolation of novel lectins from the globiferous pedicellariae of the toxopneustes sea urchin, Toxopneustes pileolus, 88th JPS Annual Meeting Program, 214p, Feb. 2015..[著者] | ... | ||||
畠山 智充, 東 絵梨花, 海野 英昭, 郷田 秀一郎, 中川 秀幸 : ラッパウニ毒素タンパク質 Contractin A の cDNAクローニングと大腸菌による発現, 日本農芸化学会2015年度大会(岡山)プログラム集, 103, 2015年3月..[著者] | ... | ||||
Tomomitsu Hatakeyama, Ayaka Ichise, Hideaki Unno, Shuichiro Goda, Tatsuya Oda, Hiroaki Tateno, Jun Hirabayashi, Hitomi Sakai and Hideyuki Nakagawa : Carbohydrate recognition by the rhamnose-binding lectin SUL-I with a novel three-domain structure isolated from the venom of globiferous pedicellariae of the flower sea urchin Toxopneustes pileolus, Protein Science, Vol.276, No.8, 1574-1583, 2017..[著者] | ... |