『徳島大学 教育・研究者情報データベース (EDB)』---[学外] /
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排列順: 項目表示:
閲覧 佐藤 光信, 吉田 秀夫, 加治 亮詞, 岡本 正人, 伊賀 弘起, 川又 均, ワリド アルアデブ, 梁川 哲雄, 竹川 佳宏 : LAK細胞とγIL-2の動注による免疫療法と放射線療法を併用した上顎洞腺様膿庖癌における骨形成の誘導, 第48回日本癌学会総会(名古屋), 1989年9月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Mitsunobu Sato, Hideo Yoshida, Kali Ryoli, Masato Okamoto, Hiroki Iga, Kawamata Hitoshi, Kobayasi Shosuke, Aladib Walid, Yanagawa Tetsuo and Yoshihiro Takegawa : Induction of Bone Formation in an Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus by Adoptive Immunotherapy Involving Intra-arterial Injection of Lymphokine-Activated Killer Cells and Recombinant Interleukin-2 in Combination with Radiotherapy, Journal of Biological Response Modifiers, Vol.9, No.3, 329-334, 1990..[著者] ...
閲覧 Masato Okamoto, Kenji Hiura, Go Ohe, Yasuo Oba, Kunihiro Terai, Tetsuya Oshikawa, Sachiko Furuichi, Hidetomo Nishikawa, Keiji Moriyama, Hideo Yoshida and Mitsunobu Sato : Mechanism for bone invasion of oral cancer cells mediated by interleukin-6 in vitro and in vivo, Cancer, Vol.89, No.9, 1966-1975, 2000..[著者] ...
閲覧 岡本 正人, 古市 幸子, 押川 哲也, 大江 剛, 西川 英知, 田野 智之, アハマド シャリフウディン, 葛西 宗江, 永澤 秀子, 宇都 義浩, 堀 均, 佐藤 光信 : 低酸素細胞放射線増感剤Tx-1877誘導体のTh1ケモカイン誘導と抗腫瘍効果, 第7回癌治療増感研究会, (巻), (号), (頁), 2001年5月..[著者] ...
閲覧 佐藤 光信, 岡本 正人, 古市 幸子, 大江 剛, 西川 英知, 田野 智之, 吉田 秀夫 : OK-432有効成分によるToll-Like Receptor 4を介した樹状細胞活性化, 日本口腔科学会雑誌, Vol.52, No.2, 51-62, 2002年..[著者] ...
閲覧 佐藤 光信, 岡本 正人, 田野 智之, 大江 剛, 古市 幸子, 西川 英知, 吉田 秀夫 : 頭頸部癌患者におけるToll-like receptor 4およびMD-2遺伝子発現:癌免疫療法剤OK-432の分子標的, 日本口腔科学会雑誌, Vol.51, No.5, 340-348, 2002年..[著者] ...
閲覧 Masato Okamoto, S Furuichi, Yasuhiko Nishioka, T Oshikawa, G Ohe, H Nishikawa, T Tano, U S Armed, Y Moriya, T Matsubara, M Saito, Saburo Sone and Mitsunobu Sato : Maturation and activation of human dendritic cells in vitro by lipoteichoic acid-related molecule isolated from OK-432, a streptococcal agent: Involvement of Toll-like receptor 4, American Association for Cancer Research (AAGR), (巻), (号), (頁), USA, May 2002..[著者] ...
閲覧 Mitsunobu Sato, Masato Okamoto, Go Ohe, Sachiko Furuichi, Hidetomo Nishikawa, Tetsuya Oshikawa, Tomoyuki Tano, SU Ahmed and Hideo Yoshida : Enhancement of anti-tumor immunity by lipoteichoic acid-related molecule isolated from OK-432, a streptococcal agent, in athymic nude mice bearing human salivary adenocarcinoma: Role of natural killer cells, Anticancer Research, Vol.22, No.6A, 3229-3240, 2002..[著者] ...
閲覧 Toshiaki Tamaki, K Kirima, Masato Okamoto, S. Kondo, Shoji Kagami, Masanori Yoshizumi and Koichiro Tsuchiya : Oral nitrite increases the blood oxide and protects L-NAME-induced renal injury in rats, 36th Annual meeting of American Society of Nephrology, (巻), (号), (頁), San Diego, (month)2003..[著者] ...
閲覧 Mitsunobu Sato, Masato Okamoto, Tetsuya Oshikawa, Tomoyuki Tano, Go Ohe, Sachiko Furuichi and Hidetomo Nishikawa : Involvement of Toll-like receptor 4 signaling in interferon-γ production and anti-tumor effect by a streptococcal agent OK-432., Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol.95, No.4, 316-326, 2003..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tetsuya Oshikawa, Masato Okamoto, Go Ohe, Sachiko Furuichi, Hidetomo Nishikawa, Sharif Ahmed Uddin, Hideo Yoshida, Yoichiro Moriya, Shuzo Matsubara, Yoshiki Ryoma, Motoo Saito and Mitsunobu Sato : Anti-tumor immune response induced by the fractions derived from OK-432, a streptococcal preparation, by using a monoclonal antibody TS-2 that neutralizes the interferon-gamma-inducing activity of OK-432: comparison between the TS-2-binding and TS-2-unbinding fraction., International Immunopharmacology, Vol.3, No.5, 643-655, 2003..[著者] ...
閲覧 西岡 安彦, 岡本 正人, 岸 潤, 泉 啓介, 佐藤 光信, 曽根 三郎 : ブレオマイシン肺線維症におけるToll-like receptorの関与, ALI研究会, Vol.7, (号), (頁), 2003年2月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Masato Okamoto, Sachiko Furuichi, Yasuhiko Nishioka, Tetsuya Oshikawa, Tomoyuki Tano, Sharif Uddin Ahmed, Kiyoshi Takeda, Shizuo Akira, Yoshiki Ryoma, Yoichiro Moriya, Motoo Saito, Saburo Sone and Mitsunobu Sato : Expression of Toll-Like Receptor 4 on Dendritic Cells Is Significant for Anticancer Effect of Dendritic Cell-Based Immunotherapy in Combination with an Active Component of OK-432, a Streptococcal Preparation, Cancer Research, Vol.64, No.15, 5461-5470, 2004..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tetsuya Oshikawa, Masato Okamoto, Sharif U. Ahmed, Sachiko Furuichi, Tomoyuki Tano, Akiko Sasai, Shin Kan, Soko Kasai, Yoshihiro Uto, Hideko Nagasawa, Hitoshi Hori and Mitsunobu Sato : TX-1877, a bifunctional hypoxic cell radiosensitizer, enhances anticancer host response: immune cell migration and nitric oxide production., International Journal of Cancer, Vol.116, No.4, 571-578, 2005..[著者] ...






Number of session users = 1, LA = 0.57, Max(EID) = 414771, Max(EOID) = 1119657.