『徳島大学 教育・研究者情報データベース (EDB)』---[学外] /
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PERM=閲覧 石舟 智恵子 ([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.先端医学教育研究プロジェクト]/[徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.医科学部門.病理系.生体防御医学])


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排列順: 項目表示:
閲覧 石舟 智恵子, 前川 洋一, 安友 康二 : NotchリガンドDll-1誘導性の樹状細胞による原虫感染克服の試み, 第75回日本寄生虫学会大会, 2006年5月..[著者] ...
閲覧 前川 洋一, 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二 : Notch リガンド誘導性 Thy1-DC による CTL 分化の促進作用, 第71回日本インターフェロン・サイトカイン学会学術集会, 2006年7月..[著者] ...
閲覧 前川 洋一, 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二 : Trypanosoma cruzi感染応答における新規樹状細胞(Thy1-DC)サブセットの役割, 第62回日本寄生虫学会西日本支部大会・第62回日本衛生動物学会西日本支部大会合同大会, 2006年11月..[著者] ...
閲覧 石舟 智恵子, 前川 洋一, 安友 康二 : Notch signal-induced novel dendritic cells subset and its cellular functions in immune response, 第36回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会, 2006年12月..[著者] ...
閲覧 (種別) : 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二 : 【制御性T細胞の多様性と臨床応用】 微生物感染と制御性T細胞, 炎症と免疫, Vol.15, No.4, 437-442, (発行所), (都市), 2007年(0月)..[著者] ...
閲覧 石舟 智恵子, 前川 洋一, 安友 康二 : Trypanosoma cruzi感染応答に対する新規Thy1-DCの役割, 第76回日本寄生虫学会大会, 2007年3月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune, Yoichi Maekawa and Koji Yasutomo : Functions of Notch signaling-dependent Thy1-expressing dendritic cells in immune response, The 94th AAI Annual Meeting, No.B-164, Miami, USA, May 2007..[著者] ...
閲覧 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二 : 【制御性T細胞の多様性と臨床応用】 微生物感染と制御性T細胞, 炎症と免疫, Vol.15, No.4, 437-442, 2007年7月..[著者] ...
閲覧 木嶋 美香, 前川 洋一, 石舟 智恵子, 八木田 秀雄, 岸原 健二, 安友 康二 : Jagged2NK, 第37回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会, 2007年12月..[著者] ...
閲覧 前川 洋一, 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二 : Interaction of CTL development by Notch2 and CREB mediated signaling, 第37回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会, 2007年12月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Mika Kijima, Takeshi Yamaguchi, Chieko Ishifune, Yoichi Maekawa, Akemi Koyanagi, HIdeo Yagita, Shigeru Chiba, Kenji Kishihara, Mitsuo Shimada and Koji Yasutomo : Dendritic cell-mediated NK cell activation is controlled by Jagged2-Notch interaction., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol.105, No.19, 7010-7015, 2008..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yoichi Maekawa, Yoshiaki Minato, Chieko Ishifune, Takeshi Kurihara, Akiko Kitamura, Hidefumi Kojima, Hideo Yagita, Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimoto, Toshiki Saito, Ichiro Taniuchi, Shigeru Chiba, Saburo Sone and Koji Yasutomo : Notch2 integrates signaling by the transcription factors RBP-J and CREB1 to promote T cell cytotoxicity., Nature Immunology, Vol.9, No.10, 1140-1147, 2008..[著者] ...
閲覧 石舟 智恵子, 前川 洋一, 善本 隆之, 安友 康二 : Plasmacytoid dendritic cells are crucial for Th17 differentiation, 第38回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会, 2008年12月..[著者] ...
閲覧 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二 : 【樹状細胞による免疫制御と臨床応用 T細胞制御機構の理解から,樹状細胞療法の開発,自己免疫疾患・感染症の病態解明とその治療まで】 樹状細胞の生物学と生理学(分化・サブセット活性化・動態) Notchシグナルと樹状細胞分化, 実験医学, Vol.26, No.20, 3169-3174, 2008年12月..[著者] ...
閲覧 丸山 悟史, 石舟 智恵子, 前川 洋一, 安友 康二 : 樹状細胞のNotchシグナルはTリンパ球の活性化を負に制御する, 第5回Notch研究会, 2010年11月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune, Yoichi Maekawa, Jun Nishida, Akiko Kitamura, Tanigaki Kenji, Yagita Hideo and Koji Yasutomo : Notch signaling regulates the development of a novel type of Thy1-expressing dendritic cell in the thymus., European Journal of Immunology, Vol.41, No.5, 1309-1320, 2011..[著者] ...
閲覧 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二 : 【T細胞機能の誘導と抑制】 Tリンパ球の恒常性維持とNotchシグナル, 臨床免疫·アレルギー科, Vol.55, No.5, 490-495, 2011年5月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Tomomi Kuwahara, Yositoshi Ogura, Kenshiro Oshima, Ken Kurokawa, Tadasuke Ooka, Hideki Hirakawa, Takehiko Itoh, Haruyuki Nakayama-Imaohji, Minoru Ichimura, Kikuji Itoh, Chieko Ishifune, Yoichi Maekawa, Koji Yasutomo, Masahira Hattori and Tetsuya Hayashi : The lifestyle of the segmented filamentous bacterium: a non-culturable gut-associated immunostimulating microbe inferred by whole-genome sequencing., DNA Research, Vol.18, No.4, 291-303, 2011..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune, 片岡 佳子, 八木田 英雄, 前川 洋一 and 安友 康二 : Notchシグナルは小腸粘膜固有層に存在するCD4+CD11c+細胞の分化に必要である, 第40回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会, Nov. 2011..[著者] ...
閲覧 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二 : NotchによるPARP1活性化はB細胞特異的に腫瘍化を抑制する, 血液内科, Vol.63, No.6, 734-739, 2011年12月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Shuichi Iwahashi, Yoichi Maekawa, Jun Nishida, Chieko Ishifune, Akiko Kitamura, Hideki Arimochi, Keiko Kataoka, Shigeru Chiba, Mitsuo Shimada and Koji Yasutomo : Notch2 regulates the development of marginal zone B cells through Fos., Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.418, No.4, 701-707, 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二 : IL-22と新しいIL-10ファミリー(IL-19, 20, 22, 24, 26), 細胞工学, Vol.31, No.7, 751-757, 2012年6月..[著者] ...
閲覧 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二 : 腸管樹状細胞の分化とNotch シグナル, 臨床免疫·アレルギー科, Vol.58, No.4, 382-386, 2012年10月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune and Koji Yasutomo : Notch signaling is essential for the differentiation of CX3CR1 positive cells in lamina propria of the small intestine, 2012 International Symposium on Dendritic Cells., Daegu, Oct. 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune, Yoichi Maekawa and Koji Yasutomo : Notch signaling is essential for the differentiation of CX3CR1+ cell in lamina propria of the small intestine, 第41回日本免疫学会総会, Dec. 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune and Koji Yasutomo : Notch-mediated regulation of intestinal antigen presenting cells., 1st joint meeting; Tokushima University, KAIST and Seoul National University, Dec. 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune and Koji Yasutomo : Notch-mediated regulation of intestinal CD11c+ cells, The Second Immunology Symposium of The University of Tokushima Immune Development, Deviation, and Regulation 25 January 2013, (頁), Jan. 2013..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kohhei Nakajima, Yoichi Maekawa, Keiko Kataoka, Chieko Ishifune, Jun Nishida, Hideki Arimochi, Akiko Kitamura, Takayuki Yoshimoto, Shuhei Tomita, Shinji Nagahiro and Koji Yasutomo : The ARNT-STAT3 axis regulates the differentiation of intestinal intraepithelial TCRαβ+CD8αα+cells., Nature Communications, Vol.4, (号), 2112, 2013..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune and Koji Yasutomo : The differentiation of CX3CR1+CD11c+ cells by Notch signaling., 2nd joint meeting; Tokushima University, KAIST and Seoul National University, Sep. 2013..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune, Yoichi Maekawa, Katsuto Hozumi and Koji Yasutomo : Notch signaling regulates the differentiation of TCR alpha beta+ CD8alpha alpha+ Thy1- intraepithelial lymphocytes in the small intestine, 第42回日本免疫学会学術集会, Dec. 2013..[著者] ...
閲覧 Ahmed Zaied Bhuyan, Hideki Arimochi, Jun Nishida, Keiko Kataoka, Takeshi Kurihara, Chieko Ishifune, Hideki Tsumura, Morihiro Ito, Yasuhiko Ito, Akiko Kitamura and Koji Yasutomo : CD98hc regulates the development of experimental colitis by controlling effector and regulatory CD4(+) T cells., Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.444, No.4, 628-633, 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune and Koji Yasutomo : Requirement of Notch signaling for the development of intestinal intraepithelial T lymphocytes, The Third Bizan Immunology Symposium at The University of Tokushima (BISUT3), "Immune System Development, Deviation, and Regulation", (頁), Feb. 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 Ahmed Zaied Bhuyan, Michihito Asanoma, Akiko Iwata, Chieko Ishifune, Yoichi Maekawa, Mitsuo Shimada and Koji Yasutomo : Abrogation of Rbpj attenuates experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis by inhibiting IL-22-producing CD4+ T cells., PLoS ONE, Vol.9, No.2, e89266, 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune, Satoshi Maruyama, Yuki Sasaki, Hideo Yagita, Katsuto Hozumi, Taisuke Tomita, Kenji Kishihara and Koji Yasutomo : Differentiation of CD11c+ CX3CR1+ cells in the small intestine requires Notch signaling., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol.111, No.16, 5986-5991, 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二 : 自己免疫性大腸炎におけるNotchシグナルによる腸管上皮間T細胞の維持調節, 自己免疫研究会, 2014年7月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune and Koji Yasutomo : Control of intraepithelial lymphocytes by Notch signaling., 3rd joint meeting; Tokushima University, KAIST and Seoul National University, Sep. 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune, Maekawa Yoichi, Katsuto Hozumi and Koji Yasutomo : Notch regulates the differentiation of TCRalpha beta+ CD8alpha alpha+ intraepithelial lymphocytes in the small intestine through Stat5b signaling, 第43回 日本免疫学会学術集会, Dec. 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 Yoichi Maekawa, Chieko Ishifune, Shin-ichi Tsukumo, Katsuto Hozumi, Hideo Yagita and Koji Yasutomo : Notch controls the survival of memory CD4+ T cells by regulating glucose uptake., Nature Medicine, Vol.21, No.1, 55-61, 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二 : 難治性腸炎の発症に関わる腸管上皮細胞間リンパ球の分化制御, 第一回病因研究会別府シンポジウム, 2015年1月..[著者] ...
閲覧 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二 : Ahrによる腸管の恒常性制御 (レドックスUPDATE ストレス制御の臨床医学・健康科学に関する別冊号), 医学のあゆみ, 90-95, 2015年7月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune and Koji Yasutomo : Notch-STAT5b signaling regulates the TCRalpha beta+ CD8alpha alpha+ intraepithelial lymphocytes in the small intestine, 17th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology, Berlin, July 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kurihara Takeshi, Hideki Arimochi, Bhuyan Ahmed Zaied, Chieko Ishifune, Tsumura Hideki, Ito Morihiro, Ito Yasuhiko, Akiko Kitamura, Yoichi Maekawa and Koji Yasutomo : CD98 Heavy Chain Is a Potent Positive Regulator of CD4+ T Cell Proliferation and Interferon- Production In Vivo, PLoS ONE, Vol.10, No.10, e0139692, 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune and Koji Yasutomo : Notch-STAT5b Signaling Regulates the TCRαβ+CD8αα+ Intraepithelial Lymphocytes in the Small Intestine., 4th joint meeting; Tokushima University, KAIST and Seoul National University, Oct. 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 SJ Oh, S Ahn, YH Jin, Chieko Ishifune, JH Kim, Koji Yasutomo and DH Chung : Notch 1 and Notch 2 synergistically regulate the differentiation and function of invariant NKT cells., Journal of Leukocyte Biology, Vol.98, No.5, 781-789, 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune, Yoichi Maekawa, Katsuto Hozumi and Koji Yasutomo : Notch-STAT5b is central for the differentiation of TCR alpha beta+ CD8 alpha alpha+ intraepithelial lymphocytes, 第44回日本免疫学会学術集会, Nov. 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune, Yoichi Maekawa, Katsuto Hozumi and Koji Yasutomo : Notch-STAT5b is central for the development of TCR alpha beta+ CD8 alpha alpha+ small intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes, 16th International Congress of Immunology (ICI), Melbourne, Australia, Aug. 2016..[著者] ...
閲覧 Jaba Gamrekelashvili, Roberto Giagnorio, Jasmin Jussofie, Oliver Soehnlein, Johan Duchene, G Carlos Briseño, K Saravana Ramasamy, Kashyap Krishnasamy, Anne Limbourg, Tamar Kapanadze, Chieko Ishifune, Rabea Hinkel, Freddy Radtke, J Lothar Strobl, Ursula Zimber-Strobl, Christian L Napp, Johann Bauersachs, Hermann Haller, Koji Yasutomo, Christian Kupatt, M Kenneth Murphy, H Ralf Adams, Christian Weber and P Florian Limbourg : Regulation of monocyte cell fate by blood vessels mediated by Notch signalling., Nature Communications, Vol.7, (号), 12597, 2016..[著者] ...
閲覧 Takahiro Furukawa, Chieko Ishifune, Shin-ichi Tsukumo, Katsuto Hozumi, Yoichi Maekawa, Naoko Matsui, Ryuji Kaji and Koji Yasutomo : Transmission of survival signals through Delta-like 1 on activated CD4(+) T cells., Scientific Reports, Vol.6, (号), 33692, 2016..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune and Koji Yasutomo : Notch and Intraepithelial Lymphocytes., 5th joint meeting; Tokushima University, KAIST and Seoul National University, Sep. 2016..[著者] ...
閲覧 N Doi, 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二, T Miura, Y Sakai, K Fujimoto, S Harada, K Yoshimura, 野間口 雅子, 足立 昭夫 : アカゲザル病原性HIV-1の個体内複製と病原性:腸管由来細胞での感染評価技術の確立に向けて, 第64回日本ウイルス学会学術集会, 2016年10月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune, Yoichi Maekawa and Koji Yasutomo : Notch-Rbpj regulates Eat-Me singal of TCRab+CD8aa+ intraepithelial lymphocytes by controlling fllipase ATP8a2, 第45回日本免疫学会学術集会, Dec. 2016..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune and Koji Yasutomo : Notch and Myeloid Cells, Springer, (都市), (month)2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 石舟 智恵子 : Notch シグナルによる腸管マクロファージと腸管上皮間 リンパ球の分化・恒常性制御, 東邦大学 第13回生化学セミナー, 2017年4月..[著者] ...
閲覧 石舟 智恵子, 安友 康二 : Notchシグナルによる細胞膜リン脂質の極性制御を介した腸管上皮間リンパ球の制御, 第32回自己免疫研究会, 2017年7月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Sultana Taskia Zaman, Hideki Arimochi, Satoshi Maruyama, Chieko Ishifune, Shin-ichi Tsukumo, Akiko Kitamura and Koji Yasutomo : Notch Balances Th17 and Induced Regulatory T Cell Functions in Dendritic Cells by Regulating Aldh1a2 Expression., The Journal of Immunology, Vol.199, No.6, 1989-1997, 2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 Masanori Niki, Kohhei Nakajima, Daichi Ishikawa, Jun Nishida, Chieko Ishifune, Shin-ichi Tsukumo, Mitsuo Shimada, Shinji Nagahiro, Yoshinori Mitamura and Koji Yasutomo : MicroRNA-449a deficiency promotes colon carcinogenesis., Scientific Reports, Vol.7, No.1, 10696, 2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune and Koji Yasutomo : Notch signal controls number of TCRalphabeta+CD8alphaalpha+IEL thorough regulating phospholipid asymmetry, 6th joint meeting; Tokushima University, Gifu University, KAIST and Seoul National University, Sep. 2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune, Shin-ichi Tsukumo and Koji Yasutomo : Notch signal controls the number of TCRab+CD8aa+ intraepithelial lymphocytes via phospholipid asymmetry by maintaining flippase ATP8a2, 第46回 日本免疫学会学術集会, Dec. 2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune, Shin-ichi Tsukumo and Koji Yasutomo : Notch signal controls the number of TCR+CD8+ intraepithelial lymphocytes via phospholipid asymmetry by maintaining flippase ATP8a2, Australia-Japan Meeting on Cell Death, Tokyo, May 2018..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune and Koji Yasutomo : Notch signal controls TCR+CD8+ intestinal intraepithelial lymphocyte, 7th Joint Meeting of Tokushima University, Gifu University, KAIST, and Seoul National University, Seoul, Nov. 2018..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune and Koji Yasutomo : Notch-mediated final differantiation of TCRgd+CD8aa+ intraepithelial lymphocyte in the small intestine, 第47回 日本免疫学会学術集会, Dec. 2018..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune, Shin-ichi Tsukumo, Yoichi Maekawa, Katsuto Hozumi, Hyun Doo Chung, Chihiro Motozono, Sho Yamasaki, Hiroyasu Nakano and Koji Yasutomo : Regulation of membrane phospholipid asymmetry by Notch-mediated flippase expression controls the number of intraepithelial TCRαβ+CD8αα+ T cells., PLoS Biology, Vol.17, No.5, (頁), 2019..[著者] ...
閲覧 Shin-ichi Tsukumo, Ganesh Poorani Subramani, Noé Seija, Mizuho Tabata, Yoichi Maekawa, Yuya Mori, Chieko Ishifune, Yasushi Itoh, Mineto Ota, Keishi Fujio, M Noia Javier Di and Koji Yasutomo : AFF3, a susceptibility factor for autoimmune diseases, is a molecular facilitator of immunoglobulin class switch recombination., Science Advances, Vol.8, No.34, (頁), 2022..[著者] ...
閲覧 Chieko Ishifune and Koji Yasutomo : Notch signal controls final differentiation of TCRγδ+CD8αα+ intraepithelial lymphocytes in the small intestine, 第51回 日本免疫学会学術集会, Dec. 2022..[著者] ...
閲覧 Thiranut Jaroonwitchawan, Hideki Arimochi, Yuki Sasaki, Chieko Ishifune, Hiroyuki Kondo, Kunihiro Otsuka, Shin-ichi Tsukumo and Koji Yasutomo : Stimulation of the farnesoid X receptor promotes M2 macrophage polarization., Frontiers in Immunology, Vol.14, (号), (頁), 2023..[著者] ...






Number of session users = 1, LA = 0.31, Max(EID) = 414768, Max(EOID) = 1119639.