『徳島大学 教育・研究者情報データベース (EDB)』---[学外] /
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PERM=閲覧 関 伸一郎


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排列順: 項目表示:
閲覧 Shine-Od Dalkhsuren, Dolgorsuren Aldartsogt, Yukari Tsukada, Kikuji Yamashita, Kaori Sumida, Shinichiro Seki and Seiichiro Kitamura : The structural characteristics on the filiform and fungiform papillae of human tongue., The 53th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology., Oct. 2011..[著者] ...
閲覧 関 伸一郎, 加藤 隆史, 吉田 篤, 山下 菊治, 角田 佳折, 北村 清一郎 : 大脳皮質電気刺激で誘発される顎運動と皮質視床路との関連, 第53回歯科基礎医学会学術大会・総会, 2011年10月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Shine-Od Dalkhsuren, Dolgorsuren Aldartsogt, Tsukada Yukari, Kikuji Yamashita, Kaori Sumida, Shinichiro Seki and Seiichiro Kitamura : The variations of the filiform and fungiform papilae of human tongue., The 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists-Breau of Chuugoku,Shikoku, Nov. 2011..[著者] ...
閲覧 角田 佳折, 関 伸一郎, Dolgorsuren Aldartsogt, Shine-Od Dalkhsuren, 山下 菊治, 北村 清一郎 : 口蓋垂筋の起始・停止, 第117回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会, 2012年3月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Shine-Od Dalkhsuren, Dolgorsuren Aldartsogt, Tsukada Yukari, Kikuji Yamashita, Kaori Sumida, Shinichiro Seki and Seiichiro Kitamura : The charactristic of the filiform and fungiform papillae of human tongue., The 117th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists, March 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kikuji Yamashita, Dalkhsuren Shine-Od, Aldartsogt Dolgorsuren, Kaori Sumida, Shinichiro Seki and Seiichiro Kitamura : Development of the compound biomaterials containing the ceramics radiating the far infrared ray (FIR) energy and titanium with the bone forming ability, Journal of Hard Tissue Biology, 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 Dolgorsuren Aldartsogt, Kikuji Yamashita, Shine-Od Dalkhsuren, Shinichiro Seki, Kaori Sumida and Seiichiro Kitamura : Effects of the Rhyolite ceramics radiating the far infrared ray (FIR) energy on the bone forming ability., The 54thAnnual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology, Sep. 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 Dolgorsuren Aldartsogt, Kikuji Yamashita, Shine-Od Dalkhsuren, Shinichiro Seki, Kaori Sumida and Seiichiro Kitamura : Effects of the titanium inducing calcification and the Rhyolite ceramics radiating the far infrared ray(FIR) energy on the bone forming ability., The 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists-Breau of Chuugoku,Shikoku., Oct. 2012..[著者] ...
閲覧 益井 孝文, 関 伸一郎, 角田 佳折, Shine-Od Dalkhsuren, Dolgorsuren Aldartsogt, 山下 菊治, 北村 清一郎 : 口腔底粘膜下における動脈ならびに静脈の走行様式(第1報), 第118回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会, (巻), (号), (頁), 2013年3月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Dolgorsuren Aldartsogt, Kikuji Yamashita, Shine-Od Dalkhsuren, Kaori Sumida, Shinichiro Seki and Seiichiro Kitamura : Effects of tRhyolite ceramics radiating far infrared ray(FIR) energy and the titanium inducing calcification on bone formation., The 118th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists., March 2013..[著者] ...
閲覧 山下 菊治, アルダルツオゴト ドルゴルスレン, 角田 佳折, 関 伸一郎, 益井 孝文, 北村 清一郎 : 流紋岩含有食餌が養殖タイの生体に与える影響, 第22回硬組織再生生物学会学術大会(横浜), 2013年8月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Dolgorsuren Aldarsogt, Kikuji Yamashita, Kaori Sumida, Shinichiro Seki and Seiichiro Kitamura : The Rhyolite ceramics raditing far infrared ray (FIR) energy promotes the formation of bone., The 55thAnnual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology (Okayama), Sep. 2013..[著者] ...
閲覧 Dolgorsuren Aldartsogt, Kikuji Yamashita, Kazumi Sagayama, Kazuo Sakuma, Shine-Od Dalkhsuren, Kaori Sumida, Shinichiro Seki, Takafumi Masui and Seiichiro Kitamura : Effects of chaga mushroom ( Inonotus obliquus), The 68th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists-Breau Ube(Tottori), Oct. 2013..[著者] ...
閲覧 Shinichiro Seki, Takafumi Masui, Kaori Sumida, Dolgorsuren Aldartsogt, Kikuji Yamashita and Seiichiro Kitamura : Anatomical variations of the lingual artery: a case report, The 120th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists and the 92th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan, (巻), (号), (頁), March 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 角田 佳折, 関 伸一郎, ドルゴルスレン アルダルツオグト, 益井 孝文, 山下 菊治, 北村 清一郎 : 口蓋咽頭括約筋に関する肉眼解剖学的研究, 第119回日本解剖学会学術大会・総会 下野市(栃木), (巻), (号), (頁), 2014年3月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Aldartsogt Dolgorsuren, Kikuji Yamashita, Dalkhsuren Shine-Od, Kaori Sumida, Shinichiro Seki and Seiichiro Kitamura : The bioactive Rhyolite ceramics radiating for infrared ray (FIR) energy inducing new bone formation, The 119th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists Shimono (Tochigi ), March 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 Aldartsogt Dolgorsuren, Kikuji Yamashita, Dalkhsuren Shine-Od, Kaori Sumida, Shinichiro Seki and Seiichiro Kitamura : Effects of the water extract of Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) by oral administration on bone formation in the defect of rat femur., The 56thAnnual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology (Fukuoka), Sep. 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kaori Sumida, Gen Kashiwaya, Shinichiro Seki, Takafumi Masui, Yoshinori Ando, Kikuji Yamashita, Akira Fujimura and Seiichiro Kitamura : Anatomical status of the human Musculus uvulae and its functional implications., Clinical Anatomy, Vol.27, No.7, 1009-1015, 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 Aldarsogt Dolgorsuren, Kikuji Yamashita, Shine-Od Dalkhsuren, Kaori Sumida, Shinichiro Seki and Seiichiro Kitamura : The Ceramics Radiating Far Infrared Ray Energy (Rhyolite) Promote the Formation of Bone., Journal of Hard Tissue Biology, Vol.23, No.4, 423-434, 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 益井 孝文, 関 伸一郎, 角田 佳折, 山下 菊治, アルダルツオグト ドルゴルスレン : (題名), 日本解剖学会第69回中国・四国支部学術集会 (広島), (巻), (号), (頁), 2014年10月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Dolgorsuren Aldarsogt, Kikuji Yamashita, Dalkhsuren Shine-Od, Kaori Sumida and Shinichiro Seki : The Ceramics Radiating Far Infrared Ray Energy (Rhyolite) Promote the Formation of Bone., The 69th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists-Breau of Chuugoku,Shikoku (Hiroshima), Oct. 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 益井 孝文, 関 伸一郎, 角田 佳折, 山下 菊治, アルダルツオグト ドルゴルスレン, 北村 清一郎 : 舌下動脈の走行に関する肉眼解剖学的研究, 日本解剖学会第69回中国・四国支部学術集会, (巻), (号), (頁), 2014年10月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Dolgorsuren Aldarsogt, Kikuji Yamashita, Dalkhsuren Shine-Od, Kaori Sumida, Shinichiro Seki and Seiichiro Kitamura : The Ceramics Radiating Far Infrared Ray Energy (Rhyolite) Promote the Formation of Bone., The 69th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists-Breau of Chuugoku,Shikoku, Oct. 2014..[著者] ...
閲覧 Aldartsogt Dolgorsuren, Kikuji Yamashita, Dalkhsuren Shine-Od, Kaori Sumida, Shinichiro Seki and Seiichiro Kitamura : Change metabolic enzymes activity and effects of chaga mushroom ( Inonotus obliquus ) in diabetes mellitus., The 120th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists and the 92th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan, March 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 Shinichiro Seki, 益井 孝文, Kaori Sumida, Aldartsogt Dolgorsuren, Kikuji Yamashita and Seiichiro Kitamura : Anatomical variations of the lingual artery: a case report., The 120th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists and the 92th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan, (巻), (号), (頁), March 2015..[著者] ...
閲覧 関 伸一郎, 角田 佳折, 山下 菊治, 北村 清一郎 : ヒト舌動脈の走行経路に関する肉眼解剖学的研究, 日本解剖学会第70回中国・四国支部学術集会, (巻), (号), (頁), 2015年10月..[著者] ...
閲覧 Takafumi Masui, Shinichiro Seki, Kaori Sumida, Kikuji Yamashita and Seiichiro Kitamura : Gross Anatomical Classification of the Courses of the Human Sublingual Artery., Anatomical Science International, Vol.91, No.1, 97-105, 2016..[著者] ...
閲覧 Shinichiro Seki, Kaori Sumida, Kikuji Yamashita, Otto Baba and Seiichiro Kitamura : Gross anatomical classification of the courses of the human lingual artery., Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy : SRA, Vol.39, No.2, 195-203, 2017..[著者] ...
閲覧 Kaori Sumida, Yoshinori Ando, Shinichiro Seki, Kikuji Yamashita, Akira Fujimura, Otto Baba and Seiichiro Kitamura : Anatomical status of the human palatopharyngeal sphincter and its functional implications., Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy : SRA, Vol.39, No.11, 1191-1201, 2017..[著者] ...






Number of session users = 3, LA = 0.44, Max(EID) = 415539, Max(EOID) = 1123642.