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OWN=閲覧 服部 恒太 ([徳島大学.大学院社会産業理工学研究部.社会総合科学域.国際教養系.英語圏分野]/[徳島大学.総合科学部.社会総合科学科.国際教養コース])


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排列順: 項目表示:
閲覧 Kota Hattori and Iverson Paul : Examination of similarity between English /r/, /l/, and Japanese flap: An investigation of best exemplars by English and Japanese speakers, 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1777-1780, 2007. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori and Iverson Paul : Examination of similarity between English /r/, /l/, and Japanese flap: An investigation of best exemplars by English and Japanese speakers, 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1777-1780, (都市), Aug. 2007. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori and Iverson Paul : English /r/-/l/ pronunciation training for Japanese speakers, 155th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, (都市), June 2008. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori and Iverson Paul : English /r/-/l/ category assimilation by Japanese adults: Individual differences and the link to identification accuracy, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.125, No.1, 469-479, 2009. ...
閲覧 Hattori Kota and Iverson Paul : Examination of the relationship between L2 perception and production: An investigation of English /r/-/l/ perception and production by adult Japanese speakers, Interspeech 2010 Satellite Workshop on Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education, and Learning, (都市), Sep. 2010. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori and Iverson Paul : Examination of the Relationship between L2 Perception and Production: An Investigation of English /r/-/l/ Perception and Production by Adult Japanese Speakers, Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology, Interspeech 2010, 2-4, 2010. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori, Derrick Donald and Hay Jen : Examination of spontaneous non-native directed speech, The 14th Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, (都市), Dec. 2012. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori and Akihiro Tsukamoto : Where are good hitchhiking points? - Data analysis and visualization of Hitchwiki, Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, Vol.24, 2015. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori : Hitchhiker's mind space in the Netherlands, 統計理数理数研究所, Dec. 2015. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori and Akihiro Tsukamoto : Examination of travellers information search with a mobile application, Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, (巻), (号), (頁), San Francisco, March 2016. ...
閲覧 Shinsuke Kishie, Matsunaga Shuichi, Kimura Takashi, Abe Shin and Kota Hattori : Conducting research on the geographical linguistics by utilizing the data comprising, New Ways of Analyzing Variation Asia-Pacific 4, 183-184, (都市), April 2016. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori, Shinsuke Kishie, Sakoguchi Yukako, Kimura Takashi and Nanami Shiokawa : How fast would it be? - Observing the distribution of emerging words through Twitter, New Ways of Analyzing Variation Asia-Pacific 4, 190-191, (都市), April 2016. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori and Akihiro Tsukamoto : How do backpackers plan to travel with a mobile application?, Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 2016. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori : Topic modeling with TED talk, 統計理数研究所, Nov. 2016. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori : Topic modeling with TED talk - Can we find any trends in topics?, International Humanities Forum, (都市), Feb. 2017. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori and Akihiro Tsukamoto : Is there any seasonal trend in restaurants?, Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 2017. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori : Does this crepe disappoint you?, 統計理数理数研究所, Nov. 2017. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori : Are you stuck? - How to ask questions on Stack Overflow, Fukuoka R, March 2018. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori : How do yelp reviewers express their satisfactory and unsatisfactory feelings?, 6th International IBM Cloud Academy Conference ICACON 2018, (号), (都市), May 2018. ...
閲覧 Mio Takei, Tomokazu Fujino, Kota Hattori and Keisuke Honda : Understanding Research Trends Based on Paper Abstracts Using Topic Modeling, 6th International IBM Cloud Academy Conference ICACON 2018, (都市), May 2018. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori : Introduction to the sentimentr package, Fukuoka R, Sep. 2018. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori : Writing tendencies of Yelpers, A Workshop for statistical modeling for Institutional Research, Oct. 2018. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori : What students think about their universities, Cooperative Research Report,The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Dec. 2018. ...
閲覧 七條 あかね, 服部 恒太, 塚本 章宏 : 人気ご当地ナンバープレートはどこ?, 第15回GISコミュニティフォーラム, 2019年5月. ...
閲覧 七條 あかね, 服部 恒太 : 2016年アメリカ大統領選挙における,ヒスパニックの投票傾向の分析, データ解析環境Rの整備と利用, 2020年12月. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori : Analysis of lexical diffusion in Kansai area using Twitter, データ解析環境Rの整備と利用, Dec. 2020. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori : He swung and a miss! Clustering swinging strikes - The case of Shohei Otani, データ解析環境Rの整備と利用, Dec. 2021. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori and Shinsuke Kishie : Classification of Kansai dialects, The Seventeenth International Conference on Methods in Dialectology, (都市), Aug. 2022. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori : Classification of Kansai and Chugoku dialects, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Dec. 2022. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori and Shinsuke Kishie : Classification of Kansai and Chugoku dialects spoken by old Japanese speakers, The 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, (都市), May 2023. ...
閲覧 Kota Hattori and Shinsuke Kishie : Classification of Chubu-region dialects using random forest, The 185th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, (号), (都市), Dec. 2023. ...



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