Kazuya KusakaandTakao Hanabusa : Crystal Orientation and Residual Stress in Chromium Nitride Films Deposited by Arc-Ion Plating, Materials Science Research International, Special Technical Publication, Vol.1, (号), 299-302, 2001.
Li L. W., Fei D. W.andTakao Hanabusa : Effect of deposition condition on residual stress of iron nitride thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering and ion implantation, Applied Surface Science, Vol.252, (号), 2847-2852, 2006.
Takao Hanabusa, Yun-Hae Kim, Joon-Sik Kim, Jong-Rae ChoandKiriyama Satoshi : Encouragement of Engineering Education by International Coalition, --- Relation between the Center for Innovation adn Creativity Devekopment, The University of TOkushima and the Center for Innovation of Education, Korea Maritime University ---, 2006 JSEE Annual Conference, International Session Proceedings, (巻), (号), 3234, Kokura, Kitakyushu, July 2006.
Takao HanabusaandYun-Hae Kim : Activities in the Center for Innovation and Creativity Development of The University of Tokushima -Current International Relationship between The University of Tokushima and Korea Maritime University and the Future Development-, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Education, (巻), (号), 29-32, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 2008.
Yun-Hae KimandTakao Hanabusa : Activation of Engineering Education thorough Innternational Capstone Design Coalition, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Education, (巻), (号), 23-27, (都市), Nov. 2008.
Ishizaki Shigetoshi, Ozaki Jun-ichandTakao Hanabusa : Problem-Based Learning in Departiment of Mechanical Engineering, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Education, (都市), Aug. 2009.
Ayumi ShiroandTakao Hanabusa : Observatin of Micro Residual Stresses near the Grain Boundary in Coper Bicrystal with Schmidt Factor of 0.5, (誌名), (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Nov. 2009.
Masayuki NisidaandTakao Hanabusa : Stress Estimation of Titanium Casting Alloy by X-Ray Measurement Technique of Single Crystal, (誌名), (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Nov. 2009.
Takao Hanabusa, Ayumi Shiro, Refai MuslieandMasayuki Nishida : Diffraction Plane Dependence on Micro Residual Stresses in Uniaxially Extended Carbon Steels, --- The Neutron Stress Measurement ---, Proc. of MECA SANS, Mito, Nov. 2009.
Ayumi ShiroandTakao Hanabusa : Observation of Micro Residual Stresses near the Grain Boundary in Copper Bicrystal with Schmidt Factor of 0.5, Proc. of MECA SENCE, Mito, Nov. 2009.
Masayuki NishidaandTakao Hanabusa : Stress Estimation of Titanium Casting Alloy by X-ray Measurement Technique of Single Crystal, Proc. MECA SENS, Mito, Nov. 2009.