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著作: [向井 理恵]/福田 貴史/大西 愛紗美/[二川 健]/古澤 睦月/[寺尾 純二]/Chocolate as a food matrix reduces the bioavailability of galloylated catechins from green tea in healthy women./[Food & Function]


「著作」(著作(著書,論文,レター,国際会議など))は,研究業績にかかる著作(著書,論文,レター,国際会議など)を登録するテーブルです. (この情報が属するテーブルの詳細な定義を見る)

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2022年4月17日(日) 17:30:59
大家 隆弘
向井 理恵
種別 必須 学術論文(審査論文)
言語 必須 英語
招待 推奨
審査 推奨
カテゴリ 推奨
共著種別 推奨
学究種別 推奨
組織 推奨
著者 必須
  1. 向井 理恵([徳島大学.大学院社会産業理工学研究部.生物資源産業学域.食料科学系.食料科学分野])
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  2. (英) Fukuda Takashi / (日) 福田 貴史 / (読) ふくだ たかし
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨 ****
  3. (英) Ohnishi Asami / (日) 大西 愛紗美 / (読) おおにし あさみ
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨 ****
  4. 二川 健([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.栄養科学部門.医科栄養学系.生体栄養学])
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  5. (英) Furusawa Mutsuki / (日) 古澤 睦月 / (読) ふるさわ むつき
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨 ****
  6. 寺尾 純二
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
題名 必須

(英) Chocolate as a food matrix reduces the bioavailability of galloylated catechins from green tea in healthy women.

副題 任意
要約 任意

(英) In this study, we evaluated the food matrix effects of chocolate on the absorption of green tea catechins (GTCs), (-)-epicatechin (EC), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECg), and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg), in five healthy 22-year-old women. In the single-intake experiment, the plasma concentrations of ECg (P < 0.05, at 1.5 h) and EGCg (P < 0.05, at 6 h) but not those of EC and EGC were reduced by the chocolate matrix. Regardless of the chocolate matrix, ECg and EGCg were mainly present as their aglycones in the plasma, whereas EGC and EC were found mostly as conjugated metabolites. After daily intake of GTCs mixed with chocolate for 14 days followed by overnight fasting, ECg but not EGCg was detected in the plasma. To compare the plasma profiles of ECg and EGCg, a mixture containing approximately equal amounts of ECg and EGCg was administered to nine rats for 14 days. Following treatment and overnight food deprivation, the plasma content of ECg was higher than that of EGCg. After a single injection of the same mixture in seven rats, ECg levels were higher than those of EGCg, and a greater amount of conjugated metabolites of ECg than those of EGCg was detected in the plasma 10 h after administration. In conclusion, the chocolate matrix affects the plasma profiles of GTCs, particularly ECg. ECg appears to persist in the plasma for a longer period, regardless of the chocolate matrix.

キーワード 推奨
  1. (英) Adult
  2. (英) Animals
  3. (英) Biological Availability
  4. (英) Catechin
  5. (英) Chocolate
  6. (英) Female
  7. (英) Food
  8. (英) Humans
  9. (英) Male
  10. (英) Models, Animal
  11. (英) Rats
  12. (英) Rats, Wistar
  13. (英) Reference Values
  14. (英) Tea
  15. (英) Young Adult
発行所 推奨
誌名 必須 Food & Function(Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain))
(pISSN: 2042-6496, eISSN: 2042-650X)
ISSN 任意 2042-650X
ISSN: 2042-6496 (pISSN: 2042-6496, eISSN: 2042-650X)
Title: Food & function
Title(ISO): Food Funct
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
 (NLM Catalog  (Scopus  (CrossRef (Scopus information is found. [need login])
必須 12
必須 1
必須 408 416
都市 任意
年月日 必須 2021年 1月 7日
URL 任意
DOI 任意 10.1039/d0fo02485f    (→Scopusで検索)
PMID 任意 33393957    (→Scopusで検索)
WOS 任意
Scopus 任意
評価値 任意
被引用数 任意
指導教員 推奨
備考 任意
  1. (英) Article.ELocationID: 10.1039/d0fo02485f

  2. (英) Article.PublicationTypeList.PublicationType: Journal Article