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著作: Manning John T/Seregin Alexey V/Yun Nadezhda E/[駒 貴明]/Huang Cheng/Barral José/de la Torre Juan C/Paessler Slobodan/Absence of an N-Linked Glycosylation Motif in the Glycoprotein of the Live-Attenuated Argentine Hemorrhagic Fever Vaccine, Candid #1, Results in Its Improper Processing, and Reduced Surface Expression./[Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology]


「著作」(著作(著書,論文,レター,国際会議など))は,研究業績にかかる著作(著書,論文,レター,国際会議など)を登録するテーブルです. (この情報が属するテーブルの詳細な定義を見る)

  • 項目名の部分にマウスカーソルを置いて少し待つと,項目の簡単な説明がツールチップ表示されます.


2018年12月25日(火) 16:22:14
三木 ちひろ
駒 貴明
種別 必須 学術論文(審査論文)
言語 必須 英語
招待 推奨
審査 推奨
カテゴリ 推奨
共著種別 推奨
学究種別 推奨
組織 推奨
著者 必須
  1. (英) Manning John T
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  2. (英) Seregin Alexey V
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  3. (英) Yun Nadezhda E
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  4. 駒 貴明([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.先端医学教育研究プロジェクト]/[徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.医科学部門.病理系.微生物病原学])
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  5. (英) Huang Cheng
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  6. (英) Barral José
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  7. (英) de la Torre Juan C
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  8. (英) Paessler Slobodan
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
題名 必須

(英) Absence of an N-Linked Glycosylation Motif in the Glycoprotein of the Live-Attenuated Argentine Hemorrhagic Fever Vaccine, Candid #1, Results in Its Improper Processing, and Reduced Surface Expression.

副題 任意
要約 任意

(英) Junin virus (JUNV), a highly pathogenic New World arenavirus, is the causative agent of Argentine hemorrhagic fever (AHF). The live-attenuated Candid #1 (Can) strain currently serves as a vaccine for at-risk populations. We have previously shown that the Can glycoprotein (GPC) gene is the primary gene responsible for attenuation in a guinea pig model of AHF. However, the mechanisms through which the GPC contributes to the attenuation of the Can strain remain unknown. A more complete understanding of the mechanisms underlying the attenuation and immunogenicity of the Can strain will potentially allow for the rational design of additional safe and novel vaccines. Here, we provide a detailed comparison of both RNA and protein expression profiles between both inter- and intra-segment chimeric JUNV recombinant clones expressing combinations of genes from the Can strain and the pathogenic Romero (Rom) strain. The recombinant viruses that express Can GPC, which were shown to be attenuated in guinea pigs, displayed different RNA levels and GPC processing patterns as determined by Northern and Western blot analyses, respectively. Analysis of recombinant viruses containing amino acid substitutions selected at different mouse brain passages during the generation of Can revealed that altered Can GPC processing was primarily due to the T168A substitution within G1, which eliminates an N-linked glycosylation motif. Incorporation of the T168A substitution in the Rom GPC resulted in a Can-like processing pattern of Rom GPC. In addition, JUNV GPCs containing T168A substitution were retained within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and displayed significantly lower cell surface expression than wild-type Rom GPC. Interestingly, the reversion A168T in Can GPC significantly increased GPC expression at the cell surface. Our results demonstrate that recombinant JUNV (rJUNV) expressing Can GPC display markedly different protein expression and elevated genomic RNA expression when compared to viruses expressing Rom GPC. Additionally, our findings indicate that the N-linked glycosylation motif at amino acid positions 166-168 is important for trafficking of JUNV GPC to the cell surface, and the elimination of this motif interferes with the GPC release from the ER.

キーワード 推奨
  1. (英) Amino Acid Motifs
  2. (英) Animals
  3. (英) Arenaviruses, New World
  4. (英) Cell Line
  5. (英) Cells, Cultured
  6. (英) Cricetinae
  7. 小胞体(endoplasmic reticulum)
  8. (英) Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress
  9. 遺伝子発現(gene expression)
  10. (英) Gene Expression Regulation, Viral
  11. (英) Glycoproteins
  12. (英) Glycosylation
  13. (英) Hemorrhagic Fever, American
  14. (英) Humans
  15. (英) Protein Processing, Post-Translational
  16. (英) Protein Transport
  17. (英) Transcription, Genetic
  18. (英) Viral Vaccines
  19. (英) Virulence
発行所 推奨
誌名 必須 Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology(Frontiers Media)
(eISSN: 2235-2988)
ISSN 任意 2235-2988
ISSN: 2235-2988 (eISSN: 2235-2988)
Title: Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology
Title(ISO): Front Cell Infect Microbiol
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
 (NLM Catalog  (Scopus  (CrossRef (Scopus information is found. [need login])
必須 7
必須 ---
必須 20 20
都市 任意
年月日 必須 2017年 2月 6日
URL 任意
DOI 任意 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00020    (→Scopusで検索)
PMID 任意 28220142    (→Scopusで検索)
WOS 任意
Scopus 任意 2-s2.0-85014514148
評価値 任意
被引用数 任意
指導教員 推奨
備考 任意
  1. (英) PublicationType: Journal Article