著作: [橋本 修一]/[片山 哲郎]/[瀬戸浦 健仁]/Uwada Takayuki/Miyasaka Hiroshi/Laser-driven phase transitions in aqueous colloidal gold nanoparticles under high pressure: Picosecond pump-probe study/[Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics]
「著作」(著作(著書,論文,レター,国際会議など))は,研究業績にかかる著作(著書,論文,レター,国際会議など)を登録するテーブルです. (この情報が属するテーブルの詳細な定義を見る)
- 項目名の部分にマウスカーソルを置いて少し待つと,項目の簡単な説明がツールチップ表示されます.
種別 | 必須 | 学術論文(審査論文) | |||
言語 | 必須 | 英語 | |||
招待 | 推奨 | ||||
審査 | 推奨 | Peer Review | |||
カテゴリ | 推奨 | 研究 | |||
共著種別 | 推奨 | ||||
学究種別 | 推奨 | ||||
組織 | 推奨 |
著者 | 必須 | ||||
題名 | 必須 |
(英) Laser-driven phase transitions in aqueous colloidal gold nanoparticles under high pressure: Picosecond pump-probe study |
副題 | 任意 | ||||
要約 | 任意 |
(英) Pump-probe transient extinction spectroscopy was applied to analyze 355-nm picosecond laser heating-induced phenomena of 60-nm-diameter aqueous gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) under a high pressure of 60 MPa. Kinetic spectroscopy revealed that a supercritical layer surrounding the AuNP nucleated with a lifetime of approximately 1 ns in its dynamic expansion and decay behavior for a fluence of 19.6 mJ cm 2. Moreover, we observed in the post-mortem transmission electron micrographs a number of fragments, a small percentage of size-reduced cores, and erupted particles, among the intact particles after 60 shots, suggesting that evaporation occurs under laser illumination. The particle temperature calculation indicated that evaporation begins with a liquid droplet AuNP surrounded by a supercritical layer at temperatures below the boiling point of gold. By applying high pressure, we are able to obtain a clear picture of the evaporation event, which was not possible at ambient pressure because the forming bubble caused particle temperatures to rise uncontrollably. In this study, we shed light on the critical role of the supercritical layer formed around the AuNP under high pressure during laser-induced evaporation. |
キーワード | 推奨 | ||||
発行所 | 推奨 | 英国王立化学会 | |||
誌名 | 必須 |
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics([英国王立化学会])
(pISSN: 1463-9076, eISSN: 1463-9084)
巻 | 必須 | 18 | |||
号 | 必須 | 6 | |||
頁 | 必須 | 4994 5004 | |||
都市 | 任意 | ||||
年月日 | 必須 | 2016年 1月 12日 | |||
URL | 任意 | ||||
DOI | 任意 | 10.1039/C5CP07395B (→Scopusで検索) | |||
PMID | 任意 | 26812175 (→Scopusで検索) | |||
CRID | 任意 | ||||
WOS | 任意 | ||||
Scopus | 任意 | ||||
評価値 | 任意 | ||||
被引用数 | 任意 | ||||
指導教員 | 推奨 | ||||
備考 | 任意 |