著作: [高橋 正幸]/[金山 博臣]/腎癌・前立腺癌に対する最新の薬物療法/[四国医学雑誌]
「著作」(著作(著書,論文,レター,国際会議など))は,研究業績にかかる著作(著書,論文,レター,国際会議など)を登録するテーブルです. (この情報が属するテーブルの詳細な定義を見る)
- 項目名の部分にマウスカーソルを置いて少し待つと,項目の簡単な説明がツールチップ表示されます.
種別 | 必須 | 学術論文(審査論文) | |||
言語 | 必須 | 日本語 | |||
招待 | 推奨 | ||||
審査 | 推奨 | ||||
カテゴリ | 推奨 | ||||
共著種別 | 推奨 | ||||
学究種別 | 推奨 | ||||
組織 | 推奨 | ||||
著者 | 必須 | ||||
題名 | 必須 |
(英) Updated systemic therapy for advanced/metastatic renal cell carcinoma and prostate cancer (日) 腎癌・前立腺癌に対する最新の薬物療法 |
副題 | 任意 | ||||
要約 | 任意 |
(日) As advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) shows resistance to anti-cancer drugs, immunotherapy had been the mainstay of systemic therapy. Recently, molecular targeted agents including VEGF and mTOR inhibitors have been introduced, and so systemic therapy for advanced RCC has been significantly altered. VEGF inhibitors show marked efficacy in regard to tumor size reduction, and the representative adverse events include hypertension, hand-foot syndrome, and hypothyroidism. mTOR inhibitors have modest effects for tumor size reduction, and the specific adverse events include stomatitis, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and interstitial pneumonia. The introduction of molecular targeted agents has improved survival in advanced RCC patients. Hormonal therapy is at the center of systemic therapy for advanced prostate cancer patients. Castration or LH-RH analogues suppress the proliferation of prostate cancer cells by decreasing androgen production in the testes. Anti-androgens inhibit the binding of testosterone to androgen receptors, and combination therapy of castration or LH-RH analogues and anti-androgens, called maximum androgen blockade, shows enhanced efficacy for advanced prostate cancer. Docetaxel is administered for castration-resistant prostate cancer, and prolongs survival compared to previously used anti-cancer drugs. Regarding new drugs for prostate cancer, an LH-RH antagonist, a CYP17 inhibitor of androgen production in the adrenal glands, and new anti-androgens with a higher affinity for androgen receptors have been developed for clinical use. |
キーワード | 推奨 |
発行所 | 推奨 | 徳島医学会 | |||
誌名 | 必須 |
(pISSN: 0037-3699, eISSN: 2758-3279)
巻 | 必須 | 69 | |||
号 | 必須 | 5,6 | |||
頁 | 必須 | 201 206 | |||
都市 | 任意 | ||||
年月日 | 必須 | 2013年 12月 25日 | |||
URL | 任意 | http://repo.lib.tokushima-u.ac.jp/109726 | |||
DOI | 任意 | ||||
PMID | 任意 | ||||
CRID | 任意 | 1050865122807785344 | |||
NAID | 120005767957 | ||||
WOS | 任意 | ||||
Scopus | 任意 | ||||
機関リポジトリ | 109726 | ||||
評価値 | 任意 | ||||
被引用数 | 任意 | ||||
指導教員 | 推奨 | ||||
備考 | 任意 |