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- [教務委員会委員]/[徳島大学.工学部.生物工学科]
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- 継承
種別 |
必須 |
工学部•昼間 (授業概要) |
入学年度 |
必須 |
西暦 2010年 (平成 22年) |
名称 |
必須 |
(英) Practical Technical English / (日) 実用技術英語 / (読) じつようぎじゅつえいご
コース |
必須 |
- 2010/[徳島大学.工学部.生物工学科]/[昼間コース]
担当教員 |
必須 |
- コインカー パンカジ([徳島大学.大学院社会産業理工学研究部.理工学域.光応用系.光機能材料分野]/[徳島大学.理工学部.理工学科.光システムコース.光機能材料講座]/[徳島大学.大学院理工学研究部]/[徳島大学.工学部.光応用工学科.光機能材料講座]/[徳島大学.先端技術科学教育部.システム創生工学専攻.光システム工学コース.光機能材料工学講座])
単位 |
必須 |
1 |
目的 |
必須 |
(英) This course is designed to help student to acquire the basic skills and knowledge required for scientific writing.
概要 |
必須 |
(英) In this class student will a. learn strategies used in scientific writing with an emphasis on effective argument, b. review student's writing and revise their writing, c. give an oral presentation on student own technical paper
キーワード |
推奨 |
- (英) Technical Writing
先行科目 |
推奨 |
- 上級技術英語([2010/[徳島大学.工学部.化学応用工学科]/[昼間コース]])
関連科目 |
推奨 |
- 英語プレゼンテーション技法([2010/[徳島大学.工学部.電気電子工学科]/[昼間コース]])
要件 |
任意 |
(英) You should have gotten the credit of "Advanced Technical English."
注意 |
任意 |
(英) This subject is a sompulsory one for Nichia STC students. If you are not Nichia STC students and want to attend this class, please contact a coordinator in your department for getting permission of your attendance.
目標 |
必須 |
(英) To get ability to know the journalistic nuts and bolts of scientific writing
(英) To get ability to discuss what science is, how to write a research paper,
(英) To get ability to review topics of scientific importance
(英) To get ability to distinguish central concepts from details in structuring scientific writing
(英) To get ability to organize and present ideas logically
(英) To get ability to write documents used in the sciences and engineering
計画 |
必須 |
(英) Basics of Scientific writing: Introduction to writing in the sciences and the challenges of scientific writing
(英) Grammar and punctuation
(英) The differences between scientific writing and other forms of writing
(英) Describe several kinds of scientific writing and the purpose for each
(英) Avoid common errors in scientific writing
(英) Troublesome words and Commonly confused words
(英) Getting to the point: Components of a research paper
(英) Tips on writing Titles, Abstracts, and Introduction, Experimental Procedure
(英) Tips on writing Results, Discussions, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References
(英) Visuals and their conventions
(英) Writing for Publication: Grammar review of scientific research paper
(英) Writing clearly and directly : Write precise and clear sentences and paragraphs
(英) Improving scientific writing : Revise for clarity and effectiveness
(英) Correcting grammatical flaws in sample texts
(英) Ethics and scientific writing Fabrication, plagiarism, common knowledge, attributing authorship
(英) Identify and correct common writing problems, Final revision questions and discussion
評価 |
必須 |
(英) The overall grade will be based on the mid-term and final examinations and homework assignments.
任意 |
任意 |
対象学生 |
任意 |
(英) Nichia STC students and a limitted number of students who are permitted to get this subject.
教科書 |
必須 |
(英) S. Bailey, ``Academic writing: A Practical guide for students'' Nelson Thornes Ltd (2003)
(英) Robert A. Day, Barbara Gastel, ``How to write and publish a scientific paper'',
参考資料 |
推奨 |
任意 |
連絡先 |
推奨 |
- コインカー パンカジ([徳島大学.大学院社会産業理工学研究部.理工学域.光応用系.光機能材料分野]/[徳島大学.理工学部.理工学科.光システムコース.光機能材料講座]/[徳島大学.大学院理工学研究部]/[徳島大学.工学部.光応用工学科.光機能材料講座]/[徳島大学.先端技術科学教育部.システム創生工学専攻.光システム工学コース.光機能材料工学講座])
- 橋爪 正樹
科目コード |
推奨 |
備考 |
任意 |