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授業概要: 2010/中級技術英語


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2010年2月22日(月) 14:05:05
熊野 恭子
種別 必須 工学部•昼間 (授業概要)
入学年度 必須 西暦 2010年 (平成 22年)
名称 必須 (英) Technical English / (日) 中級技術英語 / (読) ちゅうきゅうぎじゅつえいご
コース 必須
  1. 2010/[徳島大学.工学部.機械工学科]/[昼間コース]
担当教員 必須
  1. カーペンター ウォルター
    肩書 任意
単位 必須 1
目的 必須

(英) The primary aim of the course is to enhance reading and writing skills in technical--especially scientific and engineering--English.

概要 必須

(英) The primary focus will be the development of three English skills: listening comprehension, reading and writing. The key objective will be to increase and broaden knowledge of technical and scientific vocabulary. As a result, students should be better able to understand and produce English technical writing, especially in the field of Engineering. Therefore, the emphasis of the course content is intended to strengthen and expand both comprehension and expressive abilities. It is anticipated that this will include improving the basic aspects of clear writing: important aspects of grammar, vocabulary, and recurring patterns of typical sentences commonly found in technical English.

キーワード 推奨
  1. (英) technical English
  2. (英) scientific technical articles
  3. (英) technical term
先行科目 推奨
  1. 初級技術英語([2010/[徳島大学.工学部.建設工学科]/[昼間コース]])
    必要度 任意 1.000000
関連科目 推奨
  1. 上級技術英語([2010/[徳島大学.工学部.化学応用工学科]/[昼間コース]])
    関連度 任意 1.000000
要件 任意

(英) You should have gotten the credit of "Basic Technical English."

注意 任意

(英) This subject is a sompulsory one for Nichia STC students. If you are not Nichia STC students and want to attend this class, please contact a coordinator in your department for getting permission of your attendance.

(日) 日亜STC学生は必ず受講すること.日亜STC学生でない学生がこの科目を受講する場合は自分の学科のコーディネータに連絡し受講許可を受けること.

目標 必須
  1. (英) To master vocabulary and sentence formation commonly encountered in scientific technical articles, journals and books.

  2. (英) To develop three English skills: listening comprehension, reading and writing.

計画 必須
  1. (英) Conventions of English 1

  2. (英) Conventions of English 2

  3. (英) Vocabulary: correct spelling

  4. (英) Vocabulary: how to communicate to an English-speaking person the spelling of a word or phrase, homonyms,synonyms and commonly misspelled or misunderstood English words

  5. (英) Noun and verb agreement 1

  6. (英) Noun and verb agreement 2

  7. (英) Reading skills 1

  8. (英) Reading skills 2

  9. (英) Differences between academic and professional writing 1

  10. (英) Differences between academic and professional writing 2

  11. (英) Important points to avoid in technical writing 1

  12. (英) Important points to avoid in technical writing 2

  13. (英) How to describe commonly used adjectives, phrases and words that describe location, phrases and words that describe the frequency of occurrence or the unique qualities of a thing, a process, or research.

  14. (英) How to understand commonly used adjectives, phrases and words that describe location, phrases and words that describe the frequency of occurrence or the unique qualities of a thing, a process, or research.

  15. (英) When and how to compose formal communication: letters of acceptance, letters of inquiry, project proposal letters.

  16. (英) Electronic forms of communication (E-mail), using the internet to conduct research, how to cite internet sources of information, what to avoid when using the internet for research purposes.

評価 必須

(英) The overall grade will be based on the mid-term and final examinations and homework assignments.

JABEE合格 任意
JABEE関連 任意
対象学生 任意

(英) Nichia STC students and a limitted number of students who are permitted to get this subject.

教科書 必須
  1. (英) Presenting Science: A Technical English Course for Engineering Majors. (Second Edition). 2008. Macmillan Language House.

参考資料 推奨
URL 任意
連絡先 推奨
  1. 西口 純代
    オフィスアワー 任意

    (英) Wed 12pm-1pm

    (日) 水曜日 12時-1時

  2. 橋爪 正樹
    オフィスアワー 任意
科目コード 推奨
備考 任意