授業概要: 2008/無機光機能材料論
「授業概要」(授業概要のリスト)は,授業の概要を登録するテーブルです. (この情報が属するテーブルの詳細な定義を見る)
- 項目名の部分にマウスカーソルを置いて少し待つと,項目の簡単な説明がツールチップ表示されます.
種別 | 必須 | 先端技術科学教育部 (授業概要) | ||||||
入学年度 | 必須 | 西暦 2008年 (平成 20年) | ||||||
名称 | 必須 |
(英) Optical and Functional Inorganic Materials / (日) 無機光機能材料論 / (読) むきひかりきのうざいりょうろん
形態 | 推奨 | |||||||
コース | 必須 | |||||||
担当教員 | 必須 | |||||||
単位 | 必須 | 2 | ||||||
目的 | 必須 |
(英) This cource aims to learn the fundamentals of material science of such as single crystals, polycrystals or amorphous films for optical and functional materials. At the same time, the synthesis methods of various films, their evaluation techniques and the propagating optical beam and acoustic waves in crystals are lectured. Apart from above, semiconductor device physics is also included. |
概要 | 必須 |
(英) Fundamentals of crystal science is lectured at first. Optical and electronic processes in optical and functional materials such as single crystals, polycrystals or amorphous films are followed. Advanced solid state physics of semiconductors, dielectric and ferroelectric materials are included. Synthesis methods of optical and functional crystals and films, evaluation methods of film properties are also contained. Electro-optical and piezo-electrical effects and solid state physics relating with their effects, characterization of crystals, symmetry elements of crystals and material constants,optical properties of crystals, electro-optical effects and nonlinear effects, piezoelectricity, acoustic waves in crystal,interaction of phtons and phonons in crystal, synthesis methods of thin films (PVD method; electron beam evaporation, MBE, sputtering, laser ablation), film properties (charaterizations of electrical, optical and mechanical properties) are included. In addition, modern semiconductor device physics, such as hot carrier effects, deep trap effect, short channel effects, etc will be lectured. |
キーワード | 推奨 | |||||||
先行科目 | 推奨 | |||||||
関連科目 | 推奨 |
要件 | 任意 | |||||||
注意 | 任意 | |||||||
目標 | 必須 |
計画 | 必須 |
評価 | 必須 |
(英) Reports for each theme and examination (日) テーマに対応するレポートと最終回の総合テストにより評価する. |
再評価 | 必須 |
(英) Reexamination is prepared for the students who get points of 40-59 % at the first examination. The students who have got points below 40 % should select a class in the next year. (日) 再試験は第1回の試験で60-40点までの者に対しておこなう. 評価点の最高は79点とする. 第1回試験において,40点未満の場合は再受講とする. |
対象学生 | 任意 | 開講コース学生のみ履修可能 | ||||||
教科書 | 必須 |
参考資料 | 推奨 | |||||||
URL | 任意 | |||||||
連絡先 | 推奨 | |||||||
科目コード | 推奨 | |||||||
備考 | 任意 |