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著作: Ogawa Hirohisa/Nishimura Naoki/[西岡 安彦]/[吾妻 雅彦]/[楊河 宏章]/[曽根 三郎]/Interleukin(IL)-12 gene transduction and its functional expression into human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) by adenovirus vector/[The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI]


「著作」(著作(著書,論文,レター,国際会議など))は,研究業績にかかる著作(著書,論文,レター,国際会議など)を登録するテーブルです. (この情報が属するテーブルの詳細な定義を見る)

  • 項目名の部分にマウスカーソルを置いて少し待つと,項目の簡単な説明がツールチップ表示されます.


2022年5月5日(木) 19:57:44
西岡 安彦
種別 必須 学術論文(審査論文)
言語 必須 英語
招待 推奨
審査 推奨
カテゴリ 推奨
共著種別 推奨
学究種別 推奨
組織 推奨
著者 必須
  1. (英) Ogawa Hirohisa
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  2. (英) Nishimura Naoki
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  3. 西岡 安彦([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.医科学部門.内科系.呼吸器・膠原病内科学])
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  4. 吾妻 雅彦
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  5. 楊河 宏章
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  6. 曽根 三郎
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
題名 必須

(英) Interleukin(IL)-12 gene transduction and its functional expression into human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) by adenovirus vector

副題 任意
要約 任意

(英) Interleukin (IL)-12 is known as a cytokine that augments the Th1 type response. Especially in allergic diseases such as a bronchial asthma, IL-12 induced restoration of the balance of the Th1/Th2 type immune response is an attractive strategy. In this study, the functional properties of the human bronchial epithelial cell line (BEAS-2B) transduced by an adenoviral vector encoding the human IL-12 gene were examined. Adenovirus vectors, AxCAegfp and Ax1CIhp40ip35 were transduced into BEAS-2B cells. Wild and gene-transduced BEAS-2B cells were incubated and the concentrations of IL-12 and IFN-gamma produced by co-cultured lymphocytes in the supernatant were measured using ELISA. The expressions of surface adhesion molecules, such as CD54 and CD106 were analyzed using flow cytometry. The efficiency of transgene expression of BEAS-2B cells was in a multiplicity of infection (MOI)-dependent manner and at an MOI of 30, the efficiency was approximately 80%. The gene-modified BEAS-2B cells produced biologically active IL-12 in dose- and time-dependent manners. IL-12 gene transduction did not significantly affect the expression of adhesion molecules (CD 54, CD106 and HLA-A,B,C) by BEAS-2B cells. These results suggest that the IL-12 gene may be successfully transduced into human bronchial epithelial cells by adenoviral vector to express IL-12 activity in vivo.

キーワード 推奨
  1. (英) Adenoviridae
  2. (英) Bronchi
  3. (英) Cell Adhesion Molecules
  4. (英) Cell Line
  5. (英) Genetic Vectors
  6. (英) Humans
  7. (英) Immunophenotyping
  8. (英) Interferon-gamma
  9. (英) Interleukin-12
  10. (英) Lymphocytes
  11. (英) RNA, Messenger
  12. (英) Respiratory Mucosa
  13. (英) Transduction, Genetic
発行所 推奨 (英) The University of Tokushima / (日) 徳島大学
誌名 必須 The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI([徳島大学.医学部])
(pISSN: 1343-1420, eISSN: 1349-6867)
ISSN 任意 1343-1420
ISSN: 1343-1420 (pISSN: 1343-1420, eISSN: 1349-6867)
Title: The journal of medical investigation : JMI
Title(ISO): J Med Invest
Supplier: 徳島大学
Publisher: University of Tokushima
 (NLM Catalog  (Webcat Plus  (医中誌Web  (J-STAGE  (Scopus  (CrossRef (Scopus information is found. [need login])
必須 49
必須 1,2
必須 74 82
都市 任意 徳島(Tokushima/[日本国])
年月日 必須 2002年 2月 初日
URL 任意 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110001901808/
DOI 任意
PMID 任意 11901765    (→Scopusで検索)
CRID 任意 1050564287419556992
NAID 110001901808
WOS 任意
Scopus 任意
機関リポジトリ 110639
評価値 任意
被引用数 任意
指導教員 推奨
備考 任意
  1. (英) Article.Affiliation: Third Department of Internal Medicine, University of Tokushima School of Medicine, Kuramoto-cho, Tokushima 770-8503, Japan.

  2. (英) Article.PublicationTypeList.PublicationType: Journal Article