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著作: Sogawa Yoshimi/[吉村 好之]/[山内 卓]/Investigation of the Ca2+-independent form of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in neurite outgrowth/[Brain Research. Brain Research Protocols]


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2012年10月12日(金) 17:04:02
三木 ちひろ
種別 必須 学術論文(審査論文)
言語 必須 英語
招待 推奨
審査 推奨
カテゴリ 推奨
共著種別 推奨
学究種別 推奨
組織 推奨
著者 必須
  1. (英) Sogawa Yoshimi
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  2. 吉村 好之
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
  3. 山内 卓
    役割 任意
    貢献度 任意
    学籍番号 推奨
題名 必須

(英) Investigation of the Ca2+-independent form of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in neurite outgrowth

副題 任意
要約 任意

(英) Neuronal Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase II) plays important roles in the control of nerve functions in response to intracellular Ca(2+) (for reviews [Annu. Rev. Physiol. 57 (1995) 417-445; Trends Neurosci. 17 (1994) 406-412]). Brief Ca(2+) signals activate CaM kinase II, and stimulate an autophosphorylation of Thr-286 which allows the kinase to maintain its activated state even after the Ca(2+) concentration has returned to basal levels [J. Biol. Chem. 264 (1989) 16759-16763; Neuron 3 (1989) 59-70; J. Biochem. 109 (1991) 137-143]. Autophosphorylation of CaM kinase II occurs in situ, but it occurs relatively quickly, within just a few minutes [Endocrinology 134 (1994) 2245-2250; J. Biol. Chem. 268 (1993) 7863-7867; J. Biol. Chem. 265 (1990) 18055-18058]. In the present study, we investigated the involvement of the autophosphorylated/Ca(2+)-independent form of CaM kinase II in neurite outgrowth. When neuroblastoma Neruo2a (Nb2a) cells expressing the alpha isoform of CaM kinase II (Nb2a/alpha cells) were stimulated by plating, they formed neurites. The autophosphorylation of Thr-286 and appearance of Ca(2+)-independent activity preceded the neurite formation. The effect of mutating of the kinase autophosphorylation site replacing Thr-286 with Ala (alpha T286A kinase) or Asp (alpha T286D kinase) was examined. alpha T286A kinase was not converted to a Ca(2+)-independent form, and alpha T286D kinase had Ca(2+)-independent activity significantly as an autophosphorylated kinase. Cells expressing alpha T286D kinase had much longer neurites than Nb2a/alpha cells, whereas cells with alpha T286A kinase did not form neurites. These results indicated that the Ca(2+)-independent form of CaM kinase II autophosphorylated at Thr-286 is involved in neurite outgrowth.

キーワード 推奨
  1. (英) Animals
  2. (英) Calcium
  3. (英) Calcium-Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase Type 2
  4. (英) Calcium-Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinases
  5. (英) Cell Line
  6. (英) DNA, Complementary
  7. (英) Fluorescent Dyes
  8. (英) Green Fluorescent Proteins
  9. (英) Immunoblotting
  10. (英) Indicators and Reagents
  11. (英) Isoenzymes
  12. (英) Luminescent Proteins
  13. (英) Mice
  14. (英) Microscopy, Fluorescence
  15. (英) Mutation
  16. (英) Neurites
  17. (英) Neuroblastoma
  18. リン酸化(phosphorylation)
  19. (英) Transfection
発行所 推奨 Elsevier Science
誌名 必須 Brain Research. Brain Research Protocols([Elsevier])
(pISSN: 1385-299X)
ISSN 任意 1385-299X
ISSN: 1385-299X (pISSN: 1385-299X)
Title: Brain research. Brain research protocols
Title(ISO): Brain Res Brain Res Protoc
Publisher: Elsevier B.V.
 (NLM Catalog  (Scopus  (CrossRef (Scopus information is found. [need login])
必須 8
必須 3
必須 159 169
都市 任意
年月日 必須 2001年 12月 初日
URL 任意
DOI 任意 10.1016/S1385-299X(01)00106-4    (→Scopusで検索)
PMID 任意 11733191    (→Scopusで検索)
WOS 任意
Scopus 任意
評価値 任意
被引用数 任意
指導教員 推奨
備考 任意
  1. (英) Article.Affiliation: Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Shomachi 1, Tokushima 770-8505, Japan.

  2. (英) Article.PublicationTypeList.PublicationType: Journal Article

  3. (英) Article.PublicationTypeList.PublicationType: Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't